Health & Our Stuff

Kakadu Plum Syrup - The Sweetener that Heals & Protects

24 July 2024
The Sweetener that Heals & Protects
I have always sought out natural sweeteners that not only satisfy the palate but also offer health benefits. More often than not, my search has revolved around finding the least harmful options. So, when I discovered that Kakadu Plum can be transformed into a syrup, I was made up. Let me take you through my journey with this remarkable syrup, its incredible health benefits, and how it has seamlessly integrated into my daily routine from sweetening smoothies, making weird personal crafted coffees and in the summer some incredible smoothie bowls.

The Healthiest Teas & Additions for Your Brews

22 July 2024
The Healthiest Teas
Tea has always held a special place in my heart, a comforting ritual woven throughout my day. As the sun begins its ascent into the sky, I reach first for a steaming cup of coffee to jumpstart my morning. The coffee’s rich aroma and bold flavour set the tone for the day ahead. But as the morning progresses and the hustle and bustle of life begins to settle, I find myself gravitating towards a different kind of brew.

Versatile Virtues of Coconut Oil

18 July 2024
Versatile Virtues of Coconut Oil
I could talk about Coconut oil all day and the monopoly of wonders this particular oil can bring, and the magic it can AND will bring to your everyday lives (so this article will be easy!); it’s just ridiculously versatile. When I did my own research I encountered countless positive stories in the uses of Coconut oil and the crazy thing was, it was for such a vast number of different uses!

DHA, EPA & Fish Oil Supplements - the Benefits & Lowdown

8 July 2024
DHA, EPA & Fish Oil Supplements - the Benefits & Lowdown
Frequently, I tune into wellness podcasts and scour social media for trustworthy natural health news and advice. One thing that stands out to me is the common narrative that inflammation is portrayed as the ultimate enemy that must be eradicated at all costs. The term itself is frequently used to describe a range of bodily responses, from redness and swelling to break-outs, itchiness, and general pain.

Creating your Own Apothecary at Home

3 July 2024
Creating your Own Apothecary
Ever since 2019, I have lovingly curated my own Apothecary in a quaint corner of my attic. Nestled among the rafters are my prized possessions - herbal tinctures, delicate dried herbs, seeds and elusive mushrooms. If you are a true believer in the ancient art of herbalism and its mystical powers, I urge you to embark on the journey of creating your very own Apothecary.