Posts tagged 'herbal medicine'

Supercharged Spices: Unleashing the Power of Nature's Antibiotics

3 December 2023
Supercharged Spices
Forget Big Pharma! Nature has got your back when it comes to fighting those pesky infections. Pharmaceutical antibiotics may have saved countless lives, but they can't handle everything. Viruses and fungi, you just sit tight and enjoy the party because antibiotics won't be crashing it anytime soon. And let's not forget about the over-prescription dilemma. The doctors are handing out antibiotics like candy on Halloween and that is a recipe for disaster.

How To Correctly Use Supplements

4 May 2023
How To Correctly Use Supplements
I started Ancient Purity in 2010 and several years before that I was using supplements, but it even starts before that. If we count herbal remedies and homeopathy, I was using them - I should say they were given to me when I was a kid. I've always known herbs, supplements etc as medicine, one of my earliest memories is visiting these magical places in the 80s and getting homeopathy, I think I've even tried to make Ancient Purity look like those bohemian houses I remember. My point is that I know supplements and would like to explain them and give advice on how to use them correctly.

Pueraria Mirifica – A Botanical Wonder

31 March 2023
Pueraria Mirifica
Today, I want to talk about Pueraria Mirifica, the miracle herb from Asia. I’ve heard so many positive things about this extraordinary plant. There is so much to learn about this medicinal plant species and I discovered that recent research has discovered many more health benefits. So, I think now it is the right time for an update! Pueraria Mirifica is an ancient herbal medicine from “The Land of Smiles”. I call it the miracle herb as that is what Mirifica means. Since Ancient times, the roots of this plant have been used in traditional Thai medicine to promote youthfulness and rejuvenation in both men and women. Now, we all could need some of that!