Liposomal Glutathione
18 January 2024

Liposomal Glutathione For Longevity / Anti-Ageing

Glutathione, the unsung hero in your body's hit list, is like a hero on a mission to save the day. It's got your back when it comes to battling oxidative stress, keeping you young and spry, and even helping your body detoxify like a pro. But hold onto, because here's the thing: Glutathione's bioavailability is often lower than the stock market on a bad day. But at Ancient Purity we have devised a plan to catapult your health game to unprecedented heights. Brace yourselves for the ultimate weapon against those harmful free radicals - an antioxidant that will knock their socks off. With the magic of the advanced Liposomal Technology, Ancient Purity Glutathione food supplement ensures maximum absorption, leaving those other antioxidants shaking in their boots. So, why settle for dull and subpar health when you can soar with the best? Don't let Glutathione's bioavailability hold you back any longer - it's time to unleash the power of superior absorption and take your health to the next level. At Ancient Purity we know that your bodies will thank you, and you'll be strutting around like a trendy detoxified champion in no time.

Get ready to turn back the clock on ageing! Those scientific researchers who spend their days studying wrinkles and grey hair have stumbled upon an earth-shattering breakthrough. They've cracked the code to youthful vitality, and wait for it... they've found a simple solution that can add years of health and happiness to your life. Have you ever felt like your body is playing a cruel joke on you, ageing faster than your actual years? Well, buckle up, because after the ripe old age of 25, it's all downhill from there. We may not notice it right away, but by the time we hit 40 or 50, our mirror and our energy levels are quick to remind us that time is not on our side. It's no surprise, really. After 25, our bodies start losing the battle. Our organs, like your muscles, liver, kidneys, and other vital players, wave the white flag and bid their cells adieu. Meanwhile, our bones wave goodbye to their precious minerals and become as flimsy as a house of cards. And let's not forget about our skin, who decides to give up its once elastic and resilient nature.

Anti Ageing

But that's not where the party ends. Our brains, as if wanting to join in on the ageing festivities, start to feel a little less sharp with each passing year. It's like they've signed up for the aging club's VIP membership. Now, here's what we all love to complain about as we gracefully age like fine wine: feeling fatigue and lacking energy, dealing with aches and pains in our joints and muscles, waving goodbye to quality sleep, watching our immune system take a nosedive, and getting lost in a fog of forgetfulness. Fun times, right? But hold on, there's a light at the end of this ageing tunnel! Brace yourselves, because there's a reason why all this madness happens, and guess what? You have more control than you think to combat it! So, strap in, because we're about to dive into the fountain of youth, and it's going be a wild ride!

What's Accelerating the Rapid Ageing of our Bodies?

Let's dive into the captivating world of free radicals, those mischievous molecules that wreak havoc in our bodies. They are like the rebels of the biological realm, highly reactive and unstable, just waiting for a chance to stir up trouble. These troublemakers are produced in response to toxic stressors lurking in our environment, from air pollution to tobacco smoke, and even that intense workout session that leaves you gasping for air. Even if you meticulously lead a toxin-free lifestyle, you can't escape their evil presence. That's right, even the cleanest of us are not immune. You see, our body's everyday metabolic processes, like breaking down food for energy, also create these unruly radicals. It's as if our own bodies have a double agent within, just waiting to turn against us. Once unleashed, these radicals go on a rampage, targeting our precious cells, including the mitochondria, membranes, and even DNA itself! It's like they have a personal grudge against our well-being. This destructive attack causes a condition called oxidative stress, a fancy term for saying our bodies are on the brink of collapse. Oxidative stress is the root cause of countless chronic health issues that plague us today. It's like the epic villain behind the scenes, pulling the strings and orchestrating chaos. But fear not, for within our very cells, there’s a defence mechanism. Our bodies have a built-in superhero squad called antioxidants, ready to neutralise these villains. They come in the form of vitamins, minerals, and special chemicals with fancy names like glutathione and alpha-lipoic acid. Now, brace yourselves for the climax of our tale. Among these superheroes, there is one which reigns supreme – the "master antioxidant." This undisputed champion can either be our saviour or our downfall. If we run low on this powerful guardian, oxidative stress gains the upper hand, leading us down a treacherous path towards cell death. We must treasure and nourish our master antioxidant with all our might, for it has the power to protect us from the perils of free radicals and their unruly cohorts. Let this be a reminder that even in the face of adversity, with a little help from these antioxidants, we can reclaim our health and conquer the villains that age us before our time.

