Travel & Horizons
Wellness Retreat - Pai Thailand (My Experience)
Exploring The Mighty Amazon River
Camping - The Health Benefits
The Yanomami Tribe’s Healthy Blood Pressure Levels
Eat with Your Hands for Better Health
Oh, be still my beating heart! I simply cannot contain my excitement about penning an ode to the wonders of manual dining, or shall we say, the enchantment of analog dining – if you can handle that level of sophistication. Picture this: the year was 2003, and I embarked on an extraordinary journey to foreign lands. Little did I know, my peculiar preference had suddenly become the standard of excellence. I always loved to eat with my hands and it felt natural to me. Due to my many travel experiences, I realised it was natural to a huge portion of the world. But over the years I noted on why, why is it good for us? In our diverse world, various regions boast unique culinary traditions that extend beyond the food itself to the manner of consumption.