Posts tagged 'Mindfulness'

The Sound of Silence

3 April 2024
The Sound of Silence
In the realm of silence, we must be wise enough to differentiate between the liberating hush and the imprisoning hush. Silence is like the magical force that holds the power of transformation! But beware, for silence can be dangerously wielded like a weapon to serve the unholy trinity of greed, aversion, and delusion. This is where our understanding must come into play, for in this silent battleground, there is a clear distinction between the noble silence that brings enlightenment and its mischievous doppelgänger - the ignoble silence.

A Journey in 2024 with Oracle & Tarot Cards

9 January 2024
Oracle & Tarot Cards
We are currently in a world driven by technology and science at the forefront, yet the allure of mysticism and the unknown continues to captivate many. Oracle and Tarot cards, ancient divination tools with roots in various cultures, have persisted through the ages as instruments for gaining insight, guidance, and self-discovery. Much like ancient keys unlocking hidden chambers, these decks invite us to embark on a journey of introspection, empowerment, and connection with the mystical forces that weave through our lives.

A Simple Way to Start 2024 Happy, Peaceful & Present

1 January 2024
Happy, Peaceful & Present
I'd simply like to write about what I think is a good way to start this year, start each day and then let this be the feeling of the day, the year, the now. This way it doesn't belong to anyone, no one came up with it, there is no book to buy, no course to go on, no subscription and no further questions should be required, perhaps a re-read until it sinks in.

End the Year Mindfully Today

31 December 2023
End the Year Mindfully Today
Want to kick off your last morning of the year like a boss? Well, it's time to wave goodbye to those snooze button marathons and stop zooming around like a hyperactive race car. That's not how you set yourself up for success. Instead, you've got to take charge of your own "energy boost" and decide how you want to handle the chaos that inevitably comes your way.

Eat with Your Hands for Better Health

10 December 2023
Eat with Your Hands

Oh, be still my beating heart! I simply cannot contain my excitement about penning an ode to the wonders of manual dining, or shall we say, the enchantment of analog dining – if you can handle that level of sophistication. Picture this: the year was 2003, and I embarked on an extraordinary journey to foreign lands. Little did I know, my peculiar preference had suddenly become the standard of excellence. I always loved to eat with my hands and it felt natural to me. Due to my many travel experiences, I realised it was natural to a huge portion of the world. But over the years I noted on why, why is it good for us? In our diverse world, various regions boast unique culinary traditions that extend beyond the food itself to the manner of consumption.