Craft Your Healthy Home
21 March 2024

Craft Your Healthy Home

Get ready to transform your humble abode into a sanctuary of wellness, because a healthy lifestyle starts right at home! Say goodbye to stale air and hello to a breath of fresh, toxin-free air. It's time to take charge of your living space and make it the epitome of health and happiness. Let's kick off this healthy home makeover with some serious air detoxification. Introducing our leafy green squad, aka houseplants! These verdant beauties not only add a touch of nature to your decor, but they also purify the air you breathe. It's like having your very own personal air spa. So grab those pretty greens and let them work their magic!

But we can't stop at just pretty plants. It's time to give your pantry a much-needed cleanse! Bid farewell to those processed junk foods and say hello to whole, nutritious goodies. Your body will thank you for this pantry upgrade. Plus, it's an excellent opportunity to explore new and exciting flavours that will tickle your taste buds in all the right ways. Now that your taste buds are partying, let's move on to the nitty-gritty of housekeeping. Finding a cleaning schedule that works for you and your family is like discovering the holy grail of domestic bliss. Say goodbye to those chaotic cleaning marathons and hello to stress-free, sparkling clean home sessions. Because who needs stress when you can embrace the joy of a tidy, organised space?

Organised Space

But wait, there's more! It's time to upgrade your cleaning arsenal with some eco-friendly warriors. Swap those chemical-laden products for the green superheroes that will conquer dirt and grime without harming you or Mother Earth. Cleaning has never felt so righteous! So, let's make a pact to prioritise our own well-being by creating and maintaining a home that radiates health. Here are some brilliant ways to create a healthy home are just the beginning of your wellness journey. It's time to unleash your inner home guru and make your happy place the epitome of wellness. Cheers to a healthy home and an even healthier you!

Remove Unnecessary Items

Clearing your space is the key to unlocking the secret to a healthier you, both physically and mentally. Picture this: excess mess lurking in the shadows, harbouring more dust than the floor of an abandoned library, more animal dander than a petting zoo on steroids, and more mould spores than a haunted castle. Sounds like a recipe for disaster, especially if you're cursed with allergies or asthma! These hidden terrors run wild, sabotaging your physical health faster than a bull in a China shop. The clutter catastrophe doesn't stop there. Brace yourself because clutter also makes a beeline for your brain, ready to unleash the chaos upon your mental wellbeing. Imagine the stress levels skyrocketing as you frantically search for your misplaced keys or that precious remote control buried under a mountain of chaos. You might as well be navigating a labyrinth of worries and anxiety.

So, what's the secret to escape this treacherous cluttered maze? Drumroll, please! It's none other than the marvellous act of de-cluttering! Toss out the old junk, say farewell to the excess, and revel in the glory of reclaiming your sanity. By taking that crucial first step towards a clutter-free abode, you're opening the door to a new era of healthiness and serenity. Prepare to bid farewell to dust bunnies, dander dragons, and mould monsters, all banished from your newfound kingdom of cleanliness. Remember, a clean home is not simply a tangible haven but a gateway to a peaceful mind. So, let's embark on this de-cluttering odyssey together and conquer the battle against physical and mental chaos. Your tidy, stress-free sanctuary awaits you!

Windows Open

Hey there, did you catch wind of the fact that simply cracking open your windows on the daily can do wonders for your health? It's no joke! By letting in some fresh air for just 15-20 minutes, you can kick those vicious indoor air pollutants to the curb and give your home's air quality a serious upgrade. So go ahead, throw those windows wide open and let the breeze work its magic. Your lungs will be thankful!

Windows Open

Use Natural Soy Candles or Essential Oils

You probably heard about the scandal about candles? Turns out those paraffin wax ones are secretly sneaking toxic carcinogens into your humble abode when you light them up. Yikes indeed! But no need getting desperate, for there is a better way to keep your living space smelling fresh without all the harmful chemicals. Swap out those naughty candles for some essential oils or natural soy wax candles, and you'll be on your way to a healthier, happier home in no time. Say goodbye to toxic fumes and hello to a sweet-smelling sanctuary!

