Power of Detoxification
24 January 2024

Bentonite Clay – Unearth the Power of Detoxification

In our quest for optimal health and wellness, we will most often explore various avenues to detoxify our bodies and eliminate harmful substances. Bentonite clay, a natural and versatile substance, I have witnessed gaining popularity as a potent supplement in the realm of detoxification. This ancient remedy, derived from volcanic ash, boasts a myriad of benefits that contribute to overall well-being.

There are many ways to safely Detox. There are also many rather unsafe ways to Detox, such as laxatives, teas, diuretics and specific diets that remove foods our bodies desperately need. These can lower our immune system and mess with our natural detox systems we already have built-in in our very own biology. Our liver, kidneys, digestive system, skin and lungs are very sophisticated organs that are capable of effectively eliminating most unwanted substances within our body, however that’s assuming those organs are healthy already for optimal function. We can optimise these natural detoxification organs with natural, well tested products that have stood the test of time; one such product we will focus on in this article is of course, Bentonite clay.

Understanding Bentonite Clay

Understanding Bentonite Clay

Bentonite clay, also known as Montmorillonite, is formed from volcanic ash deposits that have weathered and aged over time. Composed of minerals such as iron, sodium, calcium, potassium, and magnesium, this clay has a unique structure that allows it to attract and absorb toxins and impurities.

Bentonite clay can be used internally for detoxification methods (outlined below) or health in general, or indeed externally as facial/foot masks, or general skincare (again, more information on this outlined below). Bentonite clay has been getting consistent positive results for generations now, making it one of our tried, tested and trusted products that will always be a firm favourite. Our Bentonite clay has absolutely no impurities or other harmful chemicals contained at all, therefore is kind to the inside AND the outside of our body, with no side effects experienced.

Detox the Body

Why Should We Detox the Body?

The concept of detoxification, often referred to as "detox," is based on the idea that the body accumulates toxins over time, and undergoing specific practices or interventions can help eliminate or reduce these substances. While the human body has its natural detoxification processes, proponents of detoxing argue that additional measures may be beneficial. Here are some reasons why people often consider detoxifying their bodies:

Environmental Toxins:
We are exposed to various environmental pollutants and toxins daily, including pesticides, heavy metals, and air and water pollutants. These substances can accumulate in the body over time and may potentially have adverse effects on health.

Processed Foods and Additives:
Diets high in processed foods, additives, preservatives, and artificial ingredients can introduce potentially harmful substances into the body. Detox programs often encourage a shift toward whole, nutrient-dense foods.

Stress and Lifestyle Factors:
Chronic stress, lack of sleep, and sedentary lifestyles can contribute to the buildup of stress hormones and metabolic byproducts. Detoxification practices may aim to support the body in managing and eliminating these substances.

Supporting Organs of Detoxification:
The liver, kidneys, lungs, skin, and digestive system are natural detoxification organs in the body. Detox programs may aim to support and enhance the functioning of these organs to optimise the elimination of toxins.

Health & Vitality:
Advocates of detoxing often claim that the process can lead to increased energy, improved digestion, clearer skin, and overall enhanced well-being. While scientific evidence supporting these specific claims may be limited, some individuals report subjective improvements.

Breaking Unhealthy Habits:
Detox programs may serve as a catalyst for individuals looking to break unhealthy habits, such as excessive alcohol consumption, smoking, or consuming a diet high in processed foods. It can provide a reset and a chance to adopt healthier lifestyle choices.

Weight Management:
Some detox programs claim to support weight loss by eliminating excess water weight and promoting better digestion. However, it's crucial to approach weight management with a balanced and sustainable lifestyle rather than relying solely on short-term detox plans.

While some detox practices may offer benefits, extreme or prolonged detox programs may carry risks and are not universally recommended. Bentonite clay is a natural, gentle form of detoxification that carries no side effects. We only recommend doing short 2 week cycles with the majority of our products, Bentonite clay being no exception, so 2 weeks on and perhaps a month off and then repeat if/when necessary. Additionally, adopting long-term lifestyle changes, such as a balanced diet, regular exercise, and stress management, is crucial for maintaining overall health and well-being.

Detoxification Mechanism

Bentonite Clay As a Detoxification Mechanism

The primary mechanism through which Bentonite clay aids in detoxification is adsorption, a process where toxins and impurities adhere to the clay's surface. Negatively charged ions in the clay attract positively charged toxins, facilitating their removal from the body. This natural binding ability makes Bentonite clay a powerful agent in purging the system of harmful substances.

