What is Megahydrate?
25 June 2023

What is Megahydrate?

Megahydrate is a revolutionary supplement that has taken and continues to take the health and wellness industry by storm. This supplement boasts of providing users with numerous benefits, ranging from improved vitality and energy levels to reducing the effects of toxins on the body. But it's rare, still most people, even in this industry, won't have any idea about it. I first came across it in 2010, I used it on long-haul flights. People also utilise it for its exceptional ability to suppress toxins and ease off stress, contribute to a radiant complexion, slow down the natural ageing process and support a healthy immune system. It's still a real enthusiasts supplement but I'm going to attempt to explain more how it could be used by people for everyday health and well-being.

The story of Megahydrate begins with one man's quest to create a supplement that would help him overcome the physical challenges that he was facing. His name was Dr. Patrick Flanagan, and his journey to create Megahydrate started in the early 1960s. At the age of 14, Dr. Flanagan had already worked on complex scientific experiments, including one that caught the attention of the Pentagon. By the time he turned 18, he had already developed one of the first neurophone devices, which he claimed could send sound through the skin's surface directly to the brain, bypassing the ears. Throughout his young adult years, Dr. Flanagan continued to make groundbreaking discoveries in the fields of science and technology. However, his search for a health supplement that could transform his physical health led him to make another revolutionary discovery-MegaHydrate. So let's get to why you might want to use it, how you can use it and what it could do for you.

What Megahydrate is

What Megahydrate is

MegaHydrate is a highly advanced form of silica hydride, a powerful antioxidant that is known for its ability to neutralise free radicals in the body. The active ingredient in MegaHydrate®, Microcluster® Silica, has been extensively studied as an antioxidant in various scientific publications. By reacting with free radicals, which are also known as Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS), the negatively-charged hydrogen ions in Microcluster® Silica can neutralise the harmful effects of these radicals. If left unchecked, ROS can accumulate in the body and cause oxidative stress. One issue with some antioxidants is that the substance used to neutralise the free radical can itself become toxic to cells. However, Dr. Flanagan conducted his own research as well as research with esteemed universities to show that Microcluster® Silica's unique formulation ensures there are no toxic byproducts. Microcluster® Silica has been tested against ROS like singlet oxygen, superoxide, and hydroxyl radicals, and the results show that it effectively neutralises them without creating any toxic environments or radicals that can harm cells. Most reactions between Microcluster® Silica and radicals result in the production of water. Comparing Microcluster® Silica to other natural or synthetic antioxidants, it is found to be 800% more effective than both green tea and grape seed extracts. Nutritionists, clinicians, and physicians recommend adding more antioxidants to diets, and research demonstrates that Microcluster® Silica is the most powerful antioxidant known.

The Hydration movement has led to major scientific breakthroughs, documented in some of the most prestigious scientific journals. Thousands of scientists and medical professionals, including the renowned F. Batmanghelidg, MD, now advocate for hydration as a prescription for good health, rather than over-medication. For many years, scientists and medical researchers have been studying the properties of medicinal waters found in high-altitude regions worldwide, such as the Hunza in Pakistan and Villacabamba in Ecuador. These waters are reputed to be "healing," and people have been traveling there for centuries to find them. In his research, Dr. Patrick Flanagan found that the water in these regions, which comes from melted glaciers, is called "glacial milk." Glacial milk has unique physical properties, including a low surface tension, which allows it to be absorbed easily into the body's cells. Dr. Flanagan discovered that glacial milk has significant, measurable quantities of negatively charged hydrogen ions, which have been found to be highly beneficial to humans. This research suggests that traveling to the mountains or the sea for spiritual, emotional, and physical replenishment may have more of a scientific basis than previously thought.

Hydrogen & Antioxidants

Hydrogen & Antioxidants

Hydrogen is essential for all life on Earth. It is provided by the Sun in the form of light, and plants use it during photosynthesis to store negatively charged Hydrogen ions. When humans consume unprocessed plants, their cells use the nutrients and energy generated by the Hydrogen ions. Failing to get enough Hydrogen ions through food and water can lead to cell damage, oxidation, and the generation of free radicals that damage cells further. Ageing is thought to result from the lack of Hydrogen ions, and individuals who fail to consume enough fresh and uncooked fruits, vegetables, and water can become depleted over time. While Hydrogen is the smallest known element in the Universe, it is key for sustaining life and must be taken in alongside Oxygen to generate life's energy.