Filter your Drinking Water

Are you tired of having lead, heavy metals, chlorine, and pesticides sneak their way into your body through your drinking water? Well, no need to worry, because water filters are here to save the day! These nifty little gadgets work wonders at keeping all the bad stuff out of your H20. And let me tell you, the options are endless when it comes to choosing a water filter. You can go all out with a fancy system that attaches under your sink, making you feel like a secret agent every time you fill up your glass. Or, if you're more of a minimalist, you can opt for a stylish filtering dispenser that adds a touch of sophistication to your kitchen decor. Not only do water filters keep you healthy, but they also save you money in the long run. Say goodbye to constantly buying bottled water and hello to the convenience of having clean, filtered water right at your fingertips. So, what are you waiting for? Get yourself a Quality Water Filter and say cheers to a healthier you!

Use (Decorative) Plants in Your House

If you think indoor plants are just pretty decorations, think again! These green wonders are like tiny superheroes, swooping in to save the day by boosting your mood, sparking your creativity, and purifying the air in your home. Not only do indoor plants add a touch of nature to your living space, but they also have a host of benefits that can improve your overall well-being. Studies have shown that being around plants can help reduce stress, increase concentration, and even lower blood pressure. So next time you're feeling a bit down, maybe all you need is a little leafy friend to cheer you up! Indoor plants are also natural air purifiers, helping to remove toxins and chemicals from the air in your home. So not only do they look pretty, but they're actually working hard to keep you healthy! So go ahead, add some greenery to your home and reap the benefits of these amazing little plant pals. Your mood, creativity, and lungs will thank you! Some of the best indoor plants include: Philodendron, Spider plant (Chlorophytum comosum), Snake plant (Sansevieria), Pothos (Epipremnum aureum) and the Swiss cheese plant (Monstera deliciosa).

Plants in Your House

Often Wash Your Bedding & Linens

Do you enjoy sleeping in a den of dead skin cells, dust mites, and your own bodily fluids? No? Then wash your bedding more often! According to experts, you should wash your sheets at least once-a-week to keep them fresh and clean. This will help prevent nasty odours and potential skin irritations caused by all the gunk that accumulates on your linens. So, toss those dirty sheets in the wash and rest easy knowing your bed is a haven of cleanliness and comfort. Your skin will thank you! And, please use a chemical-free detergent.

Find a Spot for All Your Stuff

One day, a friend dropped some life-changing knowledge on me that left me shooketh: "It's mind-blowing how keeping your space organised can actually keep it clean. Everything just magically falls into place when everything has a place." Preach, sister! I never realised how much truth those words held until I put them into practice. Let me tell you, having a designated spot for each and every little thing in your home is a game-changer. No more frantic searching for lost keys or rummaging through mountains of junk looking for that one missing sock. Say goodbye to the stress and chaos of a cluttered space. With proper organisation, you'll save yourself oodles of time and frustration. So, take the time to give every item in your home a cosy little home of its own. Whether it's a shoe rack for your sneakers or a cute basket for your hair ties, find a spot for everything. Trust me, future you will thank present you for the peace and sanity that comes with knowing exactly where to find that random trinket or important document. Happy organising!

Clean Out Your Refrigerator

Regularly Clean Out Your Refrigerator

Alright, people, listen up - it's time to bid adieu to those leftover Christmas cookies and questionable New Year's Eve dips that have been lurking in the back of your fridge for far too long. We're talking about a fridge cleanse here, people! But don't just stop at tossing out the old stuff - let's get proactive and stock up on some healthy options to fill that empty space. Think crisp veggies, lean proteins, and maybe even some kombucha for good measure. And here's a little trick to keep your fridge in tip-top shape year-round: make a schedule and set a reminder to clean it out every quarter. Not only will this keep things fresh and organised, but it'll also encourage you to make healthier choices when you're staring blankly into the abyss for a snack. So, say goodbye to the holiday remnants and hello to a fridge that's ready to help you kick-start your health and wellness goals. Your body will thank you later!

Keep Your Lungs Healthy with an Air Purifier

Breathing clean air is no joke. So why not invest in an air purifier and keep those precious lungs of yours happy and healthy? Trust me, your bronchioles will thank you as they inhale fresh, purified oxygen instead of the questionable fumes of city living. Plus, who doesn't want to feel like they're breathing in the crisp, pure air of a mountain retreat, even if they're stuck in a cramped apartment in the middle of the city? Don't let your lungs suffer in silence – give them the gift of clean air with an air purifier today.

Introduce hanging plants... Bringing high planting into your home recreates what we would experience in a jungle or forest habitat.” - Oliver Heath, Design A Healthy Home: 100 ways to transform your space for physical and mental wellbeing