Posts tagged 'Connection'

Palo Santo: Deep History & Sacred Scent

9 October 2023
Palo Santo
Palo Santo, with its enchanting scent and rich cultural history, is much more than just fragrant wood waved around at ceremonies by a bunch of hippies. For centuries, this "holy wood" has played a significant role in spiritual and traditional practices across South America. In this article, we delve into the history of Palo Santo, exploring its origins, cultural significance, and the potential reasons behind its ever growing popularity.

Embrace the Great Outdoors: The Power of Fresh Air

27 September 2023
The Power of Fresh Air
Ahhhh Air. The very source of what keeps us all alive. It’s the first thing I personally think of when I am stressed or overwhelmed, “I need fresh air”. Many of us spend the majority of our time indoors, surrounded by artificial lighting and controlled environments. While this lifestyle offers comfort and convenience, it often means we miss out on the numerous benefits of Outdoor Air.

Empowering Connection – How Women Can Bond Through Ceremonial Cacao

15 September 2023
Empowering Connection
There is a delightful little ancient tradition that has been rediscovered in recent years, providing women with a unique opportunity to connect on a deeper level: ceremonial Cacao. Connection is a high priority of mine, to myself and others, so if like me you’re in the market for fun and unique ways to cultivate connection then I really think you’ll take a lot from this article (in the least arrogant sounding way possible).