Smudging with Incense
22 May 2024

Smudging with Incense For Health & Antibacterial Cleanse, Study Results

OK, let’s start this article by imagining that a prehistoric human, sitting cross-legged in a dimly lit cave, enveloped in a cloud of pungent plant smoke. And then fast forward to modern times, where this ancient practice has not only survived but thrived in cultures across the globe. Yes, I'm talking about smudging - the art of burning sacred herbs and resins to cleanse the spirit and restore balance. But hold onto your Sage bundles, because recent scientific studies suggest that there's more to smudging than just chasing away bad vibes.

It turns out that inhaling that fragrant smoke may actually be doing us a favour by purifying the air of harmful bacteria. Who knew that ancient rituals could double up as life-saving practices? So, next time you light up that White Sage stick or Palo Santo, know that you're not just indulging in a centuries-old tradition - you're also giving your immune system a boost. It's like taking a spiritual shower, washing away loads of emotional and spiritual gunk that builds up in your body and living spaces.

Medicinal Smoke

If anyone gives you a hard time about your smudging habit, just throw them off guard with a sassy response - tell them you're a trendsetting health guru with a flair for the ancient and trendy. Because who knew that those old traditions could be so avant-garde? Sure, there are always those sceptics who scoff at the idea of burning Sage and incense for health benefits, dismissing it as nothing more than wishful thinking or mystical mumbo-jumbo. Some even go so far as to accuse it of being a form of cultural appropriation, where modern-day "shamans" shamelessly swipe practices from the very people their ancestors once trampled on. But hey, before we jump to conclusions, let's not forget that incense has been wafting through the air in churches for centuries, adding a touch of sacredness to the proceedings. And with this whole smudging thing gaining popularity, we decided to take a deep dive into the scientific research to separate fact from fiction. So next time someone rolls their eyes at your smudging ritual, just smile and tell them you're just ahead of the curve - because who knew that getting all Zen could be so cutting-edge?

Through our riveting exploration, we stumbled upon a fascinating 2006 review published in the esteemed Journal of Ethnopharmacology. Titled "Medicinal Smokes," this study delved into the world of herbal and non-herbal remedies administered as smoke from a whopping 50 countries spanning 5 continents. The findings were anything but lacklustre, revealing a startling global trend in the use of medicinal smoke to target specific organ systems – with a spotlight on the pulmonary, neurological, and dermatological realms. But wait! That’s not all. The researchers also uncovered the concept of "ambient smoke," a passive form of inhaled smoke produced by practices like smudging and incense. Traditional wisdom dubbed this ambient smoke as a powerful "air purifier," a notion that has stood the test of time. Could this be the ancient world's version of odour eliminators?

Smudging Herbs

And here's where it gets intriguing – the review made a bold suggestion that modern medicine should turn its curious gaze towards medicinal smoke as a potential drug delivery system. Why, you ask? Well, for starters, smoke-based remedies offer lightning-fast delivery to the brain, superior absorption by the body, and a budget-friendly production process. Move over, pills and injections, smoke is the new kid on the block! Of course, we can't forget about the spiritual side of things. Smudging isn't just about chasing away bad vibes or aligning your chakras. Nope, in the eyes of modern biomedicine, it's all about those vicious little germs – the ones that make us sneeze and wheeze. If smudging can prove its worth by zapping those so-called 'disease-causing germs,' then maybe, just maybe, it'll earn a smidgen of respect in the eyes of the sceptic-filled scientific community. So, whether you're a believer in the power of medicinal smoke or a sceptic who needs cold, hard evidence, one thing's for certain – the world of smudging is filled with more twists and turns than a soap opera. So grab your Palo Santo and let the smoky saga continue!

