Posts tagged 'Healthy'

Natural Health in Oral Care: Tooth Powders

24 March 2024
Natural Health in Oral Care
In the oral hygiene world, innovations are continually emerging to elevate the standard of dental care. While toothpaste has long been the go-to choice for maintaining dental health, tooth powders are gaining traction as a potent alternative. From their natural ingredients to their effectiveness in cleaning teeth, tooth powders offer a myriad of benefits that make them a compelling addition to any oral care routine.

Coffee: A Superfood & Plant Medicine?

13 March 2024
Coffee: A Superfood & Plant Medicine?
Coffee, the beloved morning ritual for millions around the globe, is much more than just a pick-me-up beverage. Beyond its aromatic allure and unmistakable flavour, coffee boasts an array of health benefits that may surprise many. While its reputation has fluctuated over the years, recent research has shed light on the positive effects coffee can have on various aspects of health from boosting cognitive function to reducing the risk of chronic diseases.