How To Correctly Use Supplements
4 May 2023

How To Correctly Use Supplements

I started Ancient Purity in 2010 and several years before that I was using supplements, but it even started before that. If we count herbal remedies and homeopathy, I was using them - I should say they were given to me when I was a kid. I've always known herbs, supplements etc as medicine, one of my earliest memories is visiting these magical places in the 80s and getting homeopathy, I recall I've even tried to make Ancient Purity look like those bohemian houses. My point is that I know supplements and would like to explain them and give advice on how to use them correctly. At Ancient Purity this is about a dream and vision I had, for continuing the vision of my grandmother and uncle and what I learned from them. Creating a place for healing naturally, it's a passion, not a job or a business.

So, we don't want people adding a ton of supplements to their cart or coming in for them and just taking a load daily. The intention and goal must be clear about a supplement, they will work, they will get results, because its food based, or herbal, solid food and we have given the correct amount to use to get results. But I need to make this clear... All of the stuff except a few things at Ancient Purity were designed as a functional supplement, short term medicine. This means you know exactly why you are taking it, what you want to achieve and then how long you will take it. Cycle supplements, no matter how good you feel on them, take a break and then re-introduce them. Even something as incredible as MSM Organic Sulphur and Fulvic Minerals. The power lies in giving your body the shock of this incredible stuff. Then take it away and hit again. Now some things you really may need to take for a while, given what you need. It could be a 3 month cycle of something daily. If you face a major challenge you might be on MSM for 6 months even then after 6 months take a few weeks off and carry on for another 6 months.

Ancient Purity Supplements

Ancient Purity supplements are food and act as such in the body and won't confuse anything in the body. But the idea to break is to cause shock and then power back in. Follow the guidelines on the labels but remember we had to give a broad idea. Many people will need more, some less as we all have unique bodies. Start to become the intuitive expert on how many to take and for how long. Most of all, respect what you are taking, everything was designed and packaged with love and respect and with the goal to heal. If I had time I'd bless every single tub and bag but the intention is there within the company, the consciousness of the company could be calibrated following muscle testing. Our intention is healing for all, so please take your supplements in the right way, you're aware of why you need it and what it can do. We get many emails asking about mixing supplements, remember this, Ancient Purity supplements are Food-Based, so, ask yourself can you mix broccoli, carrots, oregano, parsley, ginger, garlic etc together? you can! Your body recognises it all as food. With pharmaceutical medicine its generally 1 pill for 1 ailment, these pills have side effects which the doctor will tell you about or the prescription will list. Because of this we have come to think that anything in a pill or tablet form must act the same and have side effects and interact with other things. They don't, rare is the supplement that should not be used with another and we do list any possible indications on the Suggested Use.

Mixing foods and mixing our natural health supplements is safe, at worse maybe sometime unnecessary, as some things you will find, do the same as others. On occasion when it comes to powerful detoxification supplements you'd be best to use alone, again it's obvious, when you're having a major clear out, maybe don't focus so much on what you are putting in, you can do that after. Some things you do want to take alone purely because you want to see how powerful it is, so for example I want to give myself a massive creative boost and focus all day well I might have a Ceremonial Cacao in the morning. But I could take a big Lugol's Iodine hit, clear any brain fog, I could take Ashwagandha or a shot of DMG, but I wouldn't do all. Not because it's bad but because I want to see what works, incidentally I actually would also do all at once but only if I had to work all day, attent some meetings, then was holding an event at night, what a ride that would be. Sometimes Its good to just give the body one thing and let it grab on to that and absorb it with all its might. I recommend this for people using MSM Organic Sulphur, which does work great with Vitamin C, but I say take the Vitamin C later on in the day, also on its own.

Zinc Supplement

Is the picture becoming clear now? I want to take this supplement to help my hair. This month I'm focusing on brain health. If I had a stressful week, I'll take 5-HTP. If I need to train or I've been invited hiking, maybe I'll take Pine Pollen or Liposomal B Vitamins. You can't look at it as overload, it's natural, it's food based. You're not over-doing it, you're giving your body the best, but you must have intention. You don't just swallow a load of supplements and think oh that must be healthy, have a purpose with them. You should know why and know what results you want to get. Whilst we are on the topic of supplements again, the other night I saw a total health nut but a genuine nice guy named Bryan Johnson who's blueprint plan is all about turning our biological age backwards, de-ageing the body and ascending, I like him and so what, for me it's a worthy passion that is yielding amazing research and knowledge. Anyway Johnson looks healthy on it and seems happy and balanced, on the show a very overnight and age beyond his years Lord Winston of some Gov institute lamented that Johnson was a quack (even though selling nothing) and that we get all we need from food.

Maybe we once got just about all we needed from food when our food was real, and rich in nutrients many years ago. Also what does "all we need" mean? All we need to just about stay alive until retirement, slowing down the whole time, degrading in each area and departing soon after retirement? It's just my opinion but governments "enough" I trust as must as governments "Safe level of Radiation" Radiation and safe do not go together. Obviously anyone can live their life as they choose. They could listen to people like Lord Winston and just get enough and fall asleep nicely after work at 6pm watch some TV for a bit, eat enough to get "all you need" and fall asleep again for longer, wake up repeat. I guess because you arrived at this blog article, you're like me, you want more out of life, a little ain't enough, and just enough to stay alive isn't enough for me. Many years before I started Ancient Purity with Clive in 2010, I had been awakened. I found this cool book it was blue, forgot the name, but it was all about energy, Alan something, I can't remember, he had a protocol to wake your energy up, liven your mind and feel good. I followed it exactly and it was hard to even find the supplements, there was some Ginseng, some amino acids, a filtered water amount, a few superfoods, Goji Berries was one of them. I followed it to a T, started sleeping 6 then 5 hours a night, waking up ready to fly out of bed, started sea swimming in the morning, had to convince myself I needed to eat when it got to like 5pm.

It was crazy, and there's many amazing protocols out there, I wish I had time to write about more or make videos on them, anyway you can find and try stuff yourself, become the expert. Supplements can change your life, turn it around and all the superfoods, oils, teas, herbs etc, I'm just saying supplements. This is all about Health, Freedom & Spirit. We need our Health to be happy and do everything, health for everything else to be in balance. We keep our freedom, freedom to be able to know what's best for us and share information and not be influenced to make poor choices. Spirit, well that's for you to decide yourself, your journey, it's a massive part of my life. I hope this helped those of you needing guidance and maybe as an inspiration to some of you new to the world of natural health. Stay Free and Healthy!