Goji Berries

(Highest Quality) HGH / Longevity / TCM Ultimate Superfood (Chewy)
Weight300g (10.58 oz.) Dried Berries

Ancient Purity Presents...The highest available quality Goji Berries available. With a taste that truly stands out and exquisite chewiness. We sourced organically grown Goji's where the farmers have perfected the art of drying to ensure that each berry retains its natural moisture, resulting in a chewy, satisfying texture that's leagues beyond the competition. You will see and taste the difference compared to any other Goji. Due to Goji Berries’ extraordinarily high nutrient content as well as their pleasant taste, the peoples of China, Tibet and Mongolia have been growing the alkaline-rich Goji Berry plant for an estimated 5000 years. Our organically grown Goji Berries truly are a powerhouse Super-Food! Chewy and Delicious, dried Goji Berries are low in fat and high in fibre and a source of iron. Goji Berries are native to Asia. Goji Berries are a comprehensive protein source and contain 19 amino acids featuring all 8 of the essential amino acids. Goji Berries rightfully have earned the title “Super-Food” because of their antioxidant content and nutrient density packed in a small volume. They can also contain twenty or more trace minerals (copper, zinc, iron, selenium, phosphorus, germanium and calcium being the main ones) as well as vitamins B1, B2, B6 and E. Dive into a world where authenticity meets indulgence – choose Ancient Purity Goji Berries and experience a snack that transcends the ordinary. Throw some in your smoothie or bowl for a mighty nutritional boost. Sourced from pristine organic landscapes where the earth's energy meets the sun's warmth. Our commitment to authenticity ensures that you're savouring the true essence of these ancient superberries. Goji Berries are perhaps still the Greatest Superfood on Earth and still part of Traditional Chinese Medicine, these are the best quality available. I know they are because I wanted the best for myself I get through a bag a month, try it yourself.

£15.99 £15.99
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  • Goji Berries (Dried) - 100% Natural.
  • Produced to ecological standards, free from agro-chemicals, non-irradiated and GMO-free. 
  • Take anything from a small handful to 15 - 45 grams daily - 1 teaspoon = approx. 4 grams (Daily if required) or take them as directed by your healthcare practitioner. Do not exceed the recommended daily intake.
  • Children: 5 - 15 grams daily (Daily If Required).

WARNING: It is probably rare but we have to mention it, Goji Berries may interact with certain drugs, including blood thinners and medications for diabetes or high blood pressure. What’s more, you should exercise caution if you’re pregnant, as they contain betaine, a compound that may harm fetal health. Further research is needed to determine whether Goji Berries are safe during pregnancy. If you’re taking medications or have underlying health conditions, you may want to talk to your healthcare provider before adding Goji Berries to your diet.

NOTE: Ancient Purity Dried Goji Berries are good for you. They contain healthy antioxidants which have immunity-boosting qualities. In addition, they can fight harmful free radicals and inflammation.Ancient Purity Goji Berries can be consumed liberally as you can see above, or taken in small doses. Goji Berries can be used to make teas, juice, soup and wine.  It can be added to salads, smoothies and yoghurts. Ancient Purity Goji Berries taste deliciously like a raisin and a cranberry mixed together. You can also eat these nutritious berries straight out of the bag. Like any other dried fruit, Goji Berries can be consumed every day.

Ancient Purity Goji Berries can be used the same ways as any dried fruit, such as in smoothies mixed in with muesli or in any recipe which calls for dried fruits. Personally we like to take our Goji Berries in a smoothie, mixed in with some of our other super-food friends such as coconut water, cacao powder, cacao nibs, maca, raw honey, hemp seed or some Celtic sea salt. Throwing a handful of organic Goji Berries in a smoothie and finding the best balance is perhaps one of the healthiest things to consume daily.

  • Brand: Ancient Purity.
  • Size: 200-400g (7.05-14.10 oz).
  • Origin: Ningxia Province China.
  • Container: Kraft Paper Pouch.
  • Storage: Store in a cool dry place, out of sunlight.
  • Estimated shelf life from purchase: 1 - 2 years.