Forget everything you thought you knew about germs, infections, and contagions! The secret world of the human microbiome, mycome, and virome has been unveiled, revealing that those bacteria, fungi, and viruses might actually be our allies in the quest for optimal health. Yes, you heard that right - they're not just harmless, but essential to the intricate dance of the human holobiont. (A holobiont is a unit of biological organisation composed of a host organism and its associated microbial community. This term is often used to describe the symbiotic relationship between a host organism and the various microorganisms living inside or on its body. The host organism and its microbial community interact with each other in a complex and mutually beneficial way, influencing various aspects of the host's physiology, behaviour, and health) Are you curious to learn more and dive into the fascinating world of viromes and their profound implications for human health and autoimmunity? Join the revolution!

Smudging Prayers

Purifying Power - Smudging Goes From Folklore to Science's Cutting Edge

In the quirky world of scientific discoveries, who would have thought that smudging - the act of burning medicinal herbs - could be a secret weapon against airborne bacteria? Move over, hand sanitiser, because a 2007 study published in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology revealed that smudging can reduce bacterial counts by a staggering 94% in just one hour. Forget expensive air purifiers, all you need is a cosy fire and a concoction of fragrant herbs to create a sanctuary of cleanliness in your own home. The researchers found that the effects of this ancient practice lingered for up to 24 hours, making your living space a bacteria-free zone. Get rid of pathogens like Corynebacterium urealyticum and Staphylococcus lentus, because smudging has got your back. With the power of medicinal smoke, you can bid farewell to a menagerie of plant and human pathogens that dare to invade your personal bubble. So, next time you light up some Yerba Santo or Chaparral, remember that you're not just setting the mood - you're waging war against the microbial invaders of the air. Who knew that incense could be the unsung hero of household hygiene?

Was that a mic drop moment or what? The burning of medicinal herbs not only cleared the air of bacteria by a whopping 94% in just one hour, but the results were still going strong a full day later. And get this - a month on, seven other bacteria in the vicinity were still MIA. With modern city air packed with 1800 bacterial varieties, some of them straight up deadly, this discovery could be a game changer in the fight against antibiotic-resistant superbugs that even the CDC is sweating over. And let's not forget about those subway germs - NYC's underground world is home to a mind-blowing 1700 different microbes, including troublemakers like Anthrax and Bubonic Plague. Time to take back control! One herb at a time…

Forget Lysol, the chemical cocktail that promises a thorough sterilisation but delivers more like a half-hearted wave in the general direction of cleanliness. Recent studies have revealed that these conventional methods of air and surface sterilisation fall far short of their lofty promises, up to 10 times less effective than we have been led to believe. So, why subject ourselves to such ineffective fumigations when there's a more ancient and potent option available? Enter smudging and natural incense products, the underdogs of the cleansing world. While they may have once been dismissed as mere superstition, recent research has uncovered their true power. Medicinal smoke has been found to be a powerhouse when it comes to banishing mean microbes from the air, making it a far safer and more effective alternative to the chemical-laden sprays lining store shelves.

It turns out that smudging isn't just about getting rid of 'evil spirits' or 'negative energy.' It's actually a metaphor for the very real antiseptic properties found in the smoke. So, whether you're looking to cleanse your space of germs or bad vibes, smudging might just be the answer you've been searching for. And let's not forget about the olfactory benefits of medicinal smoke. Those aromatic compounds aren't just there to make your space smell nice – they have real, clinically proven health benefits that can uplift your mood and improve your wellbeing. So, next time you're reaching for that trusty can of Lysol, consider giving smudging a try. It may just be the ancient solution you never knew you needed.

