Morning Miracle
11 December 2023

Morning Miracle - Turbocharge Your Metabolism with These Surprising Coffee & Tea Boosters!

Coffee, I like to describe it as the elixir of life that brings us joy and keeps us awake. But did you know that this beloved beverage can be spruced up with spices that not only tantalise your taste buds but also turbocharge your metabolism? It's true and I've got the lowdown for you. We had a delightful chat with Sheri Smith, the master of all things nutrition, and Rachel Jones, the guru behind the several popular diets. These brilliant minds spilled the beans on two spices that can transform your average cup of coffee into a metabolism-boosting powerhouse.

The first spice on the list is Cinnamon. Yes, it is that humble little stick that adds warmth and pizzazz to your baked goodies. Turns out, when you sprinkle a dash of Cinnamon into your coffee, it not only amps up the flavour but also sets your metabolism on fire. Who knew a simple spice could be so sassy? And let's not forget about Turmeric, the golden goddess of the spice world. This vibrant beauty is known for its anti-inflammatory properties and has taken the wellness scene by storm. But wait! When you infuse your coffee with the magnificent powers of Turmeric, it not only adds a delightful twist to your morning ritual but also gives your metabolism a hefty kick in the pants. Talk about starting your day off right! So there you have it. Spice up your coffee game and give your metabolism a high-five with the magical duo of Cinnamon and Turmeric. Not only will your taste buds sing with joy, but you'll also be turning heads with your newfound metabolic prowess. Cheers to a fabulous morning, filled with coffee, spices, and a metabolism that's cranked up to eleven!


Cinnamon… The spice that brings warmth and sweetness to our taste buds has become quite the global sensation, sneaking its way into coffee cups all over the world. With its fantastic aroma and slight kick, it can transform your morning brew into a divine elixir. But hold on to your espresso cups, because Cinnamon isn't just a culinary superstar – it might just be the secret weapon in your quest for a faster metabolism. Oh, you thought Cinnamon was all about sprinkling some magic on your French toast? Think again. According to the knowledgeable Berger, this spice has been linked to boosting insulin sensitivity, improving blood sugar levels, and even giving your cholesterol a good kick in the gut. And we all know that when it comes to weight loss and overall health, those things are as important as finding the perfect hiding spot for your stash of chocolate.

But hey, there's even more! Richards, the expert on all things metabolic, dives into the nitty-gritty of Cinnamon's role in speeding up that internal furnace you call your metabolism. Brace yourself for some brainy stuff, folks. Cinnamon can work its magic by making your body more responsive to insulin, meaning it can handle those pesky blood sugar levels like a boss. Say hello to more fuel for your everyday adventures and ta-ta to jelly rolls. But that's not all, ladies and gentlemen. Cinnamon seems to have a party trick up its sleeve – it unleashes a thermogenic effect that can give your metabolic rate a little boost. In simple language, by heating things up inside your body post-Cinnamon indulgence, it might just get the calorie-burning party started. Consider it the spice equivalent of throwing gasoline onto a bonfire – but without the dangerously exhilarating flames. So if you've ever dreamed of turning up the heat figuratively and literally, cinnamon might just be your fiery accomplice. So, let's welcome cinnamon to the coffee-sipping arena with open and enthusiastic arms. It's not just a sweet and versatile addition to your cup; it's a potential ally in your quest for a more revved-up metabolism. Now, go forth and brew, my friends, and may your mornings be as spicy as a Cinnamon twist.


Turmeric… Move over pumpkin spice latte, there's a new player in the coffee game and it's bringing a little kick of sass. Turmeric, with its earthy and slightly peppery flavour, has transcended the spice cabinet to become a trendy addition to our beloved cups of coffee. No longer confined to curry dishes, this spice sensation is breaking barriers and infiltrating the world of coffee. But why, you ask? Well, besides adding a unique and tantalising taste experience, Turmeric packs a powerful punch when it comes to potential health benefits. Behind its vibrant yellow hue lies an active compound called curcumin, which has researchers rubbing their hands together in excitement. This little superstar has been the subject of numerous studies exploring its role in boosting metabolism and improving our waistlines. In fact, scientific studies have shown that curcumin, the MVP of turmeric, is linked to improved waist circumference, body mass index (BMI), and body weight. It's like having a spicy wingman by your side, cheering you on as you conquer your weight loss goals. So move over, stubborn pounds, curcumin is here to give you a run for your money! Now, don't be alarmed if you spot someone elegantly swirling a pinch of Turmeric into their coffee. They're not overthrowing coffee culture or trying to dominate your taste buds with some outlandish concoction. They're simply tapping into the bold flavours and potential benefits that this golden ingredient brings to the table.

