Posts tagged 'Incense'

Smudging with Incense For Health & Antibacterial Cleanse, Study Results

22 May 2024
Smudging with Incense
OK, let’s start this article by imagining that a prehistoric human, sitting cross-legged in a dimly lit cave, enveloped in a cloud of pungent plant smoke. And then fast forward to modern times, where this ancient practice has not only survived but thrived in cultures across the globe. Yes, I'm talking about smudging - the art of burning sacred herbs and resins to cleanse the spirit and restore balance.

Palo Santo: Deep History & Sacred Scent

9 October 2023
Palo Santo
Palo Santo, with its enchanting scent and rich cultural history, is much more than just fragrant wood waved around at ceremonies by a bunch of hippies. For centuries, this "holy wood" has played a significant role in spiritual and traditional practices across South America. In this article, we delve into the history of Palo Santo, exploring its origins, cultural significance, and the potential reasons behind its ever growing popularity.