Posts tagged 'Longevity'

The Legendary Fountain of Youth

11 January 2024
Fountain of Youth
Once upon a time in a far-off land, there existed a legendary fountain rumoured to possess the power to restore youth and vitality to anyone who drank from its magical waters. The tale of the Fountain of Youth had been passed down through generations, captivating the hearts and minds of people far and wide. It was said that the fountain was hidden deep within a lush, enchanted forest, guarded by mystical creatures and elusive spirits.


2 January 2024
Looking on the bright side could be the secret to a long and prosperous life, according to a bunch of researchers in the USA. They discovered that those with a sunnier disposition are more likely to live longer and achieve "exceptional longevity," reaching a ripe old age of 85 or more. But hold on, what exactly is this optimism we're talking about?

Multivitamins - Why they Work & What they can Do

15 December 2023
Why they Work
Food, glorious food! It's supposed to be the grand poobah of nutrients, but alas, our dear soil is in a downward spiral and many people out there are chowing down on less than perfect diets. Anyway, no need to be desperate for there is a potential saviour in the form of Multivitamins! Yes, those little capsules of goodness may just swoop in to save the day and fill in the gaps left by crappy meals.

Niacinamide an Economical way to make NAD+ & Increase Longevity

19 November 2023
Increase Longevity
You've without a doubt heard now that boosting NAD+ is a game changer in anti-ageing, but you're confused which method or you simply can't afford some of the expensive supplements for it. Well Enter Niacinamide, also known as vitamin B3, your optimal NAD+ precursor. It serves as the guardian for restoring and sustaining robust NAD+ levels, paving the way for peak health and longevity.

Iodine - The Vital Element that Vanished from Food

16 November 2023
The Vital Element
Brace yourselves for a mind-blowing revelation about an element that has mysteriously disappeared from your diet – iodine! Yes, you heard it right. This little spark plug could be the missing piece in your quest for better health. But wait, there's more! The government, yes, that very institution we trust to prioritise our well-being, is actively suppressing the health research on Iodine.