Goji Berries Lowdown

On first glance, Ancient Purity Dried Goji Berries look like nothing more remarkable than slightly oversized red raisins. But these nutrient-dense berries, which taste like a cross between cranberry, cherry, and tomato, are indigenous to parts of Asia, particularly the Himalayan mountain region of Tibet, where they've been used for thousands of years for medicinal and spiritual purposes. They’ve been referred to as a super-food on numerous occasions, and it’s easy to see why! Their benefits are so impressive that these berries are often sold powdered or dried when the fresh version is not easily found in shops.

Hot Oat, Quinoa & Goji Berry Ayurvedic Cerial


  • ½ cup dried Ancient Purity Goji Berries.
  • ½ cup steel-cut oats.
  • ½ cup well-rinsed quinoa.
  • ¼ cup raisins.
  • 1 teaspoon Ancient Purity Celtic Sea Salt.
  • ½ teaspoon ground cinnamon.
  • ¼ teaspoon ground cardamom.
  • Almond milk, Ancient Purity Bush Apple Syrup, toasted shelled pumpkin seeds (pepitas), and toasted walnuts (for serving).


  • Bring fruit, oats, quinoa, raisins, Celtic Sea Salt, cinnamon, cardamom, and 4 cups filtered water to a boil in a medium saucepan. 
  • Cover and let sit off heat overnight. (Alternatively, bring mixture to a boil; reduce heat and simmer, stirring occasionally, until grains are tender, 20–25 minutes.)
  • Before serving, reheat cereal in saucepan, covered, over medium-low heat, stirring occasionally and adding water if needed, until warmed through, 5 to 8 minutes. Serve with almond milk, maple syrup, pepitas, and walnuts (You can also use Ancient Purity Sandalwood Nuts).
  • Swap in chopped dried apricots or Ancient Purity Quang Dong Peach  for the dried fruit, or top with grated apple in fall, fresh peaches in summer.
  • Instead of quinoa, use semi-pearled barley for a chunkier texture.
  • Crunch is a must. Try sliced almonds, Ancient Purity Sandalwood Nuts, or Ancient Purity Hemp Seeds.

Vanilla Vegan Goji Berry Balls


  • 1 cup lightly packed, pitted soft dates.
  • 2/3 raw cashews or Ancient Purity Sandalwood Nuts.
  • 1/2 cup Ancient Purity Dried Goji Berries.
  • 1/4 cup raw cacao nibs.
  • 1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract, optional.


  • Place all ingredients in a food processor and mix into thick sticky dough that you can easily press together between your fingers.
  • If it’s not sticking, add 1 teaspoon of warm water and process again.
  • That should do the trick, but if not, repeat 1-2 times until it does.
  • Roll into 12 balls and store in a sealed container in the fridge for up to 2 weeks or freezer for up to 2 months.

These delicate no-bake energy treats are brimming with nutrients thank to super-foods like Ancient Purity Goji berries and Keith’s Ceremonial Raw Cacao.

Goji Berry Boost Smoothie


  • 1 banana
  • 1 cup Ancient Purity Goji Berries. 
  • 1/2 cup almond milk.
  • 1/2 cup Greek yogurt.
  • 1 tablespoon Honey.


  • Blend all the ingredients in a blender until smooth.
  • If the smoothie is too thick, add a bit more almond milk until you reach the desired consistency.
  • Pour in a glass and enjoy immediately!
  • You can add a handful of ice cubes to make it even more refreshing on hotter days. You can also sprinkle some Ancient Purity Goji Berries on top for some added texture.

Goji Berries Health Benefits

High in Antioxidants: Goji Berries are one of the richest sources of antioxidants. Antioxidants help to neutralise free radicals that can damage cells and lead to various ailments.

Boosts Immunity: Goji Berries contain a range of nutrients that help to boost immune function, such as vitamin C, beta-carotene, and zeaxanthin.

Eye Health: Goji Berries are rich in zeaxanthin, an antioxidant that is vital for eye health. It helps to protect the eyes from damage caused by blue light and reduces the risk of age-related macular degeneration.

Anti-Ageing: Goji Berries contain polysaccharides that help to rebuild skin tissues and protect against free radical damage. They also contain antioxidants that help to prevent wrinkles and other signs of ageing.

