Ascension (Development)

Yoga – Ascension in Bodywork

10 July 2024
Ascension in Bodywork
Just like myself, many are seeking ways to reclaim balance and well-being in their lives. One such avenue is the ancient practice of Yoga, a holistic discipline that has been celebrated for thousands of years for its myriad benefits to both body and mind. The yogic path, rooted in Indian philosophy and spirituality, offers more than just physical exercise and stretching; it is a journey toward inner peace, improved health, and heightened awareness; who knew right!?

Embracing the Power of Not Knowing: A Path Through Uncertainty

21 June 2024
Embracing the Power of Not Knowing: A Path Through Uncertainty
I believe that in a world that glorifies knowledge and certainty, embracing the power of not knowing everything may seem counterintuitive. However, there is a profound wisdom in accepting our limitations, whatever they may be and embracing the uncertainty that comes with it. This journey of acknowledging our lack of omniscience opens up avenues for personal and collective growth, which can aid in fostering resilience, adaptability, and a deeper understanding of ourselves, this human experience and this beautiful world we live in.

Day-Care Centres in Finland Planted Forests, Resulting in Changes to Children's Immune Systems

13 June 2024
Day-Care Centres in Finland Planted Forests, Resulting in Changes to Children's Immune Systems
I recently stumbled upon a groundbreaking Finnish study that I simply can't keep to myself. This research is essential for parents of young children, and I knew I just had to share it with all of you. Imagine a group of tiny tots frolicking through a mini forest, tending to their own little garden of delights, all the while unknowingly boosting their immune systems.

The Sacred Art of Breathwork: A Path to Inner Liberation

30 May 2024
Sacred Art of Breathwork
In the silent whispers of the wind and the rhythmic dance of our breath, lies the essence of our existence. As a Buddhist meditation teacher and breathwork coach, I have come to understand the profound significance of breathwork in our spiritual journey – a timeless practice that transcends the boundaries of time and space, guiding us towards inner liberation and awakening.

Smudging with Incense For Health & Antibacterial Cleanse, Study Results

22 May 2024
Smudging with Incense
OK, let’s start this article by imagining that a prehistoric human, sitting cross-legged in a dimly lit cave, enveloped in a cloud of pungent plant smoke. And then fast forward to modern times, where this ancient practice has not only survived but thrived in cultures across the globe. Yes, I'm talking about smudging - the art of burning sacred herbs and resins to cleanse the spirit and restore balance.