
Mushroom Power – The Fungal Wonderland of Brain-Boosting Goodness

12 December 2023
Mushroom Power
Looking to boost your health and add a little pizzazz to your diet? Look no further than the mystical world of Mushrooms! At Ancient Purity we highly respect Mushrooms and it’s no surprise that we supply some of the most potent Mushroom Supplements. These fungi have been used for centuries in Traditional Chinese Medicine, and many cultures swear by their incredible health benefits. But before you go foraging in the forest, remember this: "All Fungi are edible.

A Key to Regenerating 6 Types of Bodily Tissues

7 December 2023
6 Types of Bodily Tissues
Prepare to have your preconceived notions about medicine and the human body shattered, all of you sceptics out there! Buckle up as we venture into the realm of ceaseless Regeneration, where the body dances with life and death in an eternal tango. You see, despite what our conventional medical wizards might have you believe, our bodies are natural-born regenerating machines. It's like our default setting - our little secret.

Niacinamide an Economical way to make NAD+ & Increase Longevity

19 November 2023
Increase Longevity
You've without a doubt heard now that boosting NAD+ is a game changer in anti-ageing, but you're confused which method or you simply can't afford some of the expensive supplements for it. Well Enter Niacinamide, also known as vitamin B3, your optimal NAD+ precursor. It serves as the guardian for restoring and sustaining robust NAD+ levels, paving the way for peak health and longevity.

Iodine - The Vital Element that Vanished from Food

16 November 2023
The Vital Element
Brace yourselves for a mind-blowing revelation about an element that has mysteriously disappeared from your diet – iodine! Yes, you heard it right. This little spark plug could be the missing piece in your quest for better health. But wait, there's more! The government, yes, that very institution we trust to prioritise our well-being, is actively suppressing the health research on Iodine.

Celtic Sea Salt: The Secret to Longevity & Vibrant Health

14 September 2023
The Secret to Longevity
This is truly a Salty Tale of Health and Vitality! In a world obsessed with quick-fix solutions and fad diets, it's refreshing to discover a natural ingredient that has stood the test of time. Enter Celtic Sea Salt, a hidden gem that not only enhances the taste of your dishes but also boasts a myriad of health benefits that can contribute to a longer, healthier, and zestful life.