Pine Pollen Powder

Ultimate Superfood 200+ Bioactive Nutrients / Vitamins / Minerals
Weight150-300g (5.29-10.58 oz.) Powder

Ancient Purity Presents Pine Pollen Powder. Pine Pollen is the perfect foundation for elite nutrition. This super-charged elixir contains over 200 bioactive nutrients, vitamins, and minerals. Pine Pollen is harvested only from the trees’ finest cones. We are so happy to launch this Ancient Superfood, Pine Pollen has been used in traditional Chinese and Korean Medicine for over 2,000 years as a health restorative and Longevity Tonic. The oldest recording of it is "The Pandect of Materia Medica" by Shen Nong, written during the Han dynasty. It is traditionally known as a powerful Jing - Enhancing herb, which loosely translates to vital essence or life-force. The Taoists believe that we are born with a certain amount of Jing and when it runs out, we cease to have life-force. (Taoists believe in spiritual immortality) Only a handful of herbs able to restore of Jing in the body, Pine Pollen is one of them. The abundance of phenylalanine in Pine Pollen is associated with the synthesis of dopamine in the brain, the neurotransmitter responsible for inducing feelings of happiness. When dealing with stress, it is crucial to restore hormonal balance and Pine Pollen can aid in this endeavor by promoting a state of contentment. Also DHEA, found in Pine Pollen, can assist in hormone production, including testosterone and oestrogen, and provide support to the adrenal glands. This is ideal for Men 18-40 and women. For men over 40 we recommend the Pine Pollen Tincture (See Related Products).

£18.99 £15.82
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  • Pure Pine Pollen Powder.
  • Produced to ecological standards, free from agro-chemicals, non-irradiated and GMO-free. 
  • Take 2 teaspoons of Ancient Purity Pine Pollen Powder daily, mix to dissolve in filtered water, juice or smoothies. Or take Pine Pollen as directed by your healthcare practitioner. Do not exceed the recommended daily intake.
  • Our Pine Pollen Powder can also be mixed into cooking as a healthy thickener, perfect in a curry.

NOTE: Ancient Purity Pine Pollen is non-toxic and safe to ingest but as with all holistic medicine and supplements, it’s important to follow the guidelines for usage. Only take the recommended dosage and if you have pre-existing health conditions, run it by your GP first. Please note that excessive servings of Pine Pollen may have a laxative effect. You should check for allergies or sample a tiny amount before using.

Pine Pollen Powder is believed to have anti-ageing properties, help to alleviate various health issues, and boost testosterone. Scientific research into Pine Pollen Powder's health benefits is ongoing. The promising results so far indicate it has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Ancient Purity Pine Pollen Powder contains natural phytoandrogens; a functional source of plant based molecules that offer an alternate to synthetic or prescription hormone. Like phytoestrogens, these phytoandrogens play an equal role in both ageing males and females

  • Brand: Ancient Purity.
  • Size: 200/400g (7.05-14.10 oz.).
  • Container: Kraft Paper Pouch.
  • Estimated shelf life from purchase: 1 - 2 years.
  • Storage: Keep in a cool dry place, keep out of reach of children.

Pine Pollen Powder Lowdown

While you may be familiar with Pollen as an allergen, Pine Pollen has long been used in traditional medicine. It's known to have anti-ageing properties, treat various health conditions, and boost testosterone.

Pine Pollen Pancakes with Bush Apple Syrup & Inca Berries


  • ¾ cup almond flour. 
  • ¼ cup Ancient Purity Pine Pollen Powder. 
  • 2 teaspoons baking powder. 
  • 1 large egg. 
  • 1 tablespoon unsalted butter melted. 
  • ¾ cup buttermilk 
  • 1 tablespoon Honey.
  • ¼ teaspoon Ancient Purity Celtic Sea Salt. 
  • A few scrapes of fresh lemon zest.


  • Whisk the wet ingredients.
  • In a separate bowl mix the dry ingredients, then fold into the wet.
  • If the mixture looks thick, add a splash of filtered water. 
  • Cook two tablespoons of the batter at a time to make small sized pancakes. 
  • Serve each person 3 pancakes each with warm Inca Berries, soft butter and some Bush Apple Syrup.

