Before diving into the fascinating connection between Lugol’s Iodine and skin health, I want to share why I incorporate this remarkable elixir into my daily routine. As I embarked on my journey toward optimal health and well-being, I often found myself pondering the range of vitamins, minerals, and supplements that have the potential to enhance my life. Among the endless choices available, one particular supplement stood out to me: Lugol's Iodine.
Posts tagged 'Iodine'
Iodine - The Vital Element that Vanished from Food
16 November 2023

Brace yourselves for a mind-blowing revelation about an element that has mysteriously disappeared from your diet – iodine! Yes, you heard it right. This little spark plug could be the missing piece in your quest for better health. But wait, there's more! The government, yes, that very institution we trust to prioritise our well-being, is actively suppressing the health research on Iodine.