Purifying Power

Some of the Best Smudging Herbs

  • Chaparral Incense: the scent of the wild and rugged outdoors captured in a tiny stick. Let me paint you a picture: imagine yourself wandering through a sun-drenched landscape, surrounded by scrubby brush and dusty trails. The air is filled with the earthy, resinous aroma of Chaparral, blending with hints of sage and pine. Lighting a stick of Chaparral incense is like bringing that invigorating experience into the comfort of your own home, allowing you to escape the hustle and bustle of city life for a moment of tranquillity. As the fragrant smoke curls and dances in the air, you can almost hear the faint rustle of wildlife and feel the warm sun on your skin. So go ahead, treat yourself to a little piece of the wilderness with Chaparral Incense - your senses will thank you. Learn More on Chaparral Incense Here.
  • Blue Sage: This humble plant may not have the flashy reputation of its glamorous cousin, White Sage, but don't let that fool you - it packs a powerful punch of its own. With its striking blue-hued leaves and earthy, spicy scent, Blue Sage is like the rebellious teenager of the sage family - edgy, bold, and utterly unapologetic. Its smudging properties are said to cleanse negative energy and promote healing, making it the perfect companion for anyone in need of a spiritual detox. So the next time you're feeling overwhelmed by bad vibes or just need a little pick-me-up, reach for a bundle of Blue Sage and let its fiery spirit work its magic. After all, who needs white sage when you can have a touch of blue sass in your life? Learn More About Blue Sage Here.
  • White Sage: White Sage, oh where do I begin? This mystical herb has been used for centuries by indigenous cultures for its cleansing and purifying properties. It's like a Sage superhero, swooping in to clear out any negative energy lurking in the shadows. I like to think of it as the ultimate spiritual vacuum cleaner, sucking up all that bad juju and leaving behind a fresh, clean slate. And let's not forget its earthy, slightly spicy aroma that lingers in the air like a comforting hug from Mother Nature herself. So next time you're feeling a bit weighed down by the weight of the world, grab a bundle of white sage and let it work its magic. Trust me, you'll be feeling lighter and brighter in no time. Learn More About White Sage Here.


  • Yerba Santa: This unassuming shrub may not have the flashy reputation of its more popular botanical counterparts, but don't let its humble demeanour fool you. Yerba Santa is a powerhouse of herbal goodness, known for its myriad medicinal properties and healing capabilities. From soothing sore throats and coughs to clearing congestion and promoting respiratory health, this plant does it all with a refreshing, minty flavour that's sure to put a spring in your step. So next time you're feeling under the weather, skip the over-the-counter meds and reach for a cup of Yerba Santa tea – your body will thank you, and you'll be sipping in style. Learn More About Yerba Santa Here.
  • Sweetgrass: Sweetgrass is a plant that not only looks beautiful swaying in the gentle breeze, but also serves as a natural air freshener with its sweet, pleasant aroma. It's like nature's way of saying, "Hey, I've got you covered in the scent department." The subtle perfume of Sweetgrass can turn any room into a sanctuary of relaxation and calmness, transporting you to a place where stress melts away like ice cream on a hot summer day. So ditch the artificial air fresheners and go natural with Sweetgrass - your nostrils will thank you! Learn More About Sweetgrass Here.
  • Palo Santo Wood Incense: The scent that will transport you to a place of peace and serenity faster than you can say "Zen." This mystical wood, hailing from South America, has been used for centuries in spiritual ceremonies and for its healing properties. Burning this fragrant incense creates a calming atmosphere, perfect for meditation or simply unwinding after a long day of dealing with life's little curveballs. The sweet, woodsy aroma will lull you into a state of relaxation, like a warm hug for your senses. So, whether you're trying to clear the negative energy from your space or just looking to add a touch of enchantment to your daily routine, Palo Santo Wood Incense is sure to be your new favourite go-to. Go ahead, light 'em up and let the good vibes flow. Learn More About Palo Santo Wood Incense Here.
  • Hummingbird Sage: Hummingbird Sage, also known as Salvia spathacea, is not your average garden herb. This stunning plant boasts vibrant red flowers that attract our tiny, winged friends like a magnet. It's no wonder they call it "Hummingbird Sage," it's like a neon sign for these little creatures. But don't be fooled by its beauty - this Sage has some serious skills when it comes to healing. Used by Native Americans for centuries, Hummingbird Sage is said to have powerful medicinal properties. It's like the master of the herb world, helping with its anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and antioxidant powers. So next time you see a hummingbird flitting around, just remember they're probably on their way to get their dose of this magical sage. Learn More About Hummingbird Sage Here.
  • Healing Tibetan Incense: Indulge your senses and transport yourself to the serene and mystical land of Tibet with our Healing Tibetan Incense. Crafted with care and using traditional recipes passed down through generations, this incense is a treasure trove of healing properties and aromatic bliss. Let the exotic scents of Himalayan herbs and spices fill your space, creating a calming oasis amidst the chaos of everyday life. Whether you’re seeking physical healing or simply want to unwind and rejuvenate your spirit, our Healing Tibetan Incense is sure to work its magic. So light up a stick, take a deep breath, and let the ancient wisdom of Tibet envelop you in a cloud of soothing smoke. Trust us, your mind, body, and soul will thank you. Learn More About Healing Tibetan Incense Here.
  • Persian Galbanum Resin: Persian Galbanum Resin, the hidden gem of the perfume world! This mystical substance, derived from the sap of the Ferula gummosa plant, exudes a scent that is both earthy and ethereal. Its aromatic profile is a dance of contradictions - fresh yet spicy, green yet musky. It's like the rebellious cousin of the more conventional floral scents, adding a touch of intrigue and unpredictability to any fragrance it graces. And let's not forget its impressive stamina - this resin has been known to linger on the skin for hours on end, a testament to its tenacious nature. So next time you're in need of a signature scent that's a little bit out of the ordinary, give Persian Galbanum Resin a whirl! Who knows, it might just become your new olfactory obsession. Learn More About Galbanum Resin Here.

