Support Gut Health
7 June 2024

The Ultimate Supplements to Support Gut Health

Imagine that nestled within the dark and mysterious depths of your belly lies a bustling metropolis teeming with over 100 trillion tiny residents. This bustling community, known as the microbiome, plays a crucial role in breaking down your grub and extracting vital nutrients. But hold the phone – the gut's job doesn't end there! Believe it or not, the state of your gut can have a ripple effect on various aspects of your health, underscoring the importance of keeping your gastrointestinal (GI) system in tip-top shape. So, whether you're eating a plate of pasta or pondering the secrets of the universe, don't forget to give your guts some love! A healthy gut is like having your own personal superhero squad living inside you, ready to swoop in and save the day at a moment's notice.

Not only does a happy gut mean better digestion and nutrient absorption, but it also plays a key role in boosting your immune system and keeping inflammation at bay. Plus, a well-balanced gut can even have a positive impact on your mood and mental health, because as we all know, a happy gut equals a happy butt (and brain). Some scientists even refer to the gut as “the second brain.” So, do yourself a favour and give your gut some love – your body and mind will thank you! The gut is linked to immune health, sleep, nutrition, metabolism, autoimmune diseases, and more! A well-functioning gut can boost overall health. Discover top expert tips for boosting digestive health with the 11 ultimate vitamins and supplements for your gut…

Gut is Unhealthy

How to Tell If Your Gut is Unhealthy

A weak or not well-functioning gut can have a negative impact on our overall health. Signs may include:

  • Digestive Conditions like Gas, Diarrhoea, Constipation or Bloating.
  • Weak Immune System.
  • Sleep Problems.
  • Chronic Tiredness.
  • Increased Anxiety & Stress.

How Can We Boost Gut Health?

Achieving optimal gut health can be achieved through a variety of methods. From incorporating probiotics and prebiotics into your diet, to reducing stress levels and staying hydrated, there are numerous ways to support your gut flora and maintain a healthy digestive system. These simple yet effective strategies can help you feel your best from the inside out.

  • Indulge in a nourishing and delicious high-fibre diet packed with colourful fruits and vegetables, hearty whole grains, protein-rich legumes, and tasty nuts.
  • Frequent Physical Activities.
  • Getting Enough Quality Sleep.
  • Decreasing Stress Levels.
  • High Quality Gut Health Supplements can Provide Additional Aid.

Unlock Optimal Gut Health with These Essential Supplements & Vitamins

Okay, picture this: your gut is like a bustling metropolis, teeming with billions of tiny residents working tirelessly to keep you healthy. Now, imagine giving them a boost with some super-powered vitamins and supplements. Research and experts are all abuzz about how these little gems could potentially be the key to keeping your gut in tip-top shape. But before you go all gung-ho on that supplement shopping spree, it's always a good idea to chat with a healthcare pro first. They'll give you the lowdown on the recommended doses and any potential sketchy interactions with other drugs, so you can strut your stuff on the supplement scene without any unwanted surprises. So, go ahead, show your gut some love - just do it smartly…



In a world full of picky eaters and fad diets, there’s one thing that everyone can agree on: Probiotics are the bomb-dot-com of the gut health world. These living microorganisms have the power to shake things up in your belly and create a party that even the most exclusive VIP list would be jealous of. “A healthy gut is like a well-choreographed dance floor, with just the right balance and variety of Probiotics swirling around,” says Amy Lee, M.D., chief medical officer of Lindora, where they preach the gospel of good gut health. And where do you find these microscopic party animals? Well, they like to hang out in fermented food joints like Greek yogurt, kombucha, and kimchi. If you’re not into the club scene, don’t worry - Probiotics also come in supplement form, ready to pop in your mouth in powders, capsules, and tablets. So whether you’re a die-hard yogurt enthusiast or a pill-popper extraordinaire, there’s no excuse not to invite some friendly Probiotics into your gut party. After all, who doesn’t want a little extra sparkle in their tummy? Learn More About Probiotics Here.


Prebiotics are fibres that the body can’t digest but instead uses as fuel for probiotic bacteria to support their growth in the gut. Prebiotics are typically higher in fibre and can be found in most fruits and vegetables. Eat as much Prebiotics through fruits and vegetables as possible to optimise one’s amount of Probiotics. Beyond food sources, Prebiotics also come in supplement form and can be combined with veggies and fruits. However, always talk to your healthcare practitioner before you take any food supplements.

Psyllium Husk

Dr. Rao advises that getting your daily dose of fibre from food is the way to go, but let's face it - sometimes life gets in the way of a well-balanced diet. Enter Psyllium Husk: the fibre superhero here to save the day! This magical supplement turns into a gel-like wonder when mixed with water, swooping in to help get things moving in your intestines and bid farewell to constipation. Psyllium Husk is also a champion at bulking up stool, offering a helping hand in the battle against diarrhoea. So, whether you're feeling a bit backed up or experiencing the dreaded runs, this trusty supplement has got your back. Who knew a little husk could pack such a punch? Cheers to good gut health! Learn More About Psyllium Husk Here.

