
Why Health Experts Advocate for Beta Glucan - Based on 214,000 Studies

23 January 2025
Beta Glucan
Lately, I've been seeing Beta Glucans popping up all over natural health websites. Intrigued but admittedly clueless about what they actually are, I decided to delve deeper into this mysterious compound that seems to be all the rage in the world of holistic healing. What I unearthed was nothing short of fascinating. Beta Glucans, a powerhouse of bioactive substances, are generating quite the buzz for their wide array of health-enhancing and prebiotic benefits.

Astaxanthin – An Incredible Potent Nutraceutical

4 December 2024
Potent Nutraceutical
Keep reading! You won’t believe the incredible benefits Astaxanthin can offer for your health. Until recently, I didn’t know much about this fascinating nutraceutical. A while back, I came across an article discussing how many Japanese people live to be 100 years old, and it suggested that Astaxanthin might contribute to maintaining good health well into old age. Curious to learn more, I decided to delve deeper into the subject. Here, I’ll share my findings on this remarkable compound and it’s all backed by science!

Magnesium For Longevity

21 November 2024
Magnesium For Longevity
Over the years, I've come to realise just how crucial Magnesium is. When I first began exploring the benefits of various nutrients, I viewed Magnesium as perhaps the most important mineral. However, with time, research and the amazing results, it became clear to me that Magnesium is far more significant than I had imagined. Every year, new studies and evidence continue to highlight its central role in maintaining optimal health and supporting countless bodily functions.

Fungi Fascination... Beyond the Trends

18 November 2024
Fungi Fascination
From the shadowy depths of damp forests to the vibrant, sun-soaked patches of grand meadows, a hidden kingdom thrives, fascinating me with its complexities and wonders. This is the world of mycology. My obsession with fungi sparked when I was a teenager. Frequently I walked through a nearby forest and it was there where I stumbled upon a cluster of vibrant mushrooms that looked like they belonged in a fairy tale.

Turmeric... Simple Everyday Health

3 November 2024
Simple Everyday Health
I honestly couldn’t specify in my title to which specific target area Turmeric is best for, because there are SO many, and I didn’t want to focus on just one area in particular that Turmeric could aid you in, I want to show you as many as I could possibly find and the things I have experienced myself with this beautiful golden powerhouse. At Ancient Purity we call our Turmeric the Queen of the Spices! And for numerous reasons.