Articles by Tom Stavely

Articles by Tom Stavely

I started Ancient Purity in 2011 and have been advising customers, clients, friends and companies on health and ascension. I have a life long interest in all things holistic coming from my Grandma and uncle. I love the great outdoors, travel and adventure, searching all the lost cures and secrets of health and longevity. I'm sharing all of my notes and stories here so check back regularly as I add them.

Kakadu Plum Syrup - The Sweetener that Heals & Protects

24 July 2024
The Sweetener that Heals & Protects
I have always sought out natural sweeteners that not only satisfy the palate but also offer health benefits. More often than not, my search has revolved around finding the least harmful options. So, when I discovered that Kakadu Plum can be transformed into a syrup, I was made up. Let me take you through my journey with this remarkable syrup, its incredible health benefits, and how it has seamlessly integrated into my daily routine from sweetening smoothies, making weird personal crafted coffees and in the summer some incredible smoothie bowls.

B Vitamins & Other Supplements to Protect Against Air Pollution

1 July 2024
B Vitamins & Other Supplements to Protect Against Air Pollution
In our increasingly polluted world, safeguarding our health against the harmful effects of air pollution has never been more crucial. We often overlook the silent but significant impact of pollutants on our bodies, leading to various health issues over time. I would say toxins be it from processed garbage food and from the pollutants of the air are our worst enemy, well along with excessive stress.

Exploring Freedom from Parkinson's Disease Naturally.

24 June 2024
Freedom from Parkinson's Disease
I always get so bored of articles that spend the first 5 mins telling you what the disease is and loads of other facts. I doubt anyone reading this, needs to know about PD. If you haven't experienced it personally or had a loved one affected by it, you probably don't even care to know more about it. I assume you're here because, like me, you have had a loved one impacted by the disease. Perhaps you have experienced symptoms or even received a diagnosis yourself.

Cascara Sagrada for Laxative, Clearing & Purging: An Ancient Detox

16 June 2024
Cascara Sagrada
I'm a huge proponent of Cascara Sagrada as a detox herb. It's not just a laxative, it is a clearing out herb, it does so much more than just end constipation. I've never suffered from constipation but I have used Cascara Sagrada multiple times. In my opinion it's one of the best and most effective Herbs there is. Thats why we've always had it at Ancient Purity.

EMF Protection Supplements

10 June 2024
EMF Protection Supplements
I'm going to jump right into this, if you're here you know all about the why of EMF's. I know some people are more sensitive than others and some people are located more in deeply affected EMF area. This is for those people. I want to stress at the start here that you must believe in the power and resilience of the human body. You're a powerfully, eternal being that can handle the trash being served up by those deeply unconscious beings.