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Visit Ancient Purity

Visit Us Monday to Friday 10am - 5pm at Ancient Purity in rural Essex, England. See our expanding range of cutting-edge health products, take a walk around the lakes on the grounds and see some incredible wildlife. There is a rustic barn cafe for lunch or bring your own and sit by the lakes. If you want to speak to Tom and chat about collaborating please Contact Us first to arrange a time.

We always love to meet our online friends in person. We have ample parking available out front and you are welcome to sample some Exotic Fruits, Chocolates, and Herbal Teas inside, we have different ones available each time. You can also Visit Us at one of our regular Events. We look forward to seeing you! If you would like in-depth advice, you can book a Consultation with Tom. Click HERE to find out more

Ancient Purity's building was created in the 15th century, it's called the Dovecote and is the only of its kind left in the UK. Made from the same timber as Cressing Temple a Knights Templar site circa 1136, the ancient historical site is just 10 minutes away. Little Braxted itself was previously awarded village of the year U.K so there are some amazing walks around. It's home to a medieval church (noted in the Doomsday Book). St Nicholas Church was used by Founding Father of the USA and 1st President USA George Washington's Great Grandfather Rev. Lawrence Washington.

There are the unique to Little Braxted, Willow Bat Trees, the strongest in the world use for making the worlds best cricket bats. The local wildlife is also very unique. The site is carbon neutral powered by the lake and solar panels, mixing untouched ancient nature and modern innovation. Come walk around the rivers, lakes and trees.

Visit us Monday - Friday 10-5pm

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