Posts tagged 'Fungi'

Lion's Mane - The Mind Mushroom

4 April 2024
The Mind Mushroom
Discover the magic of the Lion's Mane Mushroom! This whimsical, pom-pom-like fungus hides powerful health benefits within its unexpected appearance. Step into the enchanted forest of natural remedies and explore the wonders of this unique and beneficial ingredient. The Lion's Mane Mushroom can be found in forests worldwide and has been utilised in traditional Chinese medicine for centuries.

Mushroom Power – The Fungal Wonderland of Brain-Boosting Goodness

12 December 2023
Mushroom Power
Looking to boost your health and add a little pizzazz to your diet? Look no further than the mystical world of Mushrooms! At Ancient Purity we highly respect Mushrooms and it’s no surprise that we supply some of the most potent Mushroom Supplements. These fungi have been used for centuries in Traditional Chinese Medicine, and many cultures swear by their incredible health benefits. But before you go foraging in the forest, remember this: "All Fungi are edible.