Reiki; We Are All Energy
Modern medicine continues to advance at an astonishing pace, but ancient healing practices still hold a special place. Reiki, a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that promotes healing, is one such practice that has gained popularity in recent years. Rooted in the belief that energy flows through all living things, Reiki offers a unique approach to healing by harnessing the power of energy. In this article we will explore the fascinating world of Reiki and how it is used to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. We’ll also explore the realm of the energy centres, otherwise known as ‘Chakras’. For those of us that like a little more logic (myself included in this) behind such ideas, I’ve got your back on this too.
It’s important to keep an open mind and an open heart when learning about new ideas and concepts, and learning about Reiki will require you to have both! It was only until learning about the science behind energy flow and that humans are basically made up of energy, that I was personally able to wrap my brain around how something like Reiki could have an effect on the human body. I have also had experiences with Reiki healers, and have now been attuned to Reiki level 2, and I can firmly declare that exposure to such a personal movement of energy (based on your own energy centres/Chakras), from a Reiki practitioner/master with pure loving intentions, it’s one of the most profound shifts I have experienced. When you let go of expectations and trust in the process, even if its unfamiliar to you, it’s incredible to sit back and witness the changes that can occur when we can just get out of our own way. So let’s take a deep dive into Reiki and all its magic.

Understanding Reiki: A Holistic Healing Approach
Reiki, pronounced 'ray-key,' is a holistic healing technique that originated in Japan in the early 20th century. The word "Reiki" is composed of two Japanese characters: "rei," meaning universal or spiritual, and "ki," meaning life energy or vital force. This practice is based on the idea that energy flows within and around our bodies, and when this energy is disrupted or blocked, it can lead to physical, emotional, or spiritual ailments.
Reiki practitioners believe and feel that they can channel this universal life energy through their hands, transferring it to the recipient. The process involves laying hands on or near specific energy centres, or Chakras, to promote balance, relaxation, and healing. The recipient typically lies down fully clothed during a Reiki session, while the practitioner lightly touches or hovers their hands over the various parts of the body they are feeling drawn to.
The Flow of Energy
The fundamental principle of Reiki revolves around the concept of energy flow. Practitioners maintain that when the body's energy is balanced and harmonious, it enhances the body's innate ability to heal itself. Conversely, when energy is blocked or disrupted, it can lead to physical or emotional distress.
Reiki sessions are intended to unblock and restore the flow of energy within the body. Practitioners believe that the energy transferred during a session can help the recipient release tension, reduce stress, alleviate pain, and experience a deep sense of relaxation.

Chakras: All 7 Energy Centres
The concept of Chakras is rooted in ancient Indian spiritual and philosophical traditions, particularly in yoga and Hinduism. Chakras are believed to be energy centres within the human body that play a crucial role in physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. There are seven main Chakras, each associated with specific physical, emotional, and spiritual attributes. Below is a detailed description of each of these Chakras:
Root Chakra (Muladhara):
Location: The base of the spine, near the coccyx.
Colour: Red.
Element: Earth.
Associations: The root chakra is associated with the basic human need for stability, security, and survival. It governs issues related to physical health, safety, and the feeling of being grounded. When balanced, it promotes a sense of safety, vitality, and a strong connection to the physical body.
Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana):
Location: Just below the navel, around the lower abdomen.
Colour: Orange.
Element: Water.
Associations: The sacral chakra is linked to creativity, sensuality, and emotional expression. It influences our ability to experience pleasure, develop healthy relationships, and connect with our inner desires. A balanced sacral chakra enhances creativity, passion, and a healthy sense of self-worth.
Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura):
Location: Above the navel, in the area of the stomach.
Colour: Yellow.
Element: Fire.
Associations: The solar plexus chakra is associated with personal power, confidence, and self-esteem. It influences how we perceive ourselves in relation to the world, our decision-making abilities, and our sense of purpose. A balanced solar plexus chakra fosters self-assurance, motivation, and effective personal boundaries.
Heart Chakra (Anahata):
Location: Centre of the chest, near the heart.
Colour: Green (or sometimes pink).
Element: Air.
Associations: The heart chakra governs love, compassion, forgiveness, and emotional healing. It's the bridge between the lower and upper Chakras, connecting the physical and spiritual realms. When the heart chakra is balanced, it promotes harmonious relationships, self-acceptance, and empathy.
Throat Chakra (Vishuddha):
Location: At the base of the throat.
Colour: Blue.
Element: Ether (or sound).
Associations: The throat chakra is associated with communication, self-expression, and authenticity. It influences our ability to express ourselves clearly, speak our truth, and listen actively. A balanced throat chakra encourages effective communication, honesty, and the ability to express one's feelings and ideas.
Third Eye Chakra (Ajna):
Location: Between the eyebrows, in the middle of the forehead.
Colour: Indigo or deep blue.
Element: Light.
Associations: The third eye chakra is connected to intuition, perception, and higher consciousness. It is associated with inner wisdom, imagination, and the ability to see beyond the physical world. A balanced third eye chakra enhances clarity, insight, and spiritual awareness.
Crown Chakra (Sahasrara):
Location: At the top of the head or slightly above it.
Colour: Violet or white.
Element: Thought, consciousness.
Associations: The crown chakra represents unity, spirituality, and connection to the divine or universal consciousness. It is the highest chakra and is often associated with enlightenment and spiritual awakening. A balanced crown chakra promotes inner peace, wisdom, and a sense of oneness with all things.
Reiki practitioners can help in balancing and aligning the Chakras. It can often also be done through meditation, yoga and mindfulness practices. When all Chakras are in harmony, it is believed to lead to optimal physical and emotional well-being, as well as a heightened sense of spiritual awareness.

