MSM Organic Sulphur for Joints & Skin
5 July 2023

MSM Organic Sulphur for Joints & Skin

Sulphur is an abundant element in the body, and maintaining healthy levels is crucial for various bodily structures. One essential supplement that may benefit your health is MSM, which contains organic sulphur and is commonly used to treat arthritis, sports injuries, and tendonitis. MSM is found naturally in the human body, plants, and animals, and it plays a vital role in joint cartilage maintenance and collagen production, which ensures the flexibility and plumpness of cell membranes. As we age, collagen production declines, which can lead to joint stiffness and pain. MSM supplements may help to replace lost collagen supplies and reduce inflammation in the body. Studies have shown that MSM can improve joint health, ease muscle soreness, boost the integrity of hair follicles and strands, and even relieve the symptoms of hay fever and haemorrhoids.

Sulphur ranks third in abundance in our bodies, following phosphorus and calcium. However, due to the use of artificial fertilisers and other factors, the levels of sulphur in our system can diminish. MSM Organic Sulphur specifically targets the replacement of lost sulphur caused by artificial fertilisers. It not only helps to replenish sulphur levels but also serves as a food supplement to enhance the transportation of oxygen across cell membranes. But not all MSM's are created equal, this unique MSM contains crystallised Organic Sulphur crystals, surpassing the quality of most other Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) products available in the market. These crystals possess exceptional properties that stimulate self-repair mechanisms within the body, enhancing overall bodily oxygenation. Furthermore, it significantly improves the cells' ability to effectively eliminate toxins and excess fluids. This is particularly valuable as it promotes better detoxification processes, contributing to overall health. So my point is, as you read this and start to be amazed by MSM Organic Sulphur, remember it is this very different version. Ancient Purity searched for years to find this! It's totally different from typical MSM. Now you know that, let's start explaining the several potential benefits of supplementing with MSM for joint health.

A Multi for Body Movement

MSM - A Multi for Body Movement

Reduced Inflammation: MSM can help reduce inflammation and swelling by increasing the production of glutathione, which is a powerful antioxidant. Increased glutathione levels help reduce cytokines, which are proteins involved in inflammation.

Pain Relief: MSM has been shown to help reduce pain and stiffness in joints by reducing inflammation and improving flexibility. Studies have shown that MSM supplements can reduce pain in people with osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and other inflammatory joint conditions.

Improved Cartilage Production: MSM has been shown to increase the production of collagen and proteoglycans, which are essential components of healthy cartilage. By promoting the production of these substances, MSM can help improve joint function and reduce pain.

Enhanced Joint Mobility: Supplementing with MSM may help improve joint mobility by reducing inflammation and increasing the production of collagen and proteoglycans. This can help people with joint conditions move more easily and with less pain.

Muscle Recovery after Working Out: When engaging in intense exercise, it's not uncommon for muscles to feel sore and damaged. However, another process also happens concurrently in the body - oxidative stress. This occurs because exercise promotes the production of free radicals, which then cause molecular level damages to cells. One study conducted in the short-term revealed that taking 3000mg of MSM supplements on a daily basis helped to reduce muscle soreness significantly when pain levels were measured 48 hours after exercise. Furthermore, MSM is believed to assist in preventing additional joint damage caused by exertion during exercise. It does so by expelling waste products from cells and allows for faster cell recovery.

Collagen Production: As I’ve previously mentioned, MSM is beneficial in promoting collagen production in the joints which also extends to the skin. The market is inundated with skin products that highlight the presence of collagen, and for good reason. Collagen helps maintain skin elasticity, ultimately keeping it looking youthful. Additionally, MSM's anti-inflammatory properties can address specific skin conditions. One particular study focused on rosacea, characterised by redness, prominent spots, and visible blood vessels. After administering MSM alongside silymarin to 46 patients with rosacea, the study demonstrated improved skin conditions including redness, papules, itching, hydration, and skin colour.

How to take MSM

How to take MSM Organic Sulphur

MSM Sulphur occurs naturally in foods such as nuts, milk and raw cabbage, but there’s a miniscule amount contained in them, even by supplement standards. It’s also vulnerable to heat, so these foods need to be eaten raw – not the most appetising to certain people, not to mention the intolerances and allergies that may come with dairy and nuts. It's 2023, we are over this, right? If you want to thrive in the modern world and really go for it... Well you know, juicing and whole organic diet is key, but what's really the content of our food, how fresh, soil it's grown in. Anyway Tom is Mr Supplements, I've seen him swallow handfuls and he says he'll be around for the next century. Check the most recent posts if you are reading this in 2123.

Right, to benefit from MSM, take 8 grams (8000mg) twice daily, morning and night, on an empty stomach, mix it in pure, clean water. It is advisable to consult your healthcare practitioner before taking any MSM supplement if you have concerns. MSM is generally safe, but in rare cases, it may cause gastrointestinal irritation and diarrhoea. There are no known interactions with prescription medications, although MSM may act as a blood thinner in some cases. Overall, I think that MSM is a relatively unknown compound with crucial health benefits that should not be overlooked! It is especially beneficial for those experiencing arthritis or joint pain and can improve the overall health of joints, skin, and hair. I’ve been taking it for 8 weeks now twice daily and I can honestly say that the joint pain I had before has decreased significantly! Tom, I know took 25g a day, he's nuts but I can see that he is still alive and thriving. I would also like to mention at this point that although this article is on MSM exclusively, I want you to know if you added in Magnesium Spray and applied it to joints / the body at night and took the Joint & Mobility support you would thrive faster. But really you might find MSM changes everything alone.