Posts tagged 'Heart Health'

Stairway to Health - The Benefit of Steps

4 May 2024
Stairway to Health
Are you ready to take your heart health to new heights? A recent study from across the pond has revealed that simply swapping the elevator for the stairs could be the key to a longer, healthier life. Researchers in the U.K. discovered that those people who made the effort to climb stairs regularly had a decreased risk of heart disease and premature death compared to their elevator-loving counterparts.

6 Super-Foods for a Healthy & Strong Heart

14 February 2024
Strong Heart
I thought what better day to talk about heart health than Valentines Day. In the great battle of life and death statistics, it appears that heart disease has taken the crown as the reigning champion of doom, sorry no stories. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have declared it the heavyweight champion of mortality. In the United Kingdom, 1 in 8 males and 1 in 14 females die from heart disease. But don’t despair, for there may be a way to dodge this vicious opponent, and it comes in the form of six extraordinary super-foods that can potentially save the day.

Cayenne Peppers’ Incredible Benefits & How to Utilise

22 December 2023
Cayenne Peppers
Let’s have a closer look at that the powerhouse which has been spicing up our meals for centuries - Cayenne Pepper! I just love it and can’t imagine having a meal without some of this spicy stuff in it. But hold on tight, because this little red devil has more tricks up its sleeve than just adding a kick to your stir-fry. Prepare to have your mind blown, because Cayenne Pepper is about to revolutionise your health!

Diving Deeper into Niacinamide - Multi Benefits

19 December 2023
Diving Deeper into Niacinamide
In this article let me introduce you to the superstar of vitamins - Niacinamide, or as it's fondly known in the vitamin world, Nicotinamide. Actually it is a form of vitamin B3, playing a crucial role in energy metabolism. Without it, your little mitochondria buddies can't whip up any energy for you. And who wants to walk around like a deflated balloon? Certainly not me! Niacinamide is not just a one-trick pony.

Celtic Sea Salt: Journey into Holistic Wellness & The Sea's Bounty

19 August 2023
Journey into Holistic Wellness
In the realm of holistic wellness, there exists a hidden treasure that has traversed through the tides of time and tide, carrying with it the profound essence of the sea's vitality - Celtic Sea Salt. Imagine, if you will, embarking on a journey that delves deep into the mystical embrace of the ocean, unlocking the secrets it holds for our well-being.