I will definitely be amongst many when I confess I absolutely never heard of Methylated Folate during pregnancy, because all you’re ever recommended and hear about is Folic Acid. So when I heard a friend mention Methylated Folate during her pregnancy I had to find out more about it and understand it better. I wanted to increase my awareness as I didn’t feel there was enough awareness at all on Methylated Folate, so that here is my intention today; by the end of this article I hope you will be familiar with Methylated Folate, what it’s health benefits are and how we can use it in our lives not just for pregnancy, but for many other health related reasons also.
Posts tagged 'Folic Acid'
Mother & Baby - Postnatal Supplement Guide
29 January 2024

Sure, you may be well-versed in the prenatal vitamin gospel and the extra nutrient needs during pregnancy, but hey, guess what? The story doesn't end there. Enter the unsung heroes: postnatal vitamins. They ensure that new mommas get the required dose of vitamins and minerals even after popping out those little nuggets of joy. Now, I'm not saying ditch the whole "eat healthy and balanced" mantra.