Posts tagged 'Stress Relief'

Freedom from Migraines

15 March 2024
Freedom from Migraines
Welcome to the world of migraines, where pain becomes an unwelcome house guest in your head. Migraines are the uninvited guests crashing the party of more than 10% of the global population. With women, outnumbering men in the migraine club. Teenagers can often experience them when puberty hits, hormones go haywire, and suddenly, migraines crash the adolescent party.

Soothing Stress – Change your Mindset

23 February 2024
Soothing Stress
Feeling more tightly wound than a coiled spring these days? Well, you're not alone. According to a riveting study by the American Psychological Association back in 2012, a whopping 7 out of every 10 Americans are feeling the pressure cooker of stress in their day-to-day lives. Talk about a stress epidemic! Now, let's talk about the unfortunate side effects of this stress circus.