Now a Little Science
Albert Einstein’s creation of E = mc2 demonstrated that energy and matter are fundamentally related, they are in fact one and the same. His work showed that matter and energy are actually interchangeable, meaning they are alike or very similar. The human body contains the elements hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen and carbon, which altogether account for more than 99% of the atoms in our body. Atoms are mostly empty space. They are mostly energy! Dr Joe Dispenza explains in his book, ‘Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself’, the following; “Think about this: everything physical in your life is not solid matter – rather, it's all fields of energy or frequency patterns of information. All matter is more “no thing” (energy) than “some thing” (particles)” – atoms are 99.99999% energy and .00001% matter. WE ARE LITERALLY MADE OF ENERGY! I love science.
So it’s no wonder that Reiki, the manipulation and shifting of ENERGIES throughout our body, is growing in popularity. We, as human beings, vibrate as ENERGY. Practitioners are able to sense where the energy is being used the most in their clients body and work with the client to move that energy from staying stagnant and creating issues (or indeed addressing issues already created).
The Benefits of Reiki
Reiki has potential to promote healing on a multitude of levels. Here are some of the reported benefits associated with this practice:
Stress Reduction: Reiki sessions are known for inducing deep relaxation, reducing stress, and promoting mental clarity.
Pain Management: Many individuals have reported a reduction in pain and discomfort after Reiki sessions.
Emotional Healing: Reiki can assist in addressing emotional issues, promoting a sense of peace and emotional balance.
Enhanced Well-Being: People often experience an overall sense of well-being, increased energy, and improved immune function after Reiki sessions.
Spiritual Growth: Reiki is also used as a tool for spiritual growth and self-awareness, helping individuals connect with their inner world.

Reiki, to me, is Universal Life Force Energy. Being attuned with Reiki as a healing tool simply means that you are able to channel energy from the Earth/Universe (whatever your preference) and that you can easily enable it to pass through your body, as the vessel, to the client that requires healing in some form or another. This is not intended to drain the practitioner’s energy (and it doesn’t) as they are merely the vessel in which the energy can successfully go where it needs to. I have been witness to this successful delivery of energy to clients for a while now, and it is utterly miraculous the shifts that can occur in others.
Scientific evidence on its effectiveness is limited and some have said (those sceptic folk who haven’t seen my science bit!) that perhaps that’s just a placebo effect in action, and my answer to this, maybe it is… but so what? If we BELIEVE and feel, on an energetic level, a shift in our own energy field, internally or externally, that doesn’t make it less REAL. In fact the reaffirming of such beliefs alters DNA structures and changes our internal chemical processes – shifts can and will occur in our energy fields. Reiki’s creative progression works differently for different people and we receive exactly what we require from it. It’s healing practice rooted in the concept of energy flow and offers an alternative approach to well-being. Many individuals attest to the positive impact it has on their physical, emotional, and spiritual health. Whether you are a staunch believer or a sceptic, Reiki's growing popularity demonstrates the enduring human fascination with holistic and alternative healing methods. As the world continues to explore new horizons in healthcare, practices like Reiki serve as a reminder of the profound connection between mind, body, and spirit, and the untapped potential of energy in healing.
“Life opens up in so many different ways when your energy has been awakened”
Panache Desai