Food as Medicine

Coffee: A Superfood & Plant Medicine?

13 March 2024
Coffee: A Superfood & Plant Medicine?
Coffee, the beloved morning ritual for millions around the globe, is much more than just a pick-me-up beverage. Beyond its aromatic allure and unmistakable flavour, coffee boasts an array of health benefits that may surprise many. While its reputation has fluctuated over the years, recent research has shed light on the positive effects coffee can have on various aspects of health from boosting cognitive function to reducing the risk of chronic diseases.

Australian Native Bush Tucker Foods & Their Health Benefits

12 March 2024
Bush Tucker Foods
Move over kale and quinoa, there's a new kid on the block in the nutrition world - indigenous Australian plants and fruits! From wattle seed to pepper berry, these ingredients are shaking things up and our expert nutritionist is here to spill the beans (or should I say seeds?) on all the amazing benefits. So ditch the boring old super-foods and get ready to embrace the incredible edible natives that are taking the health world by storm! Forget your traditional Aussie barbie or a posh meal at a fine dining restaurant.

6 Foods That Can Send Your Blood Sugar Soaring

11 March 2024
Blood Sugar Soaring
Who knew that even healthy foods can play a little havoc with our blood sugar levels, especially if you're dealing with type 2 diabetes? But there’s no need to despair as you don't have to bid adieu to these tasty treats altogether! Let's get clever about how we tackle these blood sugar spikers for better control. Counting carbs is a must when you're in the type 2 diabetes club, but it's not just about the numbers game.

Ashwagandha: A Versatile Elixir for Holistic Well-Being

8 March 2024
Elixir for Holistic
In the realm of herbal remedies and holistic wellness, few substances hold as much reverence and acclaim as Ashwagandha. Derived from the roots of the Withania somnifera plant, Ashwagandha has been a cornerstone of Ayurvedic medicine for centuries, esteemed for its multifaceted benefits to both body and mind. This ancient herb has captured the attention of modern science, leading to a surge of research validating its therapeutic potential.

Superfood/fruit Powders - Nutrition for Hikers, Backpackers & Climbers

6 March 2024
Superfood/fruit Powders
Who doesn't love fresh fruit? It's like a burst of refreshing goodness, packed with vitamins and fibre. But let's face it. Sometimes it's just not practical to carry around a bunch of bananas or a juicy watermelon. Enter freeze-dried fruits, the superhero of convenience. Imagine taking a perfectly ripe and delicious fruit, freezing it, and magically removing every drop of moisture.