Posts tagged 'Outdoors'

Being in Nature... How much Time do we need to Heal?

22 March 2024
Being in Nature
In a world where we are constantly surrounded by concrete walls and artificial lighting, it’s easy to forget the profound effects that spending time in nature can have on our overall well-being. Our bodies are intricately connected to the natural world, and when we neglect that connection, we pay the price with our physical, emotional, and mental health. I have always advocated for making time to be outdoors every day, soaking in the nourishing rays of the sun.

Sleep Outdoors: The Health Benefits of Sleeping Under the Stars

7 March 2024
Sleep Outdoors
Tired of tossing and turning in pursuit of the elusive good night's sleep? Desperate times call for desperate measures, my sleepy friend. You've attempted every trick in the book to transform your dark, quiet, cosy sanctuary into a sleep paradise. But have you ever considered taking a little journey outside the confines of your cosy abode? That's right, the answer to our sleepless woes might just be found beneath the twinkling stars! In this wild world of sleep remedies, a study conducted in 2017 unearthed an unexpected solution to our nocturnal plight.

Is Nature the Ultimate Medicine?

7 January 2024
Nature the Ultimate Medicine?
Step outside and let nature work its magic on your weary soul. It's the ultimate restorative, the secret sauce to inner peace that can zap you with a mega dose of energy and a shiny new personality. Science, ever the keen observer, has caught on to this phenomenon. In a nifty study, participants were subjected to the awe-inducing beauty of nature scenes, causing their brain to sparkle like a Fourth of July fireworks display.

Embrace the Great Outdoors: The Power of Fresh Air

27 September 2023
The Power of Fresh Air
Ahhhh Air. The very source of what keeps us all alive. It’s the first thing I personally think of when I am stressed or overwhelmed, “I need fresh air”. Many of us spend the majority of our time indoors, surrounded by artificial lighting and controlled environments. While this lifestyle offers comfort and convenience, it often means we miss out on the numerous benefits of Outdoor Air.