Magnesium Oil Spray

Trans-dermal / Full Absorption / Topical High Strength / Heart / Joints / DHEA
Weight200ml (6.76 fl. oz.)

Ancient Purity Presents Magnesium Oil Spray. A Potent, Clean and Superior Magnesium option providing pure natural, Magnesium Chloride. Sourced from the Ancient Zechstein Seabed in the town of Veendam, Holland. This 100% Pure, Natural supplement offers unrivalled effective Magnesium absorption. It is simply the raw Magnesium Oil (concentrated Magnesium Chloride) in a Miron Bottle, which can be sprayed directly onto the body. Transdermal Magnesium is believed to be absorbed directly through the skin and into the bloodstream, bypassing the digestive system. This results in better absorption and utilisation by the body. Considered the most important mineral in the body, after oxygen, water and basic food, it may be the most important element needed by our bodies. The 11th most abundant element by mass in the human body; its ions are essential to all living cells, they play a major role in manipulating the most vital biological compounds such as DNA, RNA, ATP (energy) DHEA for hormonal balance. Magnesium supports supple and flexible joints, normal joint function it helps support calcium absorption and normal muscle function. Magnesium also supports the maintenance of normal bones and teeth. Applying this topically may help relax muscles and alleviate cramps or tension. It may help reduce inflammation and promote the proper function of joints. Magnesium has powerful analgesic effects. Apply it to sore or painful areas to promote a sense of relaxation. Magnesium is responsible for over 325 chemical reactions in the human body. Stored in a Miron Glass Spray Bottle. 
"If you are able to only take one supplement, make sure it's Magnesium" - Dr Carolyn Dean MD ND. 

£22.99 £19.16
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EU/World Prices
  • Magnesium Chloride (Zechstein Seabed).
  • Providing 300mg of Magnesium Chloride per 6 Sprays.

Ratios: Magnesium Chloride 32% / Magnesium Sulphate 0.25% / Sodium Chloride 0.45% / Potassium Chloride 0.45% / Aqua 66.15% / Calcium Chloride 0.02% and Trace Minerals.

  • Adults: 10 Sprays Daily. (Magnesium experts often recommend up to 20 sprays or more daily
  • Application: Best applied before bedtime the Magnesium Oil Spray is best applied on the torso after a shower. Can be sprayed directly onto injured areas, 
  • Children: Reduce dose according to body weight.
  • Pregnancy: It is safe to use during pregnancy.
  • Oral Care: 1 spray in the mouth while brushing.

WARNING: Avoid contact with eyes! Do not spray on open wounds or cuts, broken skin - due to sting. Very high doses of Magnesium may cause abdominal discomfort, nausea, and diarrhoea. Too high doses of dietary supplement Magnesium can also interact with some kinds of antibiotics and other medications. It is rare, but should you experience any adverse effects while using Magnesium Spray, stop taking it immediately and consult your healthcare practitioner.Magnesium may sting slightly, as your levels restore the sting with reduce, however, if you spray onto an area of skin that is not sensitive you should find it comfortable.

NOTE: Ancient Purity Magnesium Oil Spray works to regulate muscle contractions, neuromuscular signals, and calcium levels in the body. When you use a Magnesium Oil Spray, it can aid your muscles to relax and contract, therefore easing aches and eliminating cramps that may be causing other issues such as constipation and PMS.

  • Brand: Ancient Purity.
  • Size: 200ml (6.76 fl. oz.).
  • Origin: Zeachstein Sea bed (North Sea).
  • Container: Miron Glass Bottle.
  • Estimated shelf life from purchase: 2 years. (Will last longer its millions of years old.)
  • Storage: Keep in a cool dry place, keep out of reach of children.

Magnesium Oil Spray Lowdown

Magnesium is a nutrient that the body needs to stay healthy. Magnesium is important for many processes in the body, including regulating muscle and nerve function, blood sugar levels, and blood pressure and making protein, bone, and DNA.