Ultimate Antioxidant Power

Unveiling the Ultimate Antioxidant Power

Glutathione is like the superstar antioxidant of all antioxidants. She’s the boss that can be found in every single cell, working her magic to detoxify your system and get rid of all the nasty toxins, chemicals, and free radicals that are wreaking havoc inside you. Unlike other antioxidants, Glutathione doesn't just hang out on the surface; definitely not, this one goes deep. She's intracellular, meaning she's inside your cells, making sure everything runs smoothly and protecting your precious DNA from ageing, damage, and oxidation. Additionally, Glutathione is the ultimate cheerleader for your other antioxidants. She's like their personal trainer, pumping up their activity levels and making sure they're in tip-top shape. Vitamins C and E, CoQ10, and alpha lipoic acid owe a lot to this master antioxidant for keeping them in their prime.

And Glutathione is not just a pretty face, she's got brains too. She's a key player in energy production and methylation, two processes that are essential for your cells to function properly. In other words, without enough Glutathione, your body wouldn't be able to survive, let alone thrive. And here's the kicker - Glutathione is the secret to ageing like a fine wine. The higher your levels of Glutathione, the better your physical health and the more you'll rate yourself as a health queen. It's like having your very own fountain of youth in your body. Your lungs, in particular, are big fans of Glutathione. They need her like Taylor Swift needs her squad. Low levels of Glutathione can mess with your lung function, making your cell lining go haywire and putting you at a higher risk for respiratory issues. So, yeah, you definitely want to keep this antioxidant diva on your side.

So, what exactly does glutathione do? Well, she's everything your body needs to stay on top of its game. She's the guardian of your cells, the energy booster, the detox queen, and the age-defying superstar. Glutathione truly is the superhero your body deserves. It helps to…

  • Support Lean Muscle Mass
  • Promote Mitochondrial Function & Retain Mitochondrial DNA
  • Support Cellular Function & Healthy Ageing
  • Scavenge and Eliminate Free Radicals
  • Save your Precious Vitamin B12 from Dangerous Toxins
  • Promotes Athletic Endurance
  • Boost T-Cell Performance & Maintain a Harmonious Immune System & Inflammatory Reactions
  • Reignite your Antioxidant Power with a Boost for Essential Vitamins C and E, & CoQ10
  • Boost your Body's Natural Detoxification Power to Rid your Brain & Body of Toxins & Heavy Metals

Imagine that you're chilling inside your body, minding your own business, when suddenly, disaster strikes! Your best pal, Glutathione, the superstar antioxidant, starts dwindling down to dangerously low levels. As a result, the delicate balance of your health and well-being begins to unravel like a poorly knitted sweater. But what on earth puts you at risk for this Glutathione catastrophe? Let's take a closer look, shall we?

  • Get Captivated: Feel the impact of mycotoxins, nature's hidden toxins, disrupting your cells and sabotaging Glutathione production.
  • Age: Your Glutathione levels can decrease with age.
  • Obesity: As obese persons experience more oxidative stress and lower Glutathione levels. Glutathione deficiency can lead to lower Vitamin D levels in obese people. Weight loss is linked to the elevation of Glutathione levels.
  • Not Enough Exercise: As sedentary persons tend to have lower Glutathione levels.
  • Stress: Stress can lead to hormonal imbalances which can create oxidative stress and quickly reduce Glutathione.
  • Toxic Overload: It can exhaust and overwhelm your supply of Glutathione.
  • Inflammation: Poor Sleep, tobacco use, pollution, hidden mould, and exposure to electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs) can all contribute to the development of inflammation.
  • Too Much Iron: Due to a deficiency in copper and retinol, the iron recycling pathways in most individuals are disrupted, leading to an excess of iron in their bodies.
  • Too Much Linoleic Acid (LA) Consumption: This common fat is typically taken in amounts over 25X what should be consumed for optimal health.
  • Excess Alcohol: Alcohol consumption can lead to lower Glutathione levels because our bodies use Glutathione to metabolise alcohol.


