MSG is Bad for You & How to Detox from MSG
Earlier this morning I got into a conversation with someone about how toxic MSG is. I thought ok easy I'll tell them then open up a search engine and show them all the sites showing information about how toxic it is. I even use a non Google "freedom" search engine for it. What did I see? websites, mainstream news sites, the usual controlled health sites always at the top of searches, all saying the same garbage. Is MSG really that bad? Is MSG bad after all? Yes it bloody well is! It's toxic poison! All of the sites trying to manipulate people to think oh MSG is actually not that bad, Yes it is that bad, it's poisonous toxic garbage that will wreck your health. I have had enough of this poison infecting the world, no more!. I dedicate an amount of my time to exposing the dangers of toxins. I do spend time being healthy, happy and free, enjoying life and I focus on the positive, but I also have to shine the light on the dark side as an act of service. I couldn't find an easy simple article explaining how bad MSG is. So i'm writing it myself, so I can go... here you are look at this!
So please share this with every human being willing to listen, let's take down the cabal and make humans healthy again, let's end the toxic garbage. Let's start with ending consumption of MSG. A silent and pervasive health threat, more harmful than alcohol and drugs. Monosodium glutamate (MSG) is a flavour enhancer commonly associated with Chinese cuisine but actually present in thousands of everyday foods. Don't single out the Chinese either I found it in all the Thai restaurants too, wait don't single out Thai food, it's in bloody everything!. Consume a significant portion of your diet as processed foods or restaurant meals, you and your family are ingesting MSG regularly. MSG is one of the most harmful food additives available, found in products like canned soups, crackers, meats, salad dressings, frozen dinners, and more. It's ubiquitous in supermarkets, restaurants, school cafeterias, and even shockingly, in baby food. Unlike salt and pepper, MSG intensifies the flavour of foods, making processed meats and frozen dinners taste fresher, salad dressings more savoury, and canned foods less metallic. This additive could be quietly and gradually causing significant harm to your health. Avoid it from this moment forth and don't even bother reading the rest of the article. But if you want to save lives and explain to others why not to consume it, read on.
Where this crap started
In 1908, monosodium glutamate (MSG) was invented by Kikunae Ikeda, a Japanese scientist who discovered a natural flavour-enhancing compound in seaweed. Inspired by this substance, Ikeda and his partner developed the synthetic additive MSG and eventually founded Ajinomoto, now the world's largest producer of MSG and notably also a pharmaceutical manufacturer. From a chemical perspective, MSG consists of roughly 78% free glutamic acid, 21% sodium, and up to 1% contaminants. Contrary to popular belief, MSG is neither a flavour nor a meat tenderiser. In fact, it has little taste on its own. Instead, MSG enhances the perception of protein-rich flavours in food by stimulating a lesser-known fifth basic taste called umami.
Umami, the taste of glutamate, is a savory flavor prevalent in many Japanese dishes, bacon, and the controversial additive MSG. This is why foods containing MSG often taste richer, more robust, and generally more appealing than those without it. MSG's widespread use in the United States began after World War II when the U.S. military noticed that Japanese rations, enhanced with MSG, were tastier than their American counterparts. In 1959, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) classified MSG as "Generally Recognized as Safe" (GRAS), a status it still holds today. However, just a decade later, the term "Chinese Restaurant Syndrome" appeared in medical literature, describing a range of symptoms, from numbness to heart palpitations, that people reported after consuming MSG. Today, this condition is more accurately referred to as "MSG Symptom Complex," which the FDA describes as "short-term reactions" to MSG. More on those reactions will be discussed later.
What MSG actually does to humans
One of the most comprehensive examinations of the genuine dangers posed by MSG comes from Dr. Russell Blaylock, a board-certified neurosurgeon and author of Excitotoxins: The Taste that Kills. In his book, he explains that MSG is an excitotoxin, meaning it overstimulates your cells to the point of damage or death, leading to varying degrees of brain damage—and potentially even triggering or exacerbating conditions such as learning disabilities, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, Lou Gehrig’s disease, and more. A significant part of the issue is that free glutamic acid is the same neurotransmitter utilised by your brain, nervous system, eyes, pancreas, and other organs to initiate certain processes in your body. Even the FDA acknowledges:
"Studies have shown that the body uses glutamate, an amino acid, as a nerve impulse transmitter in the brain and that there are glutamate-responsive tissues in other parts of the body, as well. Abnormal function of glutamate receptors has been linked with certain neurological diseases, such as Alzheimer's disease and Huntington's chorea. Injections of glutamate in laboratory animals have resulted in damage to nerve cells in the brain." Despite the FDA’s continued assertion that consuming MSG in food does not cause these harmful effects, many other experts disagree. According to Dr. Blaylock, numerous glutamate receptors have been identified within both the heart's electrical conduction system and the heart muscle itself. This can be detrimental to heart health and may even explain the sudden deaths sometimes observed among young athletes. He states:
"When an excess of food-borne excitotoxins, such as MSG, hydrolysed protein, soy protein isolate and concentrate, natural flavouring, sodium caseinate, and aspartate from aspartame, are consumed, these glutamate receptors are overstimulated, producing cardiac arrhythmias. When magnesium stores are low, as we see in athletes, the glutamate receptors are so sensitive that even low levels of these excitotoxins can result in cardiac arrhythmias and death." Many other adverse effects have also been associated with regular consumption of MSG, including:
- Depression.