Smudging Herb Prayers

Smudging Herb Prayers

Are you new to smudging? Check out these simple and easy-to-recite sample prayers. Feel free to personalise them to fit your needs!

Revitalise Your Space with a Soulful Smudging Prayer:

I stand in the centre of this sacred space, my voice strong and unwavering as I call upon the elements to cleanse and purify this home. I command any lingering negativity, lower vibrations, and malevolent entities to depart and return to the light from which they came. You are not welcome here.

With the power of air, I release these words so they may carry throughout every nook and cranny of this dwelling, dispersing any lingering negativity. With the force of fire, I burn away all stagnant energy that has attached itself to this space. The earth beneath my feet absorbs and neutralises any remnants of negativity, leaving nothing but pure energy in its wake.

And with the gentle touch of water, I wash away any traces of past inhabitants' negative energy, replacing it with peace, tranquillity, and unconditional love. Together, we cleanse this space of all that does not serve us, creating a sanctuary of light and purity. Let this home be a beacon of positivity and joy for all who enter.

A Powerful Smudging Prayer for Self or Others:

I seek harmony within myself and with all around me through clear communication with my body, mind, and spirit. I release any negative thoughts and open myself to clarity and alignment with my highest self. With ease and flow, I attract my greatest desires and remember that I am always connected to spirit, co-creating my journey.

Mind, Body & Soul Energetic Healing Prayer:

As I inhale deeply, I feel the healing power within me working its magic, cleansing and purifying my body, mind, and spirit. The swirling smoke surrounds me, washing away any trace of energetic imbalance or negative energy. I am filled with a sense of renewal and restoration, as I envision myself being fully restored to health and well-being.

House Blessing

Let this space radiate love, peace, and joy. As the smoke clears away any remnants of the past, may all who enter be greeted with warmth and blessings. Embrace the atmosphere of positivity and feel the welcoming energy surround you.

Quick & Sweet Little Prayer

Embrace the magic of this sacred Sage as it works its cleansing wonders, banishing all negativity from this space. Let the light, love, and positive energy flow in abundance. With each step through the aromatic smoke, feel a wave of renewal washing over your body, mind, and soul. Let the power of the sage guide you to a place of pure and positive energy.

Prayer for Protection

I invite the gentle energies of the earth, air, fire, and water to envelop this sacred space with their protective and purifying presence. May only love and positivity fill this place, keeping harm at bay from me and all who reside here.


Journal of Ethnopharmacology: Medicinal Smokes

PubMed: Medicinal smoke reduces airborne bacteria

MayoClinic: Smudging ceremonies help Native American patients heal