Magnesium Mango Smoothie


  • 1 ripe mango.
  • 1 banana.
  • 0.5 cup almond milk.
  • 0.5 cup filtered water.
  • 1 teaspoon Raw Honey.
  • 1 teaspoon Ancient Purity Magnesium Oil.


  • Blend all ingredients together until smooth.
  • That's it.
  • Enjoy!

Magnesium Davidson Plum Smoothie


  • 1 cup of Plums.
  • 1 banana.
  • 0.5 cup Greek yogurt.
  • 0.5 cup almond milk.
  • 1 teaspoon Ancient Purity Magnesium Oil.


  • Blend all ingredients together until smooth.
  • Enjoy!

Magnesium Chocolate Smoothie


  • 1 banana.
  • 0.5 cup almond milk.
  • 0.5 cup Greek yogurt.
  • 0.5 teaspoon Ancient Purity Raw Cacao Powder.
  • 1 tsp Wild Honey.
  • 1 teaspoon Ancient Purity Magnesium Oil.


  • Blend all ingredients together until smooth.
  • Enjoy!
Enjoy these Magnesium Smoothies. This mineral is a cofactor in more than 300 enzyme systems that regulate diverse biochemical reactions in the body, including protein synthesis, muscle and nerve function, blood glucose control, and blood pressure regulation.

Q: My skin tingles when I apply Magnesium, is there something wrong?
A: If you are Magnesium deficient you may feel a tingle or slight itch upon application of Magnesium. This is normal and is actually a sign of Magnesium deficiency. The tingling will reduce as you continue to use Magnesium. If you experience any pain then you should rinse the area where you have applied magnesium. It is possible to dilute the magnesium with mineral water to create a weaker solution.

Q: Do I need to shower or rinse the magnesium off after using it?
A: Rinsing off magnesium oil or magnesium gel after use is a matter of personal preference, and depends on how much you apply and where it is applied to the body. Typically, the more magnesium oil or gel used per application, the higher the likelihood you may prefer to rinse it off. In roughly 20 minutes your skin can take full advantage of topically applied magnesium, and it may be safely removed at that point.

Q: Why can topical applications of magnesium chloride be so healing?
A: Topical magnesium is healing by way of the skin, a living, breathing organ with tremendous potential for re-mineralising the body. The skin has the ability to absorb substances that are then carried by the circulatory system around the body. Our Magnesium penetrates the cells with dramatic results on cell biochemistry, and are inexpensive, safe, and convenient.

Q: Is there a maximum daily limit for using Magnesium topically?
A: No. The skin has a unique ability to self-regulate absorption, and therefore overuse is of little concern.

Q: Will magnesium applied topically produce a laxative effect like oral magnesium supplements?
A: No, there is little to no potential for a laxative effect. This is a fundamental advantage of using magnesium products topically, as your skin can naturally self-regulate the absorption of minerals.

Q: Are there circumstances where I shouldn't use Magnesium Spray?
A: Those with poor renal function should consult a health practitioner before use.

Q: Are there any other precautions to take while using Magnesium?
A: Avoid using Magnesium Spray near mucous membranes such as the eyes and nose, which can cause some irritation. In addition, though applying the Magnesium Spray to broken skin or wounds can be highly therapeutic and cleansing, the high concentration of magnesium salts may cause discomfort. If you are using Magnesium on broken skin or lesions (i.e. psoriasis, eczema, acne, etc.) it is strongly advised to begin with a Magnesium Bath Pack until the skin had a chance to start healing and become less sensitive to the higher concentration of magnesium chloride in the oil and gel.

Q: I am on medication, is Magnesium Oil suitable for me?
A: Yes, magnesium is a natural substance and present within all of us. Certain medication can inhibit the uptake and utilisation from our diet. If at all unsure contact your healthcare practitioner.

Q: Are Magnesium products safe to use with children?
A: Yes, Magnesium baths are the preferred application by most parents, and have been used with great success on children as young as 6 months old. They are not only safe but also highly therapeutic and can calm restless children.

Q: Where does your Magnesium come from?
A: Northern Europe nearly 2 miles beneath the surface referred to as the Ancient Zechstein Sea. It is extracted from the earth by a process known as solution mining, and it is globally the most coveted source of naturally occurring magnesium chloride in existence.

