Food as Medicine

Soursop Leaves - Unveiling the Hidden Health Benefits

22 January 2024
Soursop Leaves
I just love my daily cup of anti-inflammatory Soursop Leaves Tea! So, that’s why today I decided talking about Soursop, which is a fruit with many faces and even more aliases. Hailing from the warm and tropical realms of the Americas, this botanical medicine goes by names like Guanabana, Paw-Paw, Sirsak and Graviola. Talk about a fruit with an identity crisis!

Coconut Water - Revitalise Your Diet with 7 Creative Uses

14 January 2024
Revitalise Your Diet
Believe me! Living in Thailand, and I live here since 2001, is like stepping into a vibrant kaleidoscope of awesomeness, where even the most discerning taste-buds are seduced by the enchanting elixir known as fresh Coconut Water. Picture this: as I wander through the bustling streets of this tropical wonderland, a dazzling parade of coconut vendors stands tall, their Coconuts beckoning me with a wink and a smile.

MSM Organic Sulphur; Vast Benefits & Uses

11 January 2024
MSM Organic Sulphur
Methylsulfonylmethane (who can actually pronounce this?), commonly, and much more easily known as MSM, is a naturally occurring organic Sulphur compound found in various foods and beverages. However, it is also available as a supplement in the form of MSM organic Sulphur. This compound has gained much popularity in recent years due to its numerous health benefits and versatile uses.

The Mediterranean Diet – Still Real "Longevity" Food

4 January 2024
The Mediterranean Diet
Looking to live a longer, healthier life? Well, look no further than the Mediterranean diet! This eating plan has been scientifically proven to reduce the risk of chronic disease and overall mortality. So grab your extra virgin olive oil and get ready to dive into a world of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, beans, legumes, fish, and nuts. Say goodbye to red meat, sugar, and saturated fats, but say hello to a nice glass of red wine (in moderation, of course).

The Power of Kefir - Backed by Nutrition Experts

3 January 2024
Power of Kefir
Kefir, the funky cousin of yogurt, has been around since ancient times, spreading its probiotic love throughout the Balkans, Eastern Europe, and the Caucasus region. But what do wise dietitians have to say about this tangy elixir? Well, grab a glass and let's dive into the potential health benefits, the risks, and the tastiest ways to incorporate Kefir into your diet.