Got free radicals running wild in your body? Well, buckle up, because the demand for Glutathione just hit the roof! It's like a gluttonous monster, gobbling up all that precious Glutathione, leaving your body depleted and running on fumes. And guess what? It's not just one culprit. It's a whole squad of factors conspiring against you. First off, you might be living life on the edge with an increased need for Glutathione, but forget to chow down on those Glutathione-rich foods. Some of these Glutathione-rich foods include: peaches, avocado, spinach, broccoli, garlic and tomatoes. And just when you thought things couldn't get worse, your body might be slacking off in the Glutathione production department. Talk about adding insult to injury! A study spilled the tea and revealed that everything seems smooth sailing in the land of oxidative stress and Glutathione until you hit the milestone of your 60s. It's like the universe decided to give you a rude awakening. Suddenly, oxidative stress and damage skyrocket while Glutathione takes a nosedive. It's like the universe playing a twisted game of balance, where you always lose. Here's the bottom line. Don't be fooled into thinking low Glutathione levels are exclusive to elderly people as they can strike at any age, even those so-called healthy ones. It's a wake-up call, a reminder that life can be a real buzzkill. So, take care of your Glutathione before it takes a vacation and leaves you high and dry.

Are Your Glutathione Levels Depleted?

Did you know that most doctors out there don't have a clue about testing for glutathione levels? It's like they're in the dark ages or something. But no worries as I have the solution for you - the "RBC Glutathione" test! This method measures the Glutathione in your red blood cells, but hold on a sec, it might not be all that reliable because those levels can go all over the place. Talk about a rollercoaster ride! But there's another clue to uncover the mystery of Glutathione deficiency - homocysteine. If you've got high levels of this guy floating around in your bloodstream, it might just mean you're running low on Glutathione. See, homocysteine is supposed to transform into Glutathione and SAMe, but if it's hanging around too long, something's definitely not right. Now, here's the real secret: forget about all those fancy tests and numbers, and just listen to your gut. Literally! Pay attention to how you feel, and you might just uncover the truth about your Glutathione levels. And hey, if you're someone who's already at a higher risk - ageing, inflammation, weak immune system, or living that couch potato lifestyle - be on the lookout for these charming early warning signs of a mild to moderate deficiency. It's like a secret code from your body, a little nudge that says, "Hey buddy, you might need more Glutathione!" So, my witty friend, don't rely on those clueless conventional doctors. Trust your gut, keep an eye on that homocysteine, and be on the lookout for those snazzy warning signs. So, don't rely on those clueless conventional doctors. Trust your gut, keep an eye on that homocysteine, and be on the lookout for those snazzy warning signs. Glutathione deficiency won't stand a chance!! Be sure to watch for these early warning signs of a mild to moderate deficiency:

  • Aching Joints
  • Rashes & Dry, Itchy Skin
  • Poor Sleep
  • No Energy, Feeling Weak
  • Dizziness
  • Headache

Don't let reduced Glutathione sneak up on you like a sly ninja in the night. Sure, its early effects may be as subtle as a whisper, but don't underestimate the potential havoc it can wreak on your health. So, if you even have the slightest inkling that you might be lacking in Glutathione. You should take action immediately because the consequences can be downright serious. But hey, here's some marvellous news! Once you finally decide to give those Glutathione levels a much-needed kick in the pants, prepare for some mind-boggling changes. Brace yourself for an ecstatic boost in mood that could rival the euphoria of discovering buried treasure. Say goodbye to those restless nights because your sleep is about to become as peaceful as a slumbering kitten. And oh boy, get ready to witness a surge in energy that might just transform you into the Energiser Bunny's long-lost cousin. But that's not all! With a revitalised Glutathione army defending your body, your mind is about to reach new levels of clarity that would make Sherlock Holmes green with envy. And here's the cherry on top: your overall health is set to soar higher than a bald eagle on Red Bull. So, don't let reduced Glutathione get the best of you – take charge, boost those levels, and embark on an adventure of improved well-being like no other!

