
Yoga – Ascension in Bodywork

10 July 2024
Ascension in Bodywork
Just like myself, many are seeking ways to reclaim balance and well-being in their lives. One such avenue is the ancient practice of Yoga, a holistic discipline that has been celebrated for thousands of years for its myriad benefits to both body and mind. The yogic path, rooted in Indian philosophy and spirituality, offers more than just physical exercise and stretching; it is a journey toward inner peace, improved health, and heightened awareness; who knew right!?

The Sacred Art of Breathwork: A Path to Inner Liberation

30 May 2024
Sacred Art of Breathwork
In the silent whispers of the wind and the rhythmic dance of our breath, lies the essence of our existence. As a Buddhist meditation teacher and breathwork coach, I have come to understand the profound significance of breathwork in our spiritual journey – a timeless practice that transcends the boundaries of time and space, guiding us towards inner liberation and awakening.

The Power of Black Walnut Protein Powder - A Nutritional Powerhouse

13 May 2024
Power of Black Walnut
In the world of protein powders, there are a plethora of options to choose from – whey, casein, pea, soy, and the list goes on. But have you ever considered incorporating Black Walnut Protein Powder into your diet? This lesser-known gem is a nutritional powerhouse that is not only good for your body but also good for the environment. Let’s dive into the world of Black Walnut Protein Powder and discover its numerous benefits.

Stairway to Health - The Benefit of Steps

4 May 2024
Stairway to Health
Are you ready to take your heart health to new heights? A recent study from across the pond has revealed that simply swapping the elevator for the stairs could be the key to a longer, healthier life. Researchers in the U.K. discovered that those people who made the effort to climb stairs regularly had a decreased risk of heart disease and premature death compared to their elevator-loving counterparts.

Slow Muscle Ageing while Being in the Gym – 10 Exercises

30 December 2023
Slow Muscle Ageing
Alright folks, let's kick off this conversation by tackling the hot topic of ageing. Now, growing older can be a real pain in the posterior – especially when you start experiencing all these pesky changes in your body. Research has shown that as we age, our physical fitness takes a nosedive, leaving us with a sad decline in agility, strength, flexibility, and endurance.