- Obesity.
- Headaches.
- Eye damage.
- Fatigue & disorientation.
Furthermore, even the FDA admits that "short-term reactions" known as MSG Symptom Complex can occur in certain groups of people, particularly those who have consumed "large doses" of MSG or those with asthma. According to the FDA, MSG Symptom Complex can involve symptoms such as:
- Headache.
- Nausea.
- Chest pain or difficulty breathing.
- Numbness.
- Rapid heartbeat.
- Burning sensation.
- Tingling.
- Facial pressure or tightness.
- Drowsiness.
- Weakness.
The exact number of people who may be "sensitive" to MSG is unknown, but studies from the 1970s suggested that 25 to 30 percent of the U.S. population was intolerant of MSG at levels then found in food. Given that the use of MSG has increased significantly since that time, it is now estimated that up to 40 percent of the population may be affected.
How to Identify if MSG is in Your Food
Food manufacturers are well aware that consumers like you are keen to avoid this harmful food additive. So, how have they responded? While a few may have removed MSG from their products, the majority have simply tried to "clean" their labels. Essentially, they attempt to disguise the presence of MSG by using names that you wouldn’t typically associate with it. The FDA requires that food manufacturers list "monosodium glutamate" on food labels, but they are not obligated to label ingredients that contain free glutamic acid, even though it is the primary component of MSG. There are over 40 labelled ingredients that contain glutamic acid, but you’d never recognise them just from their names alone. Additionally, in some foods, glutamic acid is formed during processing, and food labels provide no way of determining this for certain.
Tips for Keeping MSG Out of Your Diet
Generally speaking, if a food is processed, you can assume it contains MSG (or one of its hidden ingredients). By adhering to a diet of whole, fresh foods, you can largely avoid this toxin. Restaurants are another area where you need to be cautious. You can ask your server which menu items are free of MSG and request that no MSG be added to your meal. However, the only place where you can be entirely certain of what’s in your food is in your own kitchen. To be on the safe side, it’s also important to be aware of which ingredients to avoid on packaged food labels.
This is a list I made of ingredients that ALWAYS contain MSG, meaning I have not seen or know any of these to exist without MSG aka toxic crap in.
- Autolysed Yeast
- Calcium Caseinate
- Gelatin
- Glutamate
- Glutamic Acid
- Hydrolyzed Protein
- Monopotassium Glutamate
- Monosodium Glutamate
- Sodium Caseinate
- Textured Protein
- Yeast Extract
- Yeast Food
- Yeast Nutrient
The following list is ingredients which OFTEN contain MSG or create MSG during processing
- Flavours and Flavourings
- Seasonings
- Natural Flavours and Flavourings
- Natural Pork Flavouring
- Natural Beef Flavouring
- Natural Chicken Flavouring
- Soy Sauce
- Soy Protein Isolate
- Soy Protein
- Bouillon
- Stock
- Broth
- Malt Extract
- Malt Flavouring
- Barley Malt
- Anything Enzyme Modified
- Carrageenan
- Maltodextrin
- Pectin
- Enzymes
- Protease
- Corn Starch
- Citric Acid
- Powdered Milk
- Anything Protein Fortified
- Anything Ultra-Pasteurised
So, if you do consume processed foods then stop, no really stop, what's wrong with you? don't eat them. Deciding to minimise or eliminate MSG from your diet is a smart choice for everyone. While it may require a bit more planning and time in the kitchen to prepare meals at home using fresh, locally sourced ingredients, the benefits are well worth the effort. Knowing that your food is pure and free from harmful additives like MSG provides peace of mind. Moreover, opting for whole foods will not only enhance the flavour of your meals but also provide greater health benefits compared to any MSG-laden processed food you might find in the supermarket.
Detox from MSG
Ok let's now cover how to remove any residue of this garbage...
Drink plenty of pure, clean Water: Drink throughout the day to help flush out any toxins from your system. Consider adding in Fulvic Acid Minerals to powerfully enhance this.
Support Your Liver: Consume detoxifying foods such as leafy greens (like spinach and kale), cruciferous vegetables (like broccoli and Brussels sprouts), garlic, and turmeric. Consider Milk Thistle, it supports liver detoxification. We have the power or capsules, both work here.
Boost Glutathione Levels: Glutathione is a powerful antioxidant that helps detoxify your body. Foods rich in sulphur (like garlic, onions, and cruciferous vegetables) and foods high in selenium (like Brazil nuts) can help boost glutathione production. You could take our MSM Organic Sulphur here and consider our Liposomal Glutathione here.
Exercise Regularly: Physical activity supports detoxification by increasing circulation and promoting sweating, which can help eliminate toxins.
Consider a Probiotic Supplement: Supporting gut health with probiotics can improve digestion and overall detoxification processes. We have a great Probiotic Supplement here.
Get Adequate Sleep: Sleep is essential for the body's natural detoxification processes. Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night. I wrote a very comprehensive Sleep Guide here.
Choose life friend, choose health and happiness and stop supporting their garbage. Ask in restaurants if you eat out not to put it in. Be healthy, happy and free. Free of MSG another toxic poison of the cabal. Live well, be free of this, you will feel better, now go forth and spread the good word. Blessed be, Tom