Posts tagged 'Ancient Egypt'

The Flower of Life: Mysteries of Sacred Geometry

21 February 2024
Mysteries of Sacred Geometry
In the depths of ancient wisdom lies a symbol of unparalleled beauty and significance – the Flower of Life. Spanning across cultures and civilisations, this intricate pattern holds within its symmetrical petals the secrets of creation, the universe, and the very essence of existence itself. From the temples of ancient Egypt to the sacred sites of India, the Flower of Life has captivated the minds of mystics, philosophers, and seekers of truth for millennia.

The Healing Power of Sound: Exploring the Science Behind Sound Healing

6 February 2024
The Healing Power of Sound
Throughout history, various cultures have recognised the profound impact of sound on the human mind and body. From ancient chanting practices to modern-day sound baths, the therapeutic use of sound has evolved into a field known as sound healing or sonic therapy. This article delves into the scientific underpinnings of the healing power of sound, sound baths as a healing modality and exploring how vibrations and frequencies can positively influence our physical, emotional, and mental well-being.