A Tea to Induce Dreams
4 July 2023

Jilungin... A Tea to Induce Dreams

A dream within a dream, a Herbal Tea of obscurity, Jilungin Tea is a unique and remarkable herbal tea that originates from the west Australian desert. It is made using the leaves of the Jilungin shrub, a desert plant that has been used traditionally for medicinal purposes by the Indigenous people of Australia for centuries. In some ways Jilungin Tea is a herbal infusion, exactly it is made from the leaves of the native Australian plant, the Eucalyptus tetrodonta (which is where ours comes from). The plant has long been used for traditional medicine among Indigenous peoples. They have identified it as a filler ingredient that is considered one of Australia’s powerful ‘Dreaming’ plants which does wonders in helping people summon happy dreams. The packing of the anxiety busting dry Jilungin wellbeing tea describes it as an "Aboriginal Meditation". Its dream-shaping benefits have become increasingly widespread among tea lovers and many wellness seekers. When I say widespread, I probably mean literally a few hundred people worldwide. I tell people about this at Ancient Purity and they try it, I get good stories back. As someone fascinated by dreams since I was a small child when I first read about Jilungin I was on the search for it. I'll explain a little more about this plant medicine below then quantum leap into the dream world and share my Jilungin journey.

The Jilungin shrub, is also known as the native peachtree, it grows in the harsh and dry desert landscape of western Australia. It is a small, hardy evergreen shrub that can reach up to two meters in height and is often found growing in clay soils near dry riverbeds. Jilungin Tea is made by steeping the dried leaves of the Jilungin shrub in hot water for several minutes. The resulting infusion has a light golden colour and a slightly bitter, earthy flavour with a hint of sweetness. But Jilungin Tea is more than just a pleasant drink. It is valued for its medicinal properties and has been used for thousands of years by the Indigenous peoples of Australia to treat a variety of ailments. Jilungin Tea is said to relieve stress, stimulate the immune system, improve sleep quality, and alleviate various digestive issues. Several studies have also been conducted on the health benefits of Jilungin Tea. A recent study found that Jilungin Tea has potent antioxidant activity, which helps to protect against cellular damage and reduces the risk of chronic diseases. It is a unique and healthy beverage with a fascinating history and cultural significance. It is a powerful reminder of the traditional knowledge and wisdom of the Indigenous people of Australia and their enduring connection to the land. It may not be as widely available as some of the more popular herbal teas, but it is definitely worth seeking out for its unique flavour and numerous health benefits.

Dream World

Sailing into the Dream World

In the past few years, the awareness of Jilungin Tea has slowly risen due to its nighttime ability to promote vivid dreams. Jilungin Tea’s dreamy sensation is believed to be a natural reaction of the body that appears when you consume anything that calms and slows you down as the Jilungin plant contains extremely high amounts of Tryptophan, which is best known as an amino acid responsible for creating a mellow and calm-inducing sensation that could reduce anxiety before bed as well specifically provide different type of peaceful dreams during REM sleep. Jilungin Tea's dream-provoking experience still exists as word of mouth among its drinkers. There's still a lack of an extensive scientific demonstration linked to the herbal infusion's importance. Also, excess consumption could lead to digestive discomfort as it doesn't mix well with food due to its strength and unique digestive challenges.

Consuming the tea an hour or so before bed is considered a marvelous way to improve sleep quality and post sleep emotions. Researchers have overwhelmingly reported that good sleep plays an essential role in the quality of life because of adequate REM sleep in which you have the most vivid dreams help you manage stress after the consumption of the tea. Its unique health benefits contribute to good sleep quality that helps balance your mood, improve mental clarity and heighten creative ideas. Jilungin Tea benefits associated with how it guarantees sound sleep and mind-boggling dreams appears an excellent pre-bed activity after a long busy day. We recognise this along with its historic role in sustaining health and healing as upon ancients promoting heightened-spirituality when aided with dreaming. Regular unique plant flavoured tea consumption to unwind before recuperative, healthy sleep is encouraging for anyone who wishes to add something different, provides fresh emotions basking within their dreams.

