Happy, Peaceful & Present
1 January 2024

A Simple Way to Start 2024 Happy, Peaceful & Present

I'd simply like to write about what I think is a good way to start this year, start each day and then let this be the feeling of the day, the year, the now. This way it doesn't belong to anyone, no one came up with it, there is no book to buy, no course to go on, no subscription and no further questions should be required, perhaps a re-read until it sinks in. It's certainly not some method I have come up with. It is in essence the way to be a human being, as known and realised by many people since humanity began on earth. Also I want to just remind you and I of some of the basics of natural health. Maybe you're writing a plan out and maybe this could help a little. I've attached some meaningful (to me) photos I took and 1 taken of me over the last year, I feel they capture the spirit of this article.

Perhaps the world is exactly as it should be, and you're here reading this for the same reason I'm writing it. You want to enjoy your day ahead, and lifetimes ahead, be in a higher state of consciousness, happy, calm, balanced, able, free and enjoying yourself... In Joy in Yourself. I am In Joy In Myself. First off, if indeed you're reading this today January 1st 2024... Happy New Year, if any other time, well Happy Moment to you, as that's all that matters, this very moment. Why wouldn't some health website be the place to find a simple little set of words which opened you up to a new way of life? Also I want you to know I'm also writing this article for myself, just like all the products on the site are also for me, If ever I needed any or wanted to give people, I wanted to give them and myself the best. I have a house, I like it, I travel light and like the tropics and staying in shacks, so trust me this is not for the money. This is for all of us, lets grow consciousness, improve the planet and live long and enjoy it and hey maybe what's next is even better.

Living in the Now

Start Cultivating Awareness & Living in the Now...

  • Bring your attention to the present moment.
  • If your thoughts wonder off, bring your attention back, but relax and breath.
  • It's a relaxed feeling with awareness.

You are Not Your thoughts.

  • You can just witness your thoughts, they're not you. You are something far bigger and endless.
  • If you lose yourself in thoughts again...
  • Bring your attention to the present moment.

Not Your thoughts

Moving the Body

  • As you now move through the day, you are free to make correct decisions, about what you do, say and what you eat.
  • Include exercise, such as walking, cycling, swimming as much as you like.
  • Walk and be present, if your thoughts wonder off, bring your attention back, but relax and breath.
  • Look at things you see and be present, watch, listen and enjoy.


Work: You have a whole day to feel good and be present, you can be at work and feel that, be present in your tasks.

Sleep: As you are now happy and present, you're not using up so much energy, you may sleep less, you may sleep better.

Service: You are free to do things that help others, because you're doing well, share it, help people, see if you can bring light or happiness to someone.

Remain Present: Throughout the day be in the moment, if you fall into thinking, don't try to think your way out, just stop and come back to the present moment.

Emotions & Events

Emotions & Events

Things both good and bad can happen in your day, just witness more. Instead of creating stories about the events, good or bad... Just feel. Feel what is happening. If someone is rude to you, feel the feelings rather than expressing, retaliating. If someone is kind you can say thank you, but feel it too. Start to use your mind less, make less visuals, tune into the feeling of your body. Feel all that you feel from experiences, from everything.


Being present becomes a natural state of being, you may like to advance with a spiritual practice. You might choose to do Yoga, or go running more, you're more able to enjoy everything. Looking after your body, your health. Use your mind when you need, to get creative ideas, solve a challenge. What you may have learned here is just a little, it may help you a lot though. It could be a small stepping stone for you to really do something amazing this year or do nothing at all and be completely happy. There's nowhere we need to go, nothing we need to be, we are and always were free.

Happy New Year, Happy New You - each moment you're new and present