Posts tagged 'Cacao'

Keith's Cacao – The World’s Finest Ceremonial Cacao

8 April 2024
The World’s Finest Cacao
If you're a newbie to the world of sipping on Keith's Cacao, the whole idea of turning a solid block of paste into a luxurious drink might seem as puzzling as a Rubik's Cube. No worries, for I am here to guide you through this delightful journey of unlocking the magical powers of this extraordinary elixir. Step into a world where chocolate bars are mere peasants in comparison to the purity of Keith's Ceremonial Cacao.

Cacao... Superfood of the Ancient World

10 October 2023
Cacao... Superfood
Calling all chocolate lovers and health enthusiasts! Brace yourself for a delightful journey through the realm of Cacao, where pleasure seamlessly intertwines with incredible health benefits. Prepare to be captivated by the irresistible allure and enchanting properties of this magical ingredient. At first glance, Cacao may seem like a sinful indulgence, but fear not as hidden beneath its delectable exterior lies a treasure trove of healthful secrets that will leave you craving for more.

Empowering Connection – How Women Can Bond Through Ceremonial Cacao

15 September 2023
Empowering Connection
There is a delightful little ancient tradition that has been rediscovered in recent years, providing women with a unique opportunity to connect on a deeper level: ceremonial Cacao. Connection is a high priority of mine, to myself and others, so if like me you’re in the market for fun and unique ways to cultivate connection then I really think you’ll take a lot from this article (in the least arrogant sounding way possible).

Crafting a Ceremonial Cacao Elixir with Celtic Sea Salt and Saffron

8 August 2023
Crafting a Ceremonial Cacao Elixir

I'd like to reveal a secret that the universe holds. It was delivered to my mind one rainy evening this summer. A mystical connection, the ancient art of crafting another of my Ceremonial Cacao Elixirs. Now, I always use Celtic Sea Salt, well not always but quite a bit, you must know Chocolate and Celtic Sea Salt works. But it has to be functional Sea Salt, such as our Celtic Sea Salt, that actually enhances health and well-being.