Recognising Fake Olive Oil
17 October 2023

Recognising Fake Olive Oil

The enchanting elixir known as Olive Oil, the shining star of Greek cuisine and the true liquid gold for a long and prosperous life. Alas, it seems this divine substance is not safe from the clutches of fraudsters who dare to substitute it with inferior oils. Fear not, my discerning gourmands, for I shall illuminate you on the art of uncovering such deceit. In the realm of genuine, top-notch Olive Oil, you shall find a treasure trove of unrivalled goodness. This golden elixir is brimming with delightful elements, a key constituent of the celebrated Mediterranean diet. There’s an abundance of monounsaturated fatty acids gifted to you in a bottle, complemented by its very own set of antioxidant and anti-inflammatory superpowers. It's practically the superhero of the gastronomic world! Now, Greece, dear Greece, often takes the crown when it comes to producing the finest Olive Oil known to humankind. Their expertise in cultivating liquid gold is unrivalled, and their bottles of boundless health benefits are sought after the world over.

Imagine yourself in a sylvan grove, tasting the elixir of the Gods, as a gentle breeze whispers tales of longevity and well-being. It's a beauty beyond compare! But of course, we can't simply trust every bottle that claims to hold the nectar of the olive tree. We must be vigilant! No worries, for science has our back. Numerous studies, including a remarkable endeavour published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology, have confirmed the wondrous properties of this Mediterranean gift. This scientific expedition spanned an impressive twenty-eight years, during which approximately ninety thousand fortunate souls were examined. They started with hearts, circulatory systems, and bodies untainted by any malicious ailments. So, when it comes to the authenticity of your olive oil, be wise, be witty! Seek the true liquid gold, the genuine Greek gem that promises not only gastronomic delight but a pathway to longevity. Keep these bright truths in mind, and fear not the lurking shadows of deception. Happy sipping, my fellow lovers of the olive!

Olive Oil Fraud

What Is Olive Oil Fraud Exactly?

Prepare to be enlightened about the cheeky world of Olive Oil fraud. This slippery scam involves crafty individuals slyly mislabelling this precious liquid gold. You see, they've got a knack for mixing the good stuff with subpar oils like vegetable or soybean oil. Why, you ask? Oh, just to squeeze a few extra pennies and reduce those unwanted production costs. But that's not all! Hold onto your taste buds because even those "extra virgin" bottles might be playing a little game of deception. Yeah, turns out they may not actually meet the high standards required to don that prestigious label. They could contain hidden flavour and odour defects, leaving your palate in a state of confusion and disappointment.

Now, brace yourself for a scandalous plot twist. There's this whole other scheme where they pretend that the oil hails from the land of pizza and pasta, Italy. But here's the juicy secret: a considerable chunk of those bottles actually come from far-flung places like Syria, Morocco, Tunisia, or Turkey. That’s sneaky, right? They import it, bottle it up, and cunningly market it as authentic Italian Olive Oil! So, please beware of the charlatans and imposters lurking in the shadows of the Olive Oil industry. Only the real deal, with low acidity and devoid of any defects, deserves a place in your culinary kingdom. Don't fall victim to this rascally racket, because real taste, quality, and authenticity are daggers to the hearts of these olive oil fraudsters.

European Union & Beyond

Fake Olive Oils in the European Union & Beyond

The beloved extra virgin Olive Oil, oh how it shines like a gem! But alas, its absurd popularity has birthed a whole army of rogue impostors. Yes, my friends, counterfeits have been ravaging the European Union and beyond, like thieves in the night.

In the year of our gourmet lords, 2019, a review emerged uncovering a whopping 32 fraudulent escapades scattered across the globe. Oh, the audacity! Lamentably, these malicious acts included dastardly oil substitution, crafty mislabelling, and even shameless dilution. Is nothing sacred anymore? Beyond the confines of the EU, the realm of Olive Oil fraud expanded its villainous playground, perpetrating unforgivable acts of dilution and oil substitution. Picture this, if you will – Olive Oil mingling shamelessly with soybean oil, creating a hideous concoction in the depths of Brazil. Oh, what a horrid sight it must have been!

Denmark, a land of culinary enthusiasts, encountered a grim reality. In their supermarkets, a mere 6 out of 35 extra virgin Olive Oils were deemed genuine. Can you believe it? The audacity! It's as if they looked at the sheer brilliance of extra virgin Olive Oil and decided, "Nah, let's play pretend instead." But wait, the madness doesn't stop there! Greece, a land revered for its rich gastronomic history, fell prey to the villains of the oil underworld. Arrests were made as sneaky purveyors tried to pass off sunflower oil, yes, glorious sunflower oil, dyed a gaudy shade of green as our beloved Olive Oil! The nerve of these scoundrels!

And Spain, oh dear Spain, you too were ensnared in this web of deceit. Fines were dished out like justice from the heavens, all because these miscreants thought it clever to blend imported Tunisian Olive Oil with inferior substitutes masquerading it as the divine elixir known as virgin Olive Oil. The audacity knows no bounds! So, folks, let this be a lesson to us all. In a world teeming with insidious Olive Oil impostors, we must remain vigilant and protect our bottles from deceitful hands. Let us champion the true, the authentic, and the genuinely delicious, for no villainous scheme can withstand the power of our discerning palates!

Real Olive Oil

Tips to Identify the Real Olive Oil

When it comes to separating the real deal from the fraudulent imposters in the Olive Oil world, there are a few things you should know. Think of it as a game of hide and seek, but instead of hiding, the authentic Olive Oil is just waiting to give you a healthy boost. So, let's dive in! First things first, when you're on the hunt for Olive Oil, keep your eyes peeled for bottles boldly labelled "extra virgin." Those other terms like "pure" or "light" might sound fancy, but they often lack clear industry standards, leaving you wide open to deception. "Extra Virgin" is your secret password to the world of genuine Olive Oil.

Now, let's talk about the all-important harvest date. Just like a fine wine, olive oil has a vintage of its own. Look for bottles that proudly display a harvest date within the past 12-14 months. Anything older or suspiciously dateless might mean you're dealing with the reject pile. Nobody has time for subpar olives, am I right? Next up, we're going on a taste adventure. While your taste buds might not have the superpowers of Sherlock Holmes, they can still be your trusted sidekick. Authentic Olive Oils have a peppery punch that will make your taste buds tango. It's all thanks to those polyphenols, the life of the Olive Oil party. If your oil tastes like a damp rag or a melted crayon, well, let's just say it's not the life of the party.


Now, let's talk about packaging. Quality Olive Oil deserves to be treated like royalty. That means it should come in a dark glass bottle, shielding it from the evil forces of light and heat. Say no to plastic, because nobody wants a side of unwanted chemicals with their Olive Oil extravaganza. Move over geography textbooks, because we're diving into the geography of Olive Oil. Don't just settle for a simple country of origin. Get down to the nitty-gritty details. Find out the region where those olives were cultivated, the specific olive varietals that were involved, and even the flavour profiles and other mouth-watering notes. The more specific, the better! We don't want any imposters sneaking in and ruining the Olive Oil party.

So there you have it, my fellow seekers for Cold-Pressed Extra Virgin Olive Oil. Armed with these witty tips, you're ready to conquer the supermarket aisles and find that genuine Olive Oil treasure. Remember, it's not just about flavour; it's about getting the healthy benefits you deserve. Happy hunting!

“I like cooking pasta. Maybe it's that I always wanted to be Italian American in some dark part of my soul; maybe I get off on that final squirt of emulsifying extra virgin, just after the basil goes in, I don't know.” - Anthony Bourdain