Supercharge Your Glutathione Levels with these Tips

Having a sufficient amount of Glutathione is crucial for maintaining good health. Not having enough of this mighty antioxidant can lead to a whole range of health issues, especially for those in the seasoned phase of life. You can do something about it! There are numerous ways you can make sure your body is well-stocked with Glutathione. First things first, your body has its own Glutathione production factory, churning out this magical substance naturally. However, what you put into your body also matters - surprise, surprise! Eating the right foods can really amp up your Glutathione game. So, we're talking about unprocessed goodies that are loaded with antioxidants and sulphur. These are the secret weapons to boost your Glutathione levels and improve your overall health. Now, brace yourself for the ugly truth about the modern American diet. It's a seed oil extravaganza that wreaks utter havoc on your Glutathione levels.

Seriously, it's like a destroyer for your body's antioxidant defence system. To combat this villainous seed oil assault, it is absolutely vital for you to cut down your intake of seed oils and LA (linoleic acid). How, you ask? Well, it's simple - just steer clear of all those processed foods that are masquerading as dietary delights. Instead, opt for cooking with ghee or beef tallow as your oil superheroes. But wait, there's more! Say goodbye to indulging in chicken, pork, and most restaurant food, as they tend to be high in the nefarious seed oils and LA. Yes, we know, it's a bit of a bummer, but think of it as a sacrifice for the greater good of your Glutathione levels. To turbocharge your Glutathione levels, stick to an unprocessed, antioxidant-rich diet, banish the seed oils, and bid adieu to certain meats and restaurant food. Your body will thank you, and you'll be strutting around like a Glutathione-powered superhero in no time! Below I’ll mention useful tips:

  • Get your daily dose of Sulphur with a diet rich in broccoli, Brussels sprouts, garlic, peaches and onions - your body needs it to make Glutathione. Plus, it's an excuse to eat more cauliflower, because who doesn't love cauliflower?
  • Break a sweat and boost your Glutathione levels with regular exercise. Just remember, the gym may be a breeding ground for free radicals, but it's also where your Glutathione production gets a much-needed boost. So, work out like a boss and let your body thank you later.
  • Sleep like a baby and wake up feeling refreshed, all while increasing your Glutathione levels. It's a win-win situation. So, put down that late-night Netflix binge and prioritise some quality shut-eye.
  • Cheers to good health, but maybe reconsider that extra round at the bar. Alcohol may be fun in the moment, but it's a Glutathione depleting party crasher. So, if you want to keep your immune system strong and free radicals at bay, it's best to limit or eliminate the booze. Sorry, margarita lovers!
  • Let the sun work its magic on your skin and bask in the glory of near infrared light. Not only will you increase your melatonin levels, but you'll also boost Glutathione production. It's like a two-for-one deal, compliments of Mother Nature.
  • Give your body a helping hand with some molecular hydrogen supplements. These bad boys will activate your Glutathione production and have your genes thanking you. Who knew science could be so tasty?
  • oost and maintain your glutathione levels with the help of some trusty supplements. Milk thistle, whey protein, N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC), and turmeric or curcumin are all in the squad. So, stock up on these Glutathione superheroes and keep your levels in check.

Glutathione Supplements

Remember, when it comes to Glutathione, it's all about giving your body the support it needs to keep free radicals at bay and your immune system strong. So, eat your Sulphur, workout like a champ, sleep like a baby, and make smart choices when it comes to alcohol and supplements. Good to know that Ancient Purity supplies N-Acetyl Cysteine, MSM Organic Sulphur, Raw Whey Protein Powder, Organic Turmeric Powder as well as Milk Thistle.

