Articles by Georgia Thomas

Articles by Georgia Thomas

Georgia lives in Dover, England with her husband Dave and 2 children. She is trained in Reiki Healing, Holistic Massage and is always learning and researching alternative means of healing for herself and her children. Meditation and Mindfulness practices are a part of Georgia's daily life and she also hosts Women's healing circles. She met Tom at a Cacao Ceremony at Ancient Purity and contributes to the Blog. She is passionate about exploring the ideas of positive psychology and self compassion to navigate life's complexities. Georgia absolutely loves travelling the world, meeting new people, spending time with those she loves and making new memories with her children. She finds immense joy and fulfilment to be in nature and finds ways to incorporate nature in daily living.

Versatile Virtues of Coconut Oil

18 July 2024
Versatile Virtues of Coconut Oil
I could talk about Coconut oil all day and the monopoly of wonders this particular oil can bring, and the magic it can AND will bring to your everyday lives (so this article will be easy!); it’s just ridiculously versatile. When I did my own research I encountered countless positive stories in the uses of Coconut oil and the crazy thing was, it was for such a vast number of different uses!

Yoga – Ascension in Bodywork

10 July 2024
Ascension in Bodywork
Just like myself, many are seeking ways to reclaim balance and well-being in their lives. One such avenue is the ancient practice of Yoga, a holistic discipline that has been celebrated for thousands of years for its myriad benefits to both body and mind. The yogic path, rooted in Indian philosophy and spirituality, offers more than just physical exercise and stretching; it is a journey toward inner peace, improved health, and heightened awareness; who knew right!?

Embracing the Power of Not Knowing: A Path Through Uncertainty

21 June 2024
Embracing the Power of Not Knowing: A Path Through Uncertainty
I believe that in a world that glorifies knowledge and certainty, embracing the power of not knowing everything may seem counterintuitive. However, there is a profound wisdom in accepting our limitations, whatever they may be and embracing the uncertainty that comes with it. This journey of acknowledging our lack of omniscience opens up avenues for personal and collective growth, which can aid in fostering resilience, adaptability, and a deeper understanding of ourselves, this human experience and this beautiful world we live in.

Kakadu Plum: The Australian Superfood with the World's Highest Vitamin C Content

11 June 2024
The Australian Superfood
Behold the wondrous Kakadu Plum, also known as Terminalia ferdinandiana, a petite powerhouse hailing from the lush tropical woodlands of northern Australia. This little gem has caused quite a stir in the health world, thanks to its jaw-dropping levels of vitamin C. It's like the superhero of fruits, providing an impressive nutritional profile. In recent times, Kakadu Plum has become the rock-star of the super-food scene, earning a coveted spot in the spotlight for its myriad health benefits. But its appeal extends beyond just being a health food hero. This mighty fruit is making waves in industries far and wide, from food to cosmetics to pharmaceuticals. Who knew a tiny plum could pack such a punch? Keep your eyes peeled. We, at Ancient Purity, are convinced that this fruit is the next big thing!

Tiger Milk Mushroom: A Traditional Remedy

28 May 2024
Tiger Milk Mushroom: A Traditional Remedy
Tiger Milk Mushroom, scientifically known as Lignosus rhinocerus, is a unique and highly valued fungus that has been used in traditional medicine for centuries, particularly in Southeast Asia. Named for its milky latex that resembles a tiger's milk, this mushroom has been a staple in indigenous healing practices for its reputed health benefits, noted in particular in treating respiratory problems.