Psyllium Husk

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar, the trendy elixir made from the almighty apple itself. Dr. Lee, the esteemed expert, enlightens us on its hidden gems - pectin and probiotic bacteria. Pectin, the prebiotic powerhouse, does wonders for our insides. And let's not forget about the unpasteurised variety, lovingly called "with the mother," packed with probiotic goodness for our gut microbiome. But alas, research on humans is still pending, so the jury's still out on whether ACV is truly the gut-health hero we've been waiting for. Stay tuned readers! Learn More About Apple Cider Vinegar with the Mother Here.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C - the water-soluble wonder vitamin that's so essential, your body doesn't hesitate to kick out any extra it doesn't need. That's right, no hoarding allowed when it comes to this powerhouse nutrient! You've got to get your daily dose either through some tasty grub or a trusty supplement. Vitamin C is not just any run-of-the-mill nutrient. Oh no, it's a multitasking marvel that can rev up your system by boosting the production of short-chain fatty acids. These little guys don't just sit around twiddling their thumbs as they dive into the gut-brain connection game and give your intestinal barrier a much-needed coat of armour. Where can you find this superhero nutrient, you ask? Well, look no further than the zesty citrus fruits like oranges or the mighty cruciferous vegetables like broccoli. And if you're feeling a little lazy, there's always the convenient supplement route to make sure you're getting your daily dose of Vitamin C. So go ahead, give yourself a little extra pep in your step with some Vitamin C goodness! Learn More About UK-Made Vitamin C Here.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D deficiency is quite the sneaky culprit, especially in those gloomy corners of the northeast U.S. where the sun seems to be forever playing hide and seek," muses the knowledgeable Dr. Rao. For those with darker skin tones, the struggle is real when it comes to getting enough of that precious vitamin D. Fortunately the solution may be just a tiny capsule away! Yes, a little Vitamin D supplement could potentially be the key to turning that deficiency frown upside down. And hey, it's not just good for your bones - according to a 2020 research review, Vitamin D might just be a superhero when it comes to calming inflammation in the digestive tract, and helping to maintain that delicate balance in the gastrointestinal wall. A word of caution - some of the studies in the review had to resort to using our furry friends for data instead of human participants. So, while the signs are promising, it looks like we'll need a bit more research to confirm this potentially game-changing connection. Learn More About Vitamin D Here.


This polyphenol, found in the golden treasure that is turmeric, is renowned for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant powers. Not only does it work wonders for your health, but it might also be your gut bacteria's new best friend. Some studies suggest that Curcumin can boost the health of those beneficial bacteria in your gut, but like any good drama, there are conflicting reports on its effectiveness in humans. Before you go diving headfirst into a vat of Curcumin supplements, experts recommend giving your gut a little TLC through some old-fashioned lifestyle changes. Yep, that means tweaking your diet and breaking a sweat with some exercise. In addition, there are supplements out there that could lend a helping hand in improving your gut microbiome. Just remember to have a chat with your trusted healthcare professional before unleashing the Curcumin cavalry into your daily routine. Learn More About Organic Turmeric Here.


It looks like a Ginger a day may actually keep the doctor away! This zesty root has been turning heads in the health world with its possible anti-inflammatory and antioxidant powers. Thanks to a recent study in Frontiers in Microbiology, it seems that knocking back some Ginger juice could do wonders for your gut microbiota. In the study, a group of volunteers got to sip on either fresh Ginger juice or a boring old sodium chloride placebo for two whole weeks. And guess what? Those who got a taste of the real deal ended up with a gut full of happy bacteria, showing off greater diversity in their microbiomes by the end of the trial. But before you start chugging Ginger juice like it's going out of style, hold your horses. While this study is promising, we're not quite ready to crown Ginger as the king of gut health just yet. More research and longer studies are needed to really understand the full potential of this spicy supplement. So, for now, let's raise a glass to Ginger and all its gut-loving glory! Learn More About Organic Ginger Here.


Dr. Paulvin reveals that this short-chain fatty acid is like a fancy dinner for the cells in your colon, keeping them healthy and happy. But don't worry, you don't have to start chowing down on fibre like a rabbit to get your dose of Butyrate - it's conveniently available in supplement form too. However, before you jump on the Butyrate bandwagon, just know that the jury is still out on whether it truly delivers the promised benefits. It's like the enigmatic stranger at the dinner party - intriguing, but not everyone is convinced of its value.


Glutamine is a non-essential amino acid is making waves in the world of digestive health, with studies suggesting it could be the key to a happy gut. According to a 2021 research review in Food Science and Human Wellness, Glutamine has the potential to support our gut microbiome, calm down inflammatory responses, and fortify the delicate mucosal wall of our intestines. In other words, it's like a soothing balm for your insides. And if you suffer from the dreaded irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), Glutamine might just be your new best friend. A 2019 clinical trial published in the esteemed journal Gut found that Glutamine supplementation significantly improved IBS symptoms like abdominal pain and bloating, leaving the placebo in the dust. But remember that more research is needed to fully confirm these fantastic effects. So stay tuned!

“We are not just individuals; we are ecosystems, constantly interacting with the microbial world within us.” - Giulia Enders


Mount Sinai: Psyllium

John Hopkins Medicine: The Brain-Gut Connection

University Hospitals: Nutrition for Gut Health

Harvard T.H Chan School of Public Health: Vitamin C