Q: Should I continue using other Magnesium supplements orally if I am also using Magnesium topically?
A: This is a matter of personal choice, often dependent on how well or how poorly each individual tolerates oral supplements. Topical magnesium represents a welcome alternative for those who prefer to avoid the inconvenience of taking pills, who experience loose stools, diarrhoea or GI upset when taking oral supplements. For those who do have limited tolerance, a Magnesium Spray & bath pack provides much needed additional magnesium without side effects.

Q: I have heard that topical Magnesium is beneficial for skin conditions such as psoriasis and eczema?
A: This is correct. Magnesium products are highly therapeutic and healing to skin conditions such as Psoriasis, Eczema, Dermatitis, Acne, Poison oak, etc. Topically applied magnesium chloride enhances skin barrier function, decreases inflammation, speeds wound healing, and augments skin cell hydration. However, if you have broken skin or a large portion of your body is affected, it is advised to begin your healing regimen with magnesium baths until the skin has had a chance to start healing and become less sensitive to the high concentration of Magnesium Spray.

Q: Are Magnesium products safe for animals and pets?
A: Yes, topical magnesium products are just as effective on animals and pets as they are on humans. Many natural and alternative veterinary clinics around the world use Magnesium oil for everything from wound care to general health maintenance.

Q: Is your Magnesium “Oil” Spray actually oil?
A: Although this is a common misconception. Magnesium “oil” is a term that was coined early in the development of transdermal magnesium therapy. It refers to the hygroscopic nature (attracts water molecules) of a highly saturated solution of magnesium chloride in water along with other trace elements. This super-saturated solution happens to present itself in an oil-like texture and lends itself particularly to absorption via the skin.

Q: Is topical magnesium beneficial for detoxification?
A: Magnesium is not only beneficial but also essential! The body utilises alkaline minerals such as magnesium to process cellular debris and counteract elevated uric acid production when combating a detox reaction. In addition, if there is not an adequate amount of magnesium for combating the detox reaction, it will remove the magnesium from the bones and body for this purpose. Studies have shown that magnesium is one of the most commonly deficient nutrients in the chemically toxic individual.

People who tend to retain chemical and heavy metal toxins were observed to excrete a high amount of magnesium in their urine, and have problems maintaining adequate magnesium levels. Most importantly, magnesium shields our cells from heavy metals such as aluminium, mercury, lead, cadmium, beryllium and nickel, which explains why we so desperately need magnesium for heavy metal detoxification.

Magnesium, for the most part, is indispensable for the survival of our cells but takes on additional significance in the age of toxicity where our systems are overrun on a daily basis with heavy metals. There is escalating evidence that low levels of magnesium play a role in the deposition of heavy metals that may have accumulated in brain tissue. In fact, the cause and solution of numerous physical maladies can be as easy as correcting a magnesium deficiency. In addition, many of the difficulties with mercury chelation can be reduced when the subject is administered sufficient magnesium.

Most information associated with chelation will tell you that chelating wastes minerals. Yet very little investigation has been done into the critical mineral whose loss cannot be tolerated without unacceptable risk. Magnesium is vital for phase one detoxification and, along with other minerals such as zinc, dislodges toxic heavy metals from the body. The bottom line is that magnesium is a fundamental factor in the natural self-cleansing and detoxification responses of the body.

According to Doctor Frederica P. Perera, Professor of Environmental Health Sciences and Director of the Columbia Center for Children’s Environmental Health, there is a 500-fold difference in the ability of each person to detoxify the same exact toxin. One of the main indicators is each individual’s level of magnesium. For these reasons, the use of magnesium oil and magnesium flakes provides the user with a foundational support system for safe and efficient detox.

Q: What is the Zechstein Sea?
A: The Zechstein Sea occupied the region of what is now the North Sea, plus lowland areas of Britain and the north European plain through Germany and Poland. At times the Zechstein Sea may have connected with the Paleo Tethys Ocean through southeastern Poland; the point is disputed by researchers.


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