Mens Health

The Numerous Evidence-Based Health Benefits of Ginger Unveiled

6 September 2024
Benefits of Ginger Unveiled
I have an insatiable passion for Ginger! It can be found abundantly at the local fresh food markets in Chiang Mai, and I always opt for the fresh variety for its intense spiciness. As a lover of all things spicy, the more heat, the better! Luckily, my wife is a whiz with fresh Ginger in her repertoire of recipes. Not only is Ginger a culinary delight, but its remarkable health benefits are truly astounding. Studies have shown that Ginger is more powerful in fighting staph infections than antibiotics, and all without the unwanted side effects.

The Power of Coenzyme Q10

23 August 2024
Power of Coenzyme
Let me start telling you that I am a firm believer in the power of Coenzyme Q10. This supplement has been a game-changer for me in terms of boosting my energy levels and improving my overall health. From increased stamina during workouts to a clearer complexion, Coenzyme Q10 has truly transformed my life. I swear by Lipolife's Liposomal Co-Q10 and take one teaspoon (5ml) daily.

Apple Cider Vinegar for Men

15 August 2024
Apple Cider Vinegar for Men
For thousands of years, vinegar has been more than just a staple in the kitchen; it has woven itself into the fabric of human history, cherished for its tangy flavour and remarkable versatility. This dynamic, fermented elixir reigns supreme in an array of culinary concoctions, from robust marinades to zesty salad dressings and mouth-watering sauces. Among the myriad varieties of vinegar, Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) has surged into the spotlight, garnering a veritable fanfare in recent years.

10 Brain Health-Enhancing Exercises

19 March 2024
Health-Enhancing Exercises
As the candles on my birthday cake multiply, I've noticed a few more "senior moments" creeping in. Like, did I already pay that bill or did I just dream it? So, I did what any modern-day detective would do – I hit up the old world wide web to find some brain-boosting tips. You all know that hitting the gym is crucial for keeping that body in tip-top shape, but did you know your brain needs a workout too?

What Your Tongue Reveals About Your Health

29 February 2024
What Your Tongue Reveals
Don't underestimate the power of your tongue! This muscle hanging out in your mouth and throat is not just some taste-testing, speech-spouting, and food-swallowing tool. It's a multitasking hero, serving as both a defender of your precious health and a messenger of doom. "This little fella is a big deal," says Alexander Kerr, DDS, MSD, head honcho of oral medicine at New York University College of Dentistry.