So next time you take a sip of your beloved coffee be open to embracing the unexpected. Let Turmeric whisk you away on a flavour adventure that will leave you feeling warm, satisfied, and possibly even a bit smug knowing you're giving your metabolism a subtle boost. After all, coffee and Turmeric are like two daring buddies, standing hand in hand, ready to take on the world, one flavourful twist at a time.

The Bottom Line… Spice up your coffee game and savour the flavours while reaping maximum benefits! Our spice guru, Berger, has some wickedly helpful tips for you. Listen up, folks! First off, we've got Cinnamon, the darling of the spice world. To achieve its glorious benefits and naturally sweet taste, sprinkle this bad boy into your brewed coffee or espresso beans before hitting that brew button. Let the magic happen! Now, let's talk Turmeric, the golden superstar. When you decide to introduce Turmeric to your coffee or espresso, don't forget to invite its right-hand buddy, black pepper, to the party. Yeah, that's right. These two go together like cheese and crackers. Why? Well, because black pepper plays a crucial role in absorbing the curcumin, the golden nugget of Turmeric. Trust me. It's like giving your coffee superpowers! But wait for it! We've got jaw-dropping news for you! According to some jaw-dropping studies, combining black pepper with Turmeric in your java may skyrocket curcumin absorption by a whopping 2000%! Yeah, you heard it right. Two-thousand percent! Your taste buds will be doing the Cha-Cha and your body will be singing "Hallelujah" with every sip. So there you have it. Spice up that coffee like a boss and bask in the magical flavours while reaping the rewards. Trust Berger, the spice whisperer, and let your coffee dance with Cinnamon and Turmeric, jazzed up with a hint of black pepper. Your taste buds will thank you, and who knows, you might become the Sultan of Spiced Coffee!

Healthy Spices

Enhance Your Tea with Healthy Spices

Tea, the elixir of life that has captivated humans for centuries, holds an irresistible charm that tantalises our senses and warms our souls. From its humble roots in ancient China to its global domination as the second most consumed beverage in the world, Tea has woven its way into every aspect of our lives. With its kaleidoscope of flavours, from delicate jasmine to robust Earl Grey, Tea offers an endless array of possibilities that cater to every taste bud. Whether you're seeking solace in a cosy brew on a rainy day or indulging in a gathering with friends, Tea is the ultimate companion that never fails to lift spirits and foster connection. What makes Tea truly extraordinary is not just its ability to please the palate, but the myriad of health benefits it bestows upon us. Packed with antioxidants and natural compounds, this humble drink promises to shield our bodies from the daily stresses of life. As we sip on a steaming cup, we can almost imagine the antioxidants marching bravely through our veins, fending off toxins and ageing like valiant warriors. Furthermore, Tea effortlessly embraces any occasion - it seamlessly transitions from a morning wake-up call to an afternoon pick-me-up and from a soothing evening ritual to a midnight companion during twilight contemplations. It's a beverage that adapts to our needs, whispering in our ears, "I'll be whatever you need me to be." Tea, the silent confidante that listens without judgment, understands without words, and brings comfort like no other, forever enchants us with its magic. There are several healthy spices that you can add to your Tea to enhance its flavour and provide potential health benefits. Here are some options…

  • Cloves have antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. They can offer a strong and spicy flavour to your Tea while promoting oral health.
  • Ginger has anti-nausea and anti-inflammatory properties and can aid digestion. It also provides a warm and slightly spicy flavour to Teas.
  • Peppermint is known for its soothing effects on digestion, helping relieve stomach discomfort. It has a refreshing and minty taste when added to Tea.
  • Cinnamon is rich in antioxidants and has anti-inflammatory properties. It can help regulate blood sugar levels and support heart health.
  • Turmeric has potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Adding a pinch of Turmeric can give your Tea a vibrant colour and potential health benefits.
  • Lemon: Although not a spice, adding freshly squeezed lemon juice to your Tea can provide vitamin C, aid digestion, and assist in detoxification.
  • Mint leaves can be added to Tea for a refreshing taste, and it can also aid digestion and relieve nausea.

“Without my morning coffee, I’m just like a dried-up piece of a goat.” - J.S. Bach

“No matter where you are in the world, you are at home when tea is served.” - Earlene Grey