Spirit of Wild

Spirit of Wild

Dream, dream away... all your nightmares, if you ever had a few nights in a row of nightmares, drink Jilungin Tea. A bunch of scientists may dissect Jilungin and say it's the high amount of the amino acid Tryptophan, loads of antioxidants (more than Green Tea) in it. But let's look at this amazing plant from an energy point of view. It's not another herbal tea, his concoction has spiritual qualities that transcend its physical properties. The tea is known to possess energies that promote vitality and enhance holistic wellness, making it an embraceable drink for those seeking rejuvenation and an interconnected relationship with nature.

The spiritual aspects of Jilungin Tea are centred around the energy believed to emanate from the plant. The plant is said to carry positive energy and it is believed to cleanse, purify, and balance the mind and body. Harvesters of the plant do this with utmost respect, offering thanks and reverence to nature for what it has provided. This cultivates positive energy throughout the plant, ready for consumption. When consumed, the drinker takes in not only the physical properties of the plant but their energy as well. It’s no wonder people consider Jilungin Tea as possessing magic. When sipped, it brings about a unique sense of clarity and mental focus, giving the drinker a sense of calmness and motivation that resonates throughout their body. Energised with clarity, taking in the scents that rise from the cup, the drinker becomes washed with the waves of deep relaxation.

Magic in Action

Magic in Action

Perhaps this ‘magical’ quality of Jilungin Tea can be explained through the Plant Spirit theory, in which every plant carries a spirit based on its energy frequency and organic property. This Spirit carries the healing powers of the specific plant, hence helping identify plants with healing abilities. Medicinal traditions believed that consuming plants possessing an energy frequency matching a diseased part of the human body could address an external imbalance in the human’s spirit body too. According to these beliefs, the Jilungin’s Spirit directly interacts with the human frequency, hence promoting vital balance. The magical aspect of this tea is that it attunes one to nature, invariably connecting you with your environment. Embracing nature, participating in its cycles and teachings, does transform the human experience. Jilungin Tea provides the much-needed energy and focus to first connect to your natural environment and ears or eyes attuned; you perceive whispers and exchanges often missed, only manifesting when actively tuned into the flora and fauna that surround us.

As someone consumes Jilungin Tea while tuning ears and eyes to perceive subtle exchanges in their environment, they come to value enrichment they can gain from minds melded with disparate experiences in our ecosystem’s cytoplasm. They realise how much they’ve distanced from essential perspectives revolving around natural wisdom, instincts, and knowledge. Becoming aligned, the drinker’s mind starts perceiving differently, opening paths that the corporate world of tech or city living may exclude. This field, attainable through an organic approach, defining ‘meditation,' refers to a fulfilled, spiritual state of being by cooperating with energies and influences beyond the self's sensory space.

Conclusively, the spiritual aspects of Jilungin Tea enrich such an organic, peaceful psyche according to the taste in their drink. The process, a collection of positive energy with preparatory prayers, connect and attune the energy produce with human frequencies. As an ancient belief and as science recently studies plant energies, there’s much congruence in points drawn that Jilungin's energy remains that magical, high-frequency sanctity revealed to those sipping the tea. Where science or esoteric beliefs stand, nature forms something organically psychoactive and nourishing and forms humans psychosomatically. The Jilungin plant is not just any kind of leaf, but pristine sanctity immersed in waves of positive energy, making for an incomparable aggrandise drink. I like to sweeten my senses during the experience with Ancient Purity Bush Apply Syrup, I pour a little in and stir once the Jilungin is in my favourite mug (Oh, and drink it an hour before sleeping). We wrote some more guidance on utilising this magical drink within the page. At Ancient Purity we are all about nature and perpetuating it and growing our consciousness. As always... Thanks for reading and sharing my journey on Jilungin Tea.