Free radicals are constantly attacking the human body, posing a threat 24/7. Air pollution, chemicals, fumes, toxins, and other harmful materials further exacerbate the damage a person's body endures on a daily basis. The damaging effects of free radicals can even be compared to the effects of ageing. Before Dr. Flanagan's invention, the most popular antioxidants were Vitamin E, Vitamin C, Green Tea Extract, and Grape Seed Extract. When compared, both Green Tea and Grape Seed Extracts were found to have significantly more antioxidant potential than Vitamin E and Vitamin C. However, MegaHydrate has been scientifically proven to be hundreds of times more powerful as an antioxidant than Green Tea Extract and Grape Seed Extract. MegaHydrate is recognised to be the most effective antioxidant currently available. Furthermore, by containing no impurities, MegaHydrate offers concentrated Hydrogen ions in a convenient daily supplement that would otherwise require consuming pounds and gallons of food and water from the Hunza region. MegaHydrate® has a unique attribute; the antioxidant capacity does not transform into another free radical (i.e., oxidant) but instead turns into a harmless gas or water after neutralising the free radical's effect by donating its electron. This is a critical consideration in choosing an effective antioxidant.

Life would not exist without water, which is composed of two Hydrogen atoms and one Oxygen atom. Dr. Flanagan astounded the scientific community when his research revealed that the unique hydrating and life-giving properties of glacial milk water were due to the configuration of minerals within the water, not just their presence. To replicate the beneficial elements of glacial milk water, Flanagan spent over 30 years developing MegaHydrate®, an easy-to-use powder formulated to hold Hydrogen ions that can release them when mixed with water, providing the billions of negatively-charged Hydrogen ions the body needs. MegaHydrate® is a groundbreaking product, one-of-a-kind in delivering billions of negatively-charged Hydrogen ions to the body's cells simply by adding it to water. It uniquely augments the positive impact of the "zeta potential" of blood cells, the electric charge that exists in a hydrated particle and its surrounding solution. The higher zeta potential, the greater the particle repulsion force, facilitating suspension stability and control. Accordingly, increased zeta potential provides superior health benefits by making more surface available for cells. Molecular waste and pathogens can be more efficiently expelled, while water can access cells more effortlessly. Ultimately, achieving youthful, radiant health is dependent upon ample hydration and toxins neutralisation.

Megahydrate Testing

Megahydrate Testing, Results & Benefits

MegaHydrate has won a legion of followers, people subscribe or return to it regularly, whether to bolster energy levels and vitality, enhance longevity or boost Hydrogen & Antioxidants. In essence, MegaHydrate acts as a immune system booster that protects the body from harmful toxins and chemicals that can lead to serious health conditions like cancer, Alzheimer's and heart disease. The supplement is also beneficial for enhancing one’s mood, skin tone and complexion. it is specially formulated to support the cell's ability to absorb water, which improves cellular hydration levels, subsequently resulting to stress reduction in individuals. Multiple groups of scientists have conducted tests on the Megahydrate supplement and have achieved consistent results. These findings serve as additional evidence suggesting that MegaHydrate® supports good health.

When examining blood samples from individuals with low zeta potential under a microscope, researchers noticed that the blood cells clumped together and trapped waste substances in between the clusters. This clumping may be due to dehydration, a common issue among people today. To test the effects of MegaHydrate®, a test subject was given 500 mg of Silica Hydride, which is the active ingredient in MegaHydrate®, mixed with 8 oz of water. Twenty minutes after consumption, a second blood sample was taken and analyzed under the microscope. The blood cells were evenly dispersed, indicating high zeta potential. The blood cells looked undisturbed, as if any trapped substances between them had been eliminated. The cells were larger, allowing more nutrients to flow in and more toxins to flow out. MegaHydrate® is the only known supplement that forms negatively charged hydrogen, which increases zeta potential. National Food Consumption Surveys show that certain populations may be dehydrated. Why does dehydration occur? It could be due to factors like a weak thirst mechanism as one ages, a dislike for the taste of water, caffeine and alcohol consumption, temperature-controlled environments, and excessive exercise. A loss of 2% of body weight due to water loss can lead to impaired physical and mental performance. Double-blind placebo studies have shown that the negatively charged hydrogen in MegaHydrate® significantly increases total body water within just four weeks.

Lab testing confirms that Megahydrate is highly effective in increasing cellular hydration, providing relief from dehydration and related symptoms in adults, children, and pets. Additionally, taking just one daily dose of Megahydrate provides an antioxidant boost that rivals that of consuming hundreds of antioxidant-rich foods, such as greens, broccoli, and fruit juice. Furthermore, studies suggest that Megahydrate can also offer natural pain relief while simultaneously increasing energy production up to four times. Another significant benefit of MegaHydrate is its potential in slowing down the ageing process. Because of its high concentration of antioxidants, the supplement has been proven to delay ageing, making users look and feel younger. As you can imagine, Dr. Flanagan's revolutionary discovery did not go unnoticed, and many people started to flock to him with their health issues. His discovery has naturally changed the way we view antioxidants in supplements today. You deserve the very best and MegaHydrate could be that card to play.