Weight-Loss: Goji Berries are low in calories but high in fiber, which makes them an excellent addition to any weight loss diet. The fiber in Goji Berries helps to keep you feeling full for longer, reducing the likelihood of overeating.

Anti-Inflammatory: Goji Berries are rich in antioxidants that help to reduce inflammation in the body. Chronic inflammation is a major contributor to many chronic diseases, including cancer, arthritis, and heart disease.

Brain Health: Goji Berries contain compounds that help to improve cognitive function and protect the brain from damage. They also have neuroprotective properties that help to prevent cognitive decline.

Q: What do Goji berries taste like?
A: The taste is not too difficult to describe .... some say between a cranberry and a cherry .... others say they taste of raspberry and plum. You will have to decide for yourself.

Q: Are Goji berries known by other names?
A:  Lycium barbarum, wolfberry, gouqizi and Fructus lycii.

Q: What are Goji berries?
A: Ancient Purity Goji Berries grow on an evergreen shrub found in temperate and subtropical regions in China, Mongolia and in the Tibetan Himalayas. They are in the nightshade (Solonaceae) family. Goji Berries are usually found dried. They are shriveled red berries, similar in appearance to red raisins.

Q: Are any additives or preservatives added to Ancient Purity Dried Goji Berries?
A: No, absolutely not, we don’t like these substances, refuse to use them and would never spoil our wonderful Goji Berries with preservatives or anything unnatural.

Q: How long do I need to eat Goji Berries before I get the benefits?
A: You may eat Goji Berries everyday and stay with it as long as you wish. How long it takes before benefits start to show depends on how an individual reacts to Goji berry. Many Chinese eat wolfberry on a regular basis.

Q: What kind of eye conditions will Goji Berries improve?
A: Chinese medicine uses Goji Berries to treat or prevent visual degeneration, such as cataracts, retinopathy, or age related macular degeneration. One report from the Department of Ophthalmology in the Chinese University of Hong Kong demonstrated that carotenoids in wolfberry had a high affinity for the retina. Affinity means the nutrients in wolfberry showed a high concentration in the retina after ingestion and absorption by the body.

Another study on 44 patients with diabetic retinopathy showed that wolfberry significantly improved conditions that cause retinopathy. Dr. Iris F. Benzie, MD and her research team at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University have done a single-blinded, placebo-controlled, human study. The study demonstrate a mean post-supplementation level of 0.096mol/l, a 250 % increase, in fasting plasma zeaxanthin after 4 weeks of eating Goji Berries. 27 People anticipated the study. This study has been published in the British Journal of Nutrition (2005), 93, 123-130.

Q: Are your Goji Berries irradiated as are many other fruits that are imported from overseas?
A: Absolutely not. We insist that that our product is never irradiated and is also never irradiated by quarantine in any country. Our Goji Berries are naturally sundries on mats that enable our wonderful berries to soak up the pristine and pure air.

Q: What is the difference between whole Goji Berries and Goji Juice?
A: Whole berries are whole food containing proteins, essential fatty acids, and have no depleted nutrients that can occur when a fruit is juiced. Many Goji Juices on the market contain preservatives, added sugars, fillers such as Apple & Pear juice and are high in sugars.

Q: When are Goji berries in season?
A: Usually the new crop Goji berries arrives on market in the middle of June. Dried Goji berries are then ready for export at the end of June or early July.

Q: Is it correct that Goji berries are high in antioxidants?
A: Yes, the Goji Berry has more antioxidants than any other known food. It is an antioxidant powerhouse!


The products and the claims made about specific products, articles and claims made in the articles and information written on or through this site have not been evaluated by Ancient Purity, the MHRA, the FSA or the United States FDA and are not approved to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. The information provided on this site is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your physician or other health care professional or any information contained on or in any product label or packaging. You should not use the information on this site for diagnosis or treatment of any health problem or for prescription of any medication or other treatment. You should consult with a healthcare professional before starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program, before taking any medication, or if you have or suspect you might have a health problem. Providing a product for sale does not imply Ancient Purity recommendation of that product, its suitability or its efficacy. Ancient Purity cannot give medical opinions. No comment or entry in this site or in any communication from Ancient Purity may be taken as such.

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