Posts tagged 'Brain Health'

Lion's Mane - The Mind Mushroom

4 April 2024
The Mind Mushroom
Discover the magic of the Lion's Mane Mushroom! This whimsical, pom-pom-like fungus hides powerful health benefits within its unexpected appearance. Step into the enchanted forest of natural remedies and explore the wonders of this unique and beneficial ingredient. The Lion's Mane Mushroom can be found in forests worldwide and has been utilised in traditional Chinese medicine for centuries.

10 Brain Health-Enhancing Exercises

19 March 2024
Health-Enhancing Exercises
As the candles on my birthday cake multiply, I've noticed a few more "senior moments" creeping in. Like, did I already pay that bill or did I just dream it? So, I did what any modern-day detective would do – I hit up the old world wide web to find some brain-boosting tips. You all know that hitting the gym is crucial for keeping that body in tip-top shape, but did you know your brain needs a workout too?

The Power of Choline - Unveiling the Health Benefits & Impacts

29 December 2023
The Power of Choline
Choline is like the hero of foetal development and brain function. Not only does this little gem keep your nervous system, mitochondria, and cardiovascular system in check, but it also has a hand in metabolism and DNA synthesis. Talk about a multitasker! And guess what? Eggs, those delectable orbs full of Choline goodness, have some superpowers of their own. Recent research has revealed that they possess anti-inflammatory properties, making them a knight in shining armour for those with insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome.

Zeolite & Brain Health

2 December 2023
Zeolite & Brain Health
Listen up, because we're about to dive into the wacky world of the gut-brain connection. Brace yourselves for some mind-bending hypotheses involving Zeolites and their sneaky actions on our central nervous system. You see, there's a lot we don't know about how these magical minerals work, just like there are countless treatments out there that bring us joy but leave us scratching our heads wondering how they do it. It's like trying to understand the secrets of a magician's trick - elusive and mysterious.