Food as Medicine

Keith's Cacao – The World’s Finest Ceremonial Cacao

8 April 2024
The World’s Finest Cacao
If you're a newbie to the world of sipping on Keith's Cacao, the whole idea of turning a solid block of paste into a luxurious drink might seem as puzzling as a Rubik's Cube. No worries, for I am here to guide you through this delightful journey of unlocking the magical powers of this extraordinary elixir. Step into a world where chocolate bars are mere peasants in comparison to the purity of Keith's Ceremonial Cacao.

Lion's Mane - The Mind Mushroom

4 April 2024
The Mind Mushroom
Discover the magic of the Lion's Mane Mushroom! This whimsical, pom-pom-like fungus hides powerful health benefits within its unexpected appearance. Step into the enchanted forest of natural remedies and explore the wonders of this unique and beneficial ingredient. The Lion's Mane Mushroom can be found in forests worldwide and has been utilised in traditional Chinese medicine for centuries.

The Best Anti-Inflammatory Drinks

14 March 2024
The Best Anti-Inflammatory Drinks
From flavoured waters to fancy coffees and trendy teas to frosty smoothies, quenching your thirst has never been easier. But before you take a sip, make sure you're not just drinking empty calories disguised as health elixirs. It's time to separate the true inflammation-fighting warriors from the imposters. Let's spill the tea on how teas and smoothies can help curb inflammation and figure out which delicious drinks are truly on your side when it comes to your health goals.

Coffee: A Superfood & Plant Medicine?

13 March 2024
Coffee: A Superfood & Plant Medicine?
Coffee, the beloved morning ritual for millions around the globe, is much more than just a pick-me-up beverage. Beyond its aromatic allure and unmistakable flavour, coffee boasts an array of health benefits that may surprise many. While its reputation has fluctuated over the years, recent research has shed light on the positive effects coffee can have on various aspects of health from boosting cognitive function to reducing the risk of chronic diseases.

Australian Native Bush Tucker Foods & Their Health Benefits

12 March 2024
Bush Tucker Foods
Move over kale and quinoa, there's a new kid on the block in the nutrition world - indigenous Australian plants and fruits! From wattle seed to pepper berry, these ingredients are shaking things up and our expert nutritionist is here to spill the beans (or should I say seeds?) on all the amazing benefits. So ditch the boring old super-foods and get ready to embrace the incredible edible natives that are taking the health world by storm! Forget your traditional Aussie barbie or a posh meal at a fine dining restaurant.