TIP: You can sprinkle them with some Ancient Purity Sandalwood Nuts too.

Pine Pollen Cacao Treats


  • 1/2 cup organic cacao butter. 
  • 1/3 cup organic coconut butter. 
  • 1/4 cup Ancient Purity Organic Virgin Coconut Oil. 
  • 1/2 a cup of Ancient Purity Organic Raw Cacao Powder. 
  • 1/3 cup Grass-Fed Collagen Powder. 
  • 2-3 tablespoons of Ancient Purity Pine Pollen Powder. 
  • optional: 1-2 tablespoons of your preferred sweetener (Raw Honey, maple syrup for or coconut sugar for vegans) 
  • Pinch of Ancient Purity Celtic Sea Salt.


  • In a double broiler, melt down the cacao butter, coconut butter, coconut oil, Ancient Purity Celtic Sea Salt and optional sweetener (stir to speed up the process.) 
  • Remove from heat once melted, and divide into two separate bowls. • In bowl A: add your pine pollen powder 
  • In bowl B: add Ancient Purity Cacao Powder, and Collagen Powder.

TIP: Let the chocolate cool a little bit at this stage, if you use it still hot it will be harder to work with.

  • In your chocolate moulds, dot the yellow pine pollen chocolate using a toothpick. This first layer is your “pattern”- switch it up and get creative (which will probably happen naturally because it’s difficult to be precise)
  • Place this initial layer in the freezer for 2 minutes to let it set.
  • Remove the trays from the freezer and add your second layer of chocolate (the cacao version this time). Leave a little space to add another layer of the pine pollen chocolate. 
  • Freeze for 5 minutes, and then remove from the freezer and add another layer of pine pollen chocolate. 
  • Place in the freezer to set for 15 minutes, and store in the freezer until consumed! (They can stay in there indefinitely with no problem.)
  • Enjoy!

Pine Pollen Hangover Cure Drink


  • 1.5 Cups Coconut Water. 
  • 1 Tablespoon Lemon Juice 
  • 1 Teaspoon Ancient Purity Pine Pollen Powder. 
  • 1 Teaspoon Ancient Purity Camu Camu Powder. 
  • 0.5 Teaspoon Tremella Mushroom Extract Powder. 
  • 5-10 drops Ancient Purity Fulvic Acid Minerals 
  • 1-2 drops Red Pine Needle Oil 
  • Pinch of Ancient Purity Celtic Sea Salt.


  • Add all the ingredients into a blender.
  • Blast on high for 5-10 seconds. 
  • Sip, share, love and Enjoy!
  • Serves 1-2 Hangovers.
We have all been there before: that moment when you wake up after a big night out of drinking too much and feeling foggy, ill and sorry for ourselves, in a vulnerable state promising ourselves we'll never get drunk again. There is really nothing that can instantly get rid of a hangover. But there are some ways you can do to aid make you feel less like a zombie and get back on track to be 100% again. It's all about rehydrating and remineralising your body.

Q: What are Pine Pollen's health benefits?
A: Even more so than an herbal medicine, Pine Pollen is first and foremost a highly nutritious food (beyond a superfood), providing a myriad of wide-reaching health benefits. We love Pine Pollen at Ancient Purity, which is why we provide it. Pine Pollen is used to promote testosterone levels, regulate oestrogen levels, and to support improvement in immune function and holistic health throughout the body. Current research indicates Pine Pollen promotes strong anti-ageing benefits and adaptogenic, tonifying effects on the body.

This is partly due to its very specific amino acid profile. On top of that, Pine Pollen is a “natural stimulant,” and for many people, it is more energising than caffeine without the jittery empty stimulation from coffee. Additionally, Pine Pollen aids in recovery time from exercise and promotes building lean muscle. In this way, we see energy increases, we see fat loss, and we see an increase in lean muscle. We also see Type 2 Diabetes improvements, ED improvement, and greater libido. And less sleep may be needed—because without relying on stimulants deep sleep is increased—waking is refreshed without the reliance on caffeine.



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