The Third Eye
16 June 2023

The Third Eye – A Mystical Concept

Yeah! Let’s talk about spirituality and Enlightenment. This article’s main topic is The Third Eye, which is a mystical concept that refers to an invisible eye located in the centre of your forehead, just above the eyebrows. It is often associated with spirituality, mysticism, and psychic abilities, and is believed to have the power to see beyond the physical world.

The concept of The Third Eye is ancient and can be found in many cultures and traditions, including Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, and ancient Egypt. In Hinduism, it is known as the "ajna" chakra, while in Buddhism it is referred to as the "urna" or "eye of enlightenment." In Taoism, it is known as the "yin-yang eye," and in ancient Egypt, it was associated with the symbol of the eye of Horus. The Third Eye is often depicted as a symbol of awakened consciousness, wisdom, and intuition. It is said to be the gateway to higher levels of consciousness and spiritual enlightenment, allowing individuals to access spiritual insights and develop psychic abilities.

According to Hinduism, activating the third eye can help individuals achieve spiritual awakening and enlightenment. Yogis and spiritual teachers often teach meditation techniques that focus on the third eye, such as the practice of "trataka" or gazing meditation. This involves focusing on a candle flame or other object and allowing the mind to become still, which can activate The Third Eye and bring about a sense of inner calm and clarity. In Buddhism, The Third Eye is associated with the "Third noble truth," which is the cessation of suffering. It is believed that when the third eye is fully activated, one can achieve a state of "enlightenment" and transcend the cycle of birth and death.

In the modern world, the concept of The Third Eye is often associated with New Age spirituality and alternative healing practices. Some believers in The Third Eye claim that it can be opened through meditation, yoga, or other spiritual practices. They also believe that activating The Third Eye can lead to an increased sense of intuition, psychic abilities, and even telepathy. While The Third Eye may seem like a mystical and elusive concept, the scientific community has begun to explore its potential benefits. Studies have shown that meditation and other spiritual practices that focus on The Third Eye can have significant benefits for mental and physical health, including reduced stress, increased relaxation, and improved cognitive function.

In conclusion, the concept of The Third Eye is a fascinating concept that has been explored by spiritual practitioners for centuries. While it may seem like a mystical and elusive concept, its potential benefits for mental and physical health are increasingly being recognised by modern science. Whether you believe in the power of The Third Eye or not, exploring its potential benefits through meditation and other spiritual practices is certainly worth considering.

Sun Gazing

How to open your Third Eye

  • Activation Practice: It is best to begin with some activation exercises, which are typically quick, isolation exercises that target specific muscles to “wake them up”. Activation exercises just like stretching, increase blood flow to make your muscles ready for physical and mental activities
  • Sun gazing: Sun gazing is a practice where you gaze directly at the sun during certain times of the day, usually during sunrise or sunset. This practice has been around since ancient times and is believed to have physical, mental, and spiritual benefits. Advocates of sun gazing believe that the sun's energy and light can positively impact the body and mind. However, there is also some debate about the potential risks of sun gazing as looking directly at the sun can damage the eyes.
  • Practice Chanting & Meditation: Meditation and chanting are ancient practices that have been used for centuries to help people expand their consciousness and connect with a higher power. The Third Eye is a spiritual concept that refers to the centre of intuition and inner wisdom. It is located in the middle of the forehead and is associated with the pineal gland. Some people believe that by meditating and chanting, they can activate the third eye chakra and open themselves up to higher levels of spiritual awareness. Meditation involves focusing your attention on a particular object, thought, or activity to calm the mind and increase awareness. By entering a state of deep relaxation, you can increase your sensitivity to subtle energies and intuitive insights. Chanting involves repeating a mantra or sacred sound to focus the mind and raise your vibration. The rhythmic sound of chanting can help to quiet the mind and open you up to spiritual experiences. Some people believe that by combining meditation & chanting, they can create a powerful synergy that can help to activate The Third Eye chakra. By attuning to the subtle energies of the universe and connecting with the divine, you may be able to experience a greater sense of clarity, insight, and spiritual connection. However, it's important to remember that everyone's journey is unique, and there is no one-size-fits-all approach to spiritual growth.
  • Essential Oils: The most effective method is to use the essential oil, perhaps directly at The Third Eye chakra, so that you can release the block. Adding an intention as you apply the essential oil makes this practise more powerful; meditate, say a prayer, or just visualise a positive outcome. Given patience and time, using the following essential oils may help to open your Third Eye: Frankincense, White Angelica, Orange and Clary Sage.
  • Use Crystals: Ensure your crystals are completely charged, ideally with several hours exposed to a full moon, but in a pinch, any moonlight will be ok. Lay down on your back in savasana (A meditative posture in which one lies on one's back that is typically considered the final resting pose in yoga. Savasana is a pose of total relaxation - making it one of the most challenging) and put a crystal on your Third Eye and one in each hand. Optimally all 3 crystals should be different. Next, try for 10 minutes to focus on just deep breathing performing the square method – 4 counts in, hold for 4 counts, exhale for 4 counts, hold for 4 counts and repeat. Imagine a pure energy beam directed at the crystal on your Third Eye, protruding and healing your Third Eye chakra. Take all positive energy in and exhale to release all the negative energy. Feel the energy spread through your body, warming the crystals in each hand palm. Take 5 deep breaths and come back to yourself slowly.
  • Diet Plan: You should consider including the following health foods to you diet: Ancient Purity Raw Cacao, Ancient Purity Goji Berries, Garlic, Lemon, Watermelon, Ancient Purity Living Coconut Oil, Honey and Star Anise. These all-natural foods might support detoxify and support your Third Eye.

“We were created with more than five senses. Apart from the basic five, we also have the gut and the third eye. The gut being the seat of all feeling, and the third eye being the seat of intuition.” - Suzy Kassem