Glutathione Supplements - Why the Majority Fails, While One Truly Succeeds

If you suspect your Glutathione levels are plumbing the depths of despair, don’t worry, for there are options aplenty! For those in dire straits, intravenous (IV) infusions of the almighty Glutathione are the go-to recommendation. Alas, not everyone fortunate enough to require such treatment has access to this celestial elixir. But worry not, for there is an alternative! Behold Ancient Purity Liposomal Glutathione supplement, a potential saviour in your quest for optimal levels. However, heed this warning: most other supplements are about as effective as a snoozefest. Why, you may ask? Well, it all comes down to their poor bioavailability. Glutathione is as fickle as a diva, succumbing easily to oxidation and eagerly participating in metabolic reactions as a trusty sidekick. Furthermore, regular Glutathione is as delicate as a soap bubble, crumbling under the might of bile and stomach acid. What about those powder-filled capsules? Pfft, forget about them! They're as useful as a one-legged man in a butt-kicking contest. But there is a glimmer of hope. Enter stage right: Ancient Purity Liposomal Glutathione! This miraculous creation boasts a molecular structure and delivery method so impeccable, it defies the odds and arrives fully intact in your gut, ready to be graciously absorbed. Huzzah!

Ancient Purity Liposomal Glutathione

Introducing Ancient Purity Liposomal Glutathione, the superhero of cell membrane components! These microscopic, fat-soluble spheres are like the Clark Kent of the supplement world. But don't be fooled by their mild-mannered appearance, because they carry a secret weapon: Glutathione. Unlike other supplements that are easily broken down by your digestive tract, Ancient Purity Liposomal Glutathione is made to withstand the fiercest of battles. It's like having a suit of armour that protects this powerful antioxidant as it makes its way to the cellular level. But how does it work, you ask? Well, imagine these cunning liposomes as covert agents, stealthily infiltrating your small intestine cells' membranes. It's like a covert mission for the greater good of your health. Once these liposomes attach themselves to the cell membranes, they become one with your cells, like a symbiotic relationship. And when the time is right, they unleash the Glutathione, like a superhero releasing its superpowers. Talk about a dynamic duo! But don't just take my word for it. In a battle royale against a regular, non-liposomal Glutathione supplement, Ancient Purity Liposomal Glutathione proved to be 3 times more absorbable. That's right, 3 times! It's like having a VIP pass to the best benefits of Glutathione. So why settle for ordinary when you can have extraordinary? Experience the extraordinary powers of Ancient Purity Liposomal Glutathione and unlock a world of potential benefits. Save yourself from mediocre supplements and join the league of extraordinary health enthusiasts.

Age Defying Wellness

Harness the Power of Ancient Purity Liposomal Glutathione for Age-Defying Wellness

Now that you know about one of, if not, the major cause of aging, you can take control. No longer do you need to feel like your body is falling apart and aging beyond your years… You now know all about a simple way to help add more vibrant years to your life and to enjoy renewed strength and vitality. Supporting healthy Glutathione levels can help you age well and supercharge your energy levels. And one of the easiest and best ways to support healthy glutathione levels is with Ancient Purity Liposomal Glutathione. I say it again, compared to regular Glutathione food supplements, Liposomal Glutathione provides 3 times greater intestinal absorption, making it your ideal partner for healthy ageing From your mitochondria to your immune system’s T-cells and your muscle mass, your levels of Glutathione matter. Why not support your optimal levels with Liposomal Glutathione today? Order your supply now. You won’t regret the investment!

What is the Most Ideal Time Taking Ancient Purity Liposomal Glutathione?

Your glowing Glutathione plays a little game of hide and seek, following the rhythm of your internal clock like a trendy dancer. It knows when it's time for beauty sleep and amps up its activity to fix all the damage caused by those free radicals. But here's the catch - if you're under a lot of stress and those villains are running wild, your Glutathione stash might run out faster than a sale at your favourite shop. The solution to this nocturnal predicament comes in the form of Ancient Purity Liposomal Glutathione - the ultimate support system for your nighttime superhero. Just one dose before you hit the hay, and you'll be providing a much-needed boost to your Glutathione levels during its crucial repair period. It's like giving your body a secret weapon for that overnight recovery, making sure you wake up fresher than a daisy and ready to take on the world. So, why wait? Give your body the backup it deserves and let Ancient Purity Liposomal Glutathione save the day (or night)!

"Liposomal technology offers a promising approach for enhancing the delivery and absorption of important nutrients and compounds, opening new doors for health and wellness." - P.H.