Benefits of Bentonite Clay in Detoxification:

Heavy Metal Detoxification
Bentonite clay has been shown to effectively bind to heavy metals, such as lead, mercury, and aluminum. By binding to these metals, the clay prevents their absorption in the digestive tract, facilitating their elimination from the body and reducing the risk of heavy metal toxicity.

Gastrointestinal Health
The unique properties of Bentonite clay make it an effective remedy for digestive issues. It has been used to alleviate symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), bloating, and gas. The clay's ability to absorb toxins in the digestive tract may contribute to a healthier gut environment.

Improved Nutrient Absorption
By detoxifying the digestive system, Bentonite clay may enhance the absorption of essential nutrients. The removal of toxins allows the digestive tract to function more efficiently, ensuring that the body can absorb nutrients from food more effectively.

Skin Health
External applications of Bentonite clay, such as in face masks or baths, can help draw out impurities from the skin. This not only aids in the treatment of acne and blemishes but also promotes overall skin health and a radiant complexion.

Immune System Support
A detoxified body is better equipped to maintain a robust immune system. Bentonite clay's role in eliminating toxins can indirectly support the immune system, reducing the burden on the body and allowing it to function optimally.

How To Use Bentonite Clay In a Detox

How To Use Bentonite Clay In a Detox

Using Bentonite clay in a detoxification regimen involves incorporating it into your daily routine through various methods. Here are several ways to use Bentonite clay effectively:

Internal Consumption

Bentonite Clay Drink
Mix 1 teaspoon to 1 tablespoon of Bentonite clay powder with clean water or a non-acidic juice (such as apple juice) in a glass. Stir thoroughly and drink the mixture quickly to prevent the clay from settling. It's recommended to start with a smaller amount and gradually increase as your body adjusts.

Capsules or Tablets
Some people prefer the convenience of Bentonite clay supplements in capsule or tablet form. Follow the recommended dosage on the product packaging and make sure the substance you are sourcing is pure and trusted.

Detox Smoothies
Incorporate Bentonite clay into your detox smoothies for an added boost. Blend it with fruits, vegetables, and liquids for a tasty and nutritious beverage.

External Applications:

Clay Mask for the Skin
Create a facial mask by mixing Bentonite clay with water or apple cider vinegar to form a paste. Apply the paste to your face, avoiding the eyes and mouth, and leave it on until it dries. Rinse off with warm water. This helps draw out impurities from the skin and can be done once or twice a week.

Clay Bath
Add Bentonite clay to your bathwater for a relaxing and detoxifying bath. Mix the clay with water first to create a liquid paste, then add it to the bath. Soak for 15-20 minutes to allow the clay to work its magic.

Oral Rinse

Mouth Rinse
Mix a small amount of Bentonite clay with water to create a mouth rinse. Swish it around in your mouth for a few minutes before spitting it out. This can help remove toxins and promote oral health.

Foot Soak

Clay Foot Soak
Create a foot soak by adding Bentonite clay to warm water. Soak your feet for 15-30 minutes to help draw out toxins and promote relaxation.

Remember to follow these general guidelines when using Bentonite clay for detoxification:

  1. Choose high-quality, food-grade Bentonite clay to ensure purity.
  2. Stay well-hydrated throughout the detox process by drinking plenty of water.
  3. As always, please do your own research before starting any detox program, especially if you have pre-existing health conditions or are taking medications.

Ancient Purity Products

It's essential to listen to your body and start with smaller amounts, gradually increasing as needed. Personally I have been using alongside Bentonite clay a range of our other products for a heavy metal detox, these are:

  • Fulvic Acid Minerals – to re-mineralise, boost my body’s natural defences and reduce any inflammation. See here.
  • Spirulina & Chlorella Powder – to aid my digestion in nutrient absorption and help in the elimination of heavy metals. See here.
  • Psyllium Husk – to support my immune system, gastrointestinal health and promote healthy bowel movements. See here.

As individuals increasingly seek natural approaches to enhance their health, Bentonite clay has emerged as a compelling supplement for detoxification. Its ability to bind to toxins, support gastrointestinal health, and promote overall well-being makes it a valuable addition to a holistic approach to health maintenance. Before incorporating Bentonite clay into your routine, it is advisable to always always always, do your own research to ensure compatibility with your individual health needs. Embrace the ancient wisdom of Ancient Purity Bentonite Clay and unearth the transformative power of detoxification for a healthier, more vibrant life.

“If you listen to your body when it whispers, you won’t have to hear it scream”