Nature the Ultimate Medicine?
7 January 2024

Is Nature the Ultimate Medicine?

Step outside and let nature work its magic on your weary soul. It's the ultimate restorative, the secret sauce to inner peace that can zap you with a mega dose of energy and a shiny new personality. Science, ever the keen observer, has caught on to this phenomenon. In a nifty study, participants were subjected to the awe-inducing beauty of nature scenes, causing their brain to sparkle like a Fourth of July fireworks display. The regions responsible for empathy and love, you know, the warm fuzzies, were set ablaze with activity.

Now, imagine the possibilities! Researchers believe that simply gazing upon a picturesque nature view can transform patients' ability to endure pain into a superhero-like feat. It's like having a secret weapon against the icky side effects of being unwell. Picture this: shorter hospital stays, fewer complications, and a general sense of invincibility. Okay, maybe not invincibility, but you get the point. So, make a beeline for the great outdoors and watch as nature untangles the knots in your soul. It's a natural healer, a renovator of spirits, and quite possibly the best-kept secret to a life well-lived. Who needs a prescription when you have the purest pathway to inner peace right at your doorstep?


The tranquil allure of the pathless woods, the serene vistas, and the harmonious melodies of birdsong are invaluable natural treasures that transcend any cost. Nature serves as the most unadulterated path to inner peace, replenishing our energy and revitalising our very essence. The mere opportunity to immerse ourselves in a pollution-free environment, breathing in the crisp air and inhaling the intoxicating scent of flowers, fills us with a profound sense of gratitude. Japanese researchers have delved deep into the benefits of forest bathing, exploring the transformative power of walking amidst the trees. The time spent among these towering entities provides respite to weary minds, rejuvenating our spirits for new endeavours. Nature is our ally in combatting the hyperactivity of our minds, seamlessly lulling us into a state of relaxation through its soothing ambiance. It is here that we find solace, casting off the burdens of stress and embracing a calmness that pacifies our tumultuous thoughts.

Studies conducted on children with ADHD have revealed that spending time in nature enhances their attention span, bringing about marked improvements. Furthermore, research has shown that when individuals are exposed to scenes of nature, the regions of their brains associated with empathy and love light up, fostering a profound connection with the world around them. In a world full of concrete jungles and virtual realities, it's easy to lose touch with our inner selves. But no need to get desperate, for nature is here to save the day! When we venture out into the great outdoors, our senses awaken like a pack of energetic puppies. Our soul, hungry for connection, embraces the natural world like a long-lost lover.

Natural Health

The uplifting sweet aroma of trees and flowers is like a symphony of fragrant angels serenading our nostrils. It's as if Mother Nature herself is whispering, "Behold, my child, the beauty that lies before you." And as we surrender to the rhythmic dance of the environment, a wave of spiritual power surges through our veins like a turbo-charged electric current. But it's not just our souls that rejoice in nature's embrace, oh no! Our minds awaken to the pleasure of mindfulness, finding delight in those seemingly insignificant moments that we often overlook. Who knew that the gentle rustling of leaves or the delicate chirping of birds could bring such joy to our weary hearts? And let's not forget about the healing properties of nature. It's like a magical tonic for our physical well-being, soothing our bodies and minds with its enchanting powers. Blood pressure drops, heart rates stabilise, and stress hormones cower in fear, no match for the mighty forces of the natural world.

In fact, there's even scientific evidence to back up these claims! A study found that patients with a view of nature had a greater tolerance for pain, as if the beauty outside their window was whispering, "You've got this, my friend. You can conquer anything." And those lucky individuals who embrace nature find themselves spending less time in the dreaded halls of hospitals. But it doesn't end there. Nature, in all its majestic glory, has more to offer. It can help fighting off inflammation and preventing diseases with its secret weapon: boosting immunity. Yes, you heard me right. Nature is like a shield, protecting us from the harmful woes of this world. So, I implore you to invest your time in the pursuit of eternal peace. Seek out the serenity and tranquillity that nature provides, for it will empower you to conquer your daily tasks with a happy and healthy mind-set. Let the rejuvenation of positive energy fuel your endeavours and watch as the world becomes a brighter, more beautiful place.


Discover the Power of Nature - Unlocking Medicine's Ancient Secrets

According to a study in the Journal of Natural Products, around 70% of new drugs in the US over the past 25 years are basically nature's brainchild. Despite fancy lab techniques, Mother Nature remains the queen of drug design. In 2004, drug discovery hit rock bottom with only 25 unique compounds introduced, leaving Reuters to dub it a 24-year low. David Newman, the lead author and a drug guru from the US National Cancer Institute, explained that chemists got distracted by making endless libraries of simple compounds, while Mother Nature prefers to create bespoke compounds that fit nicely into specific spots. Dr. Gordon Cragg, co-author cited taxol, a strong cancer drug, as another example of Mother Nature's brilliance. It was discovered in the bark of a tree, thanks to a random collection by the USDA in the 1960s.

“Nature thrives in its own special way - there is a time to begin, there is a time to wait and there is a time to let go and just watch the magical powers of nature unfolding the best it